Every letter in your alphabet, like every key on the piano, has its own vibration. The Alpha and Omega, or the "A" and the "Z", or the Beginning and the Ending is My Title. That "A" and "Z", or Beginning and End is also the symbol of man's journey from the throne of Light out in its great circle of development and progress back again to that throne of Eternal Light, glorified and endowed with knowledge and infinite power. It is the Great Amen.
And every word is also a symbol. The written symbol or the spoken symbol are but a witness of the power behind the word.
Words can become winged messengers of power when released by that inner understanding. No word should ever be wasted. Words are clothed with power when sent forth under strict control, or under great wrath. In either case they go forth with the power of their fulfillment contained within them.
Harsh, angry words are two-edged swords for whatever word is sent forth in blasphemy, wrath or viciousness or unclean words of vile speech will help to disintegrate the very cells of the body and produces a degeneracy of mind, body and soul. Their defiling influences debase the mind, giving the sensual powers the keys of control and one becomes no better than the animals, for he is considered "sub-mortal", or below human.
It is the thinking and feeling behind evil words that bring the full inflow of retribution. Yea, angry words are deadly in their destructive force when hurled forth under intense wrath or hate.
Every vibration, when born of thought and emotion, produces a re-action in the universe that is immeasurable. Only from this higher realm can the force of such vibrations be comprehended.
When these great emotions are clothed with sound, which makes them tangible even to mortal senses, their power is increased an hundredfold.
You speak truth when you express a woman's envy or dislike in such words, as: "She looked daggers at me!" Yea, it is quite so. You can ward off these daggers only by sending out love and compassion. Also are spoken these words: "If looks could kill --". Looks can kill. Looks can be very deadly if behind them is a thought and emotion that is filled with an evil passion, hate, jealousy, fear or malice. But know this, my children, the destructive force is released first in and through the sender's being. It is a two-edged sword. One edge smites the wielder and the other his foe.
The vibrations, or entities sent out, endowed with the power of sound, will travel back again upon the inroads over which they go forth, out through the eyes, the voice, the heart, the fist, the cells and fibres, and returning lodge in the living tissues of the sender, to bring their warring discord into every cell, muscle, nerve and structure of his own body, to disintegrate and destroy.
Yea, looks can kill. But know always that evil is born as a two-edged sword and bears the burden of its going forth. For both the sender and the receiver are jarred and injured by the impact of the destructive vibrations unless the recipient's understanding is enlarged to combat such violence.
"Love your enemies. Pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you." And know fully and truly that the powers to be forgiven are contained in your own divine power to forgive. This power within you is one of your great God-given attributes. When it is developed and used you will know that you are beginning to fulfill the command to become perfect.
My lovely children, a sneer is deadly in its sting. Its venom can be more poisonous than the sting of the adder. In a sneer are the vibrations of belittling contempt that can literally slay and individual's confidence in every worthwhile thing, himself, his fellowmen and God. A sneer also is a two-edged sword. First through the sender's face it must go to bring a shadow and the promise of its retributive forces that will return, and the lingering ugliness of its fulfilled promise to become permanent in future days.
There is no law to protect the sender from that which he releases in thought, word or feeling. Those vibrations are his own, borne of himself, and he will become them as they return unto him, multiplied. There is only one way by which he can be spared from their returning vengeance and that is by an immediate repentance. By an awareness of his misdirected, uncontrolled, destructive, evil thought or word or sneer he has the power to send forth speedy messengers of love and light to overtake the bearer of his ills, and thus recalling them, or transforming them, the entities of error and destruction can lose their power or be completely transformed, or converted. Such is the power of the sender.
For the receiver there is always a way of escape. He has but to keep himself clothed in love. If the hate-filled vibrations of another reach him, clothed in this divine armour of Christ, or Light, they are immediately deflected and can do no harm whatsoever. These vibrations, or entities will be instantly transformed into Light upon this contact and will be reflected back with added force to the sender, which, if he will accept can bring healing to him in all its infinite power. Such is your power to heal, my beloved ones. Yea, let this love go forth from you to help bind up the wounds and to heal the evils and the discords and hates of a world.
As your love transforms the messengers of darkness into powers of light they will return to him who released them as blessings, that he might be forever healed. If, however, he rejects this light you return to him in love, then will his transgression be doubled and he will more speedily destroy himself.
Your concern is not whether he accepts these converted, glorified entities you return to him. That is entirely between the sender and God. Your one and only concern is to see to it that from you returns nothing but love, compassion, infinite mercy and forgiveness. In other words, you are to pray for him with all that great power of forgiving love which is yours to purify, develop and bring forth. Every opportunity such as the wrath or hate of a neighbor is an opportunity to perfect yourselves in loving and forgiving.
Remember your responsibility, my beloved, as you travel these crowded highways of destruction as they seethe in impatience and turbulent confusion. He who shouts at you or sends his daggers of discord at you, needs the immediate outpouring of your love. Forgive him instantly and return his vibrations to him as divine messengers of love and light. His very life may be thus held in your hands. For it is in your power to help stop the great slaughter along your busy, crowded thoroughfares. Yea, begin to comprehend and use the divine powers with which you are endowed and feel them increase within you.
Know also the power of your spoken words. No word should ever be spoken in wrath, irritation or at random. Chatter is a waste of the infinite powers of the universe. Yea, beloved, "Let your minds and lips lose their power to hurt and wound, and then shall your voices truly be heard among the gods." Let naught but love go forth from you that the great, divine healing might come, first to yourselves, then reach out to heal and bless your associates, and on out to the whole world. It is through you, my children, that the healing must come.
Yea, there is no law to protect the sender from the effects of his evil except his own instantaneous repentance or his acceptance of your forgiving love.
The Hopi Indians, who in past years, through deep trouble and anguish learned to use this power of surrounding themselves with light, though they understood it not nor comprehended the how or why of its reality. But using the power, they can draw, what appears to be an imaginary line, over which none can cross, except in love, They but draw upon their own inner forces to establish a barrier that is stronger than steel.
There need be no "mist-tree" concerning this power, which is yours to use.
Each of you, my beloved, has untold power being unused, mis-used or abused. Let this not be, but learn to walk with me in divine majesty. Yea, within yourselves is the power of contact with the infinite forces of Almighty God, our Father, power to transform you into masters of Light and love. Yea, there is power to subdue the earth and all the evil conditions upon it, power to touch eternity and play new melodies upon the stars.
Harsh, metallic voices are voices that have never breathed love into their words, never found contact with that inner source of Light, never vibrated with the unspeakable glory of compassion and forgiving, never touched upon the kingdom of their souls, though they may have thought they were serving me all the days of their lives. Yea, and often the service of such has been rendered in bigotry and self-righteousness with naught but condemnation for all who did not agree with them and their own brand of life. Service without compassionate love and mercy is of no value, either to me or to my children.
Power and blessings follow naught but the service of loving forgiveness, infinite compassion, divine mercy and love such as God holds. Give this caliber of service and you will begin to walk with God. His powers will become your powers, and in your hands will be the blessings that will help restore and glorify the earth on which you dwell.