Beautiful, earth-born children, lost in the sensual maze of your five earthly senses, listen while I touch you with the finger of light and open up the doors of your understanding. Your five senses are the gifts of the flesh, and by them your minds are endowed with earthly knowledge and given a comprehension of all the things you have experienced. All information brought into your mortal minds, thus far, has been through your five physical senses, the sense of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing.
The sixth sense is a subject shied away from as a thing of mystery. This sixth sense is the most easy of all to comprehend for it is but the power to think. It is actually the sense of "thinking". The other five senses are connected with the brain and send their information to it. The sixth sense is located within the brain and is the power of the thinking mind to formulate opinions, to weigh conditions, to measure a situation and to evaluate information.
Taste is in the mouth and also in the nose. The sense of smell is in the nostrils. Vision is in the eyes while the sense of touch is in the nervous system and is registered in every part of the body. The sixth sense is in the brain and is associated with the power of thought.
Beyond the sixth sense is the seventh. It is the sense of inner feeling, or of intuition. In most it is dormant until comprehended. It can be developed and most certainly should be.
This seventh sense, this sacred sense of intuition is the sense of spiritual touch, or knowing. It is a sensitiveness of being that has the power to contact the spiritual. It is the touch that turns belief into "KNOWING". It is a faculty of the soul that was meant to work in conjunction with the mind. It is most refined and spiritual. The mind itself is the link between the physical and the spiritual in man. This seventh sense has the faculty of actually touching the things that are not registered on any of the other senses. My daughters usually have this seventh sense developed more than my sons, for they, as a rule, are more sensitive and more delicately constituted.
To deny this sense because its functions are not registered on the other six senses is not wise. Each sense has its own function and that which one tastes is not registered on the hearing. Neither are the things one sees necessarily registered on the smell or touch. Occasionally these senses overlap in their functioning. Taste and smell are very closely related. But each has its own distinct work and power and purpose. Therefore because this seventh sense is not registered on the other five senses does not disprove it. Yea, describe to another the taste of an apple, the smell of a rose, the color of a sunset to him who is blind, the glory of a symphony without the instruments to produce a single note, nor the voice to sing.
This seventh sense is less understood only because it is less developed in most people than are the other senses. And it is true that some senses are more keen in some than in others. Some of your own senses may be more intensely sensitive than others.
The purpose and mission of the senses is to give information which accumulates as experience, upon the brain. For instance, if you get burned you learn by sight to discern what is hot, and by touch what the result of that contact means to you.
The six senses were meant to be the obedient servants of man in his physical existence. However they have not always been the servants but have more often been the rulers. When they are permitted to rule they become tyrants and their function grows out of bounds and becomes what was anciently called sensual. "Mankind, from that day forth become carnal, sensual and devilish." Carnal means worldly. Greed, lust, passions and all animal appetites rule in riotous tyranny and man becomes the slave. Wild thoughts run rampant and uncontrolled, and untold evils are the result. Gluttonous appetites and lusts are developed and one degenerates back to the uncontrolled instincts of the animal.
Because of these negative conditions that have come forth through the uncontrolled senses there have been false teachers who have taught that the senses should be deadened. They have viewed the evils of an over-indulgence in the appetites and the complete enslaving of mankind who indulge in them and assumed that the answer is to destroy them. This should never be considered, for it is an answer that brings naught but dullness and a complete deadening of all the glorious equipment with which man was so graciously endowed. If one abuses these divine gifts they automatically become deadened and less keen in the ability to bring joy in the perfection of God's surroundings and divine blessings. The senses, should, if possible, be intensified by the joy of thanksgiving. But they should always be understood and in complete control. They were meant to be your servants and through them you may learn to comprehend your surroundings and to fulfill your destiny in singing honor, not in deadened existence.
The precious senses, given so graciously to man, should be more keenly developed, intensified and fully appreciated. Through these sacred senses come all your enjoyments of the great creations of the Almighty. And "Man IS that he might have joy."
Learn to appreciate more fully the beauty your eyes behold in tree and flower and fountain and sky, and in the faces of your fellowmen. Learn to rejoice in the melody of music and in the lilting song of the bird. Learn to be thankful for the pure, wholesome food, not too over-spiced nor over-seasoned, but in the Father's gifts of great abundance, and as near as He created them as possible. Learn to rejoice more fully in the fragrance of a flower. Let these five senses become to you the messengers of joy. And "Joy is of the saints, and who can put it on but they alone?" To receive a fullness of joy or "A fullness of God," which has been promised to those who would overcome darkness and become filled with that singing song of gratitude is almost synonymous. This joyous ecstasy of singing gratitude prepares one literally for a "Fullness of God."
Train your minds to think only the most beautiful things possible. Learn to rejoice and let that song of inner rejoicing sing in your souls in eternal gratitude for that song of vibrating joy is my Spirit springing into activity within you. This joy is the contact with that sacred seventh sense, and by the inner song of joyous ecstasy and thankfulness and appreciation that divine sense will be developed.
And now, my dearly beloved, I would reveal to you a new mystery. There are seven colors in the rainbow. There are seven notes in an octave. The eighth color is but the first one repeated again. Your rainbow can be repeated again and again in endless multiple expression as purple blends into indigo and indigo into blue and blue into green and green into yellow and yellow into orange and orange into red and red into purple. And so on. Endlessly. Each color related to those on either side.
So it is with music also. Each tone or note is related to the one above and the one below it. Each note is a link in the eternal melody of sound and harmony even as each color is a link in the prism of painted glory. The next note above the octave is but the first note of the following octave.
And now, beloved, another mystery I will reveal. When all the seven colors are gathered back into the one they become the pure white, the ONE. And to him who has the ears developed to hear, which few have ever done, he could hear the seven tones of an octave blended into one master tone and it would be the great keynote of all harmony, the chime of the great undertone of the universe. The vibration of God! The overtone of pure creation and Life eternal.
And now, to make it more comprehensible, when the sixth and seventh senses are developed one goes into the great stage of all-knowing, or complete comprehension. It is the state in which he not only hears music but he also sees it. And it is registered upon his entire being. He not only smells the perfume of the flower he sees it and hears it, for it is but vibration.
Yea, all things are an eternal harmony of vibration. Some of these vibrations are expressed on taste, others on touch or smell or hearing, or sight. Yet do they all belong to the ONE, which is the faculty of All-knowing. When one learns to intensify the senses in joyous, loving gratitude and praise they become the great ALLNESS of complete comprehension, the state of actually knowing and one is filled with the fullness of God, or the fullness of joy and understanding and power, with a complete knowledge of God. This is Life Eternal!
It is now, therefore, the seventh sense and its power and development which I desire to reveal to you. The brain is an organ of the physical being. It is mortal and of the flesh. Since its servants and helpers and power to operate are the first five senses it is limited completely to physical experiences and physical knowledge, unless it has the seal removed, which has caused it to remain blind. This sixth sense which is the power of thought is from the mortal, physical brain. It comprehends, of itself, only tangible things. But this is not its complete power of functioning. It has the power, when developed, to contact the spiritual. This comes when the power to "believe" is developed, then one need no longer go about in what has always been known as "blindness of mind."
As one begins to love God with all his heart, the mind is touched by that outflowing love and can be transformed from a mere physical organ to one in contact with the divine. Such unsealed minds can be endowed with divine purpose and spiritual functioning and will then find contact with the seventh sense, or inner knowing.
You, my beloved, who have truly sought so that you might begin to fulfill that First and Great Commandment, have begun to touch upon the kingdom of the soul and you have learned that in the very center of your beings is another seat of knowing, more perfect and complete than the physical brain. It is where the voice of conscience dwells. It is where the subconscious mind is situated, that marvelous servant or sense that makes all things possible for you. No one can become proficient in anything unless he gains the aid of that deep subconscious mind that never sleeps, never forgets, never tires and has eternal contact with the very throne of God through the superconscious mind. Learn to become aware of this beautiful "Helper" within. Demand of it assistance when you wish to learn something, master some knowledge, or to remember or recall some forgotten truth. Demand its assistance in whatever endeavor you undertake and it will bring you to a degree of perfect mastery.
Within this subconscious mind is the seventh sense. Within it is the power of mastery over any given task. No one ever learned to walk without its aid. None ever learned to operate a machine proficiently, to type, drive a car or ride a bicycle without its abundant help. No one ever became a great musician or mastered any art or profession without its unsleeping, untiring assistance. It is the sacred "HELPER". Learn to be aware of this divine Helper within and appreciate it, giving thanks for its unwearing help. As your awareness increases you will have contact or use of that divine seventh sense. And by the development of the seventh sense all the senses may be blended into the one Great "All-Knowing and All-power, or the superconscious Mind.
This super-conscious mind is the power that is reached by the pure in heart. It is completely spiritual and is situated in the very top of the head. It was known to Enoch and the wise ones of old, as Mt. Zion. Yea, my servant Isaiah described it in his thirty-fifth chapter and reveals to those of spiritual insight that this is the Zion that all must reach who would behold the face of God. This is the Zion to which my beloved ones among this generation will come, singing their songs of everlasting joy. It is the perfecting of that inner, joyous song of gratitude, thanksgiving and love that bears you to the very realms on high, to the Mount Zion, the pure in heart, or the condition of complete purification of heart. And the wicked can never cross over to it, nor the blind and rebellious, though a fool need not err therein.
All the senses are spiritual, intangible, inexplicable, delicate beyond comprehension though registered upon the physical brain, bringing a comprehension of physical, tangible surroundings. Nevertheless, they are spiritual, as are the sixth and seventh sense, but which also have the power to contact the spiritual.
Intensify those senses by giving thanks to God for every beautiful, tangible gift of creation. Let your eyes drink in the wonders of the heavens, and the beauties of the earth and give praise. Let your ears rejoice in melody and you will begin to hear the symphony of the universe echoed in the joy of your own heart. Let your mind remember that it is a gift of God that reveals to you the vibrating essence of perfume, the taste of luscious fruit, the touch of satin.
Let joy increase within you and ascend to the purification of your hearts, the Zion of your own existence, with songs of everlasting joy.
Everything in the universe, in the world and in scripture is symbolical of the things, conditions and powers right within you, my dearly beloved.