The brain is a physical organ in a mortal body. It is sensitive and intricate and wonderfully made, yet it is physical and will die when the body dies.
It is the mind contained within the brain that is the greatest mystery. The mind will never die. It is not physical. It is spiritual. It is fluid and can reach out to the very farthest star. It can center itself in an atom and examine its component parts. It can explore the inside workings of the human body and the brain. It can reach out to explore the very universe. To the mind there is neither time nor space. It is above both time and space and is hampered by neither. It can return in an instant into the past and relive an experience of childhood. It can re-visit places of the long ago. It can enter the courtrooms and palaces of foreign lands or stand upon the shores of far-off seas. It is unrestricted in the scope of its wanderings and its searchings.
The mind can kneel before the throne of God in humble adoration. It can travel the highway of the stars.
It is the mind of man and the powers contained within it that one must begin to comprehend as he enters the temple of his soul. It is the mind that must be sent into those innermost recesses of one's being and open up the doors to the Light of Christ.
The world, nations, churches, dictators and advertisers are all battling for the minds of men.
If a man's mind is enslaved then his soul is enslaved also. The soul can only be brought forth as supreme ruler of the physical flesh when the mind has turned to God and become subdued with His love. The mind must be bought into control in order to subdue all things. One must truly learn to love God with all his mind. Love is the natural habitant of the mind. And mind finds its only repose enfolded in the Light of Love, which is peace.
The mind has been the prodigal son that has wandered in far places and squandered its resources and inheritance. Its wandering, wasted thoughts have used up its energies and its powers. Its seeds of fertility have been wasted in riotous living or in indolent idleness. Its very forces and powers have been squandered on harlotic, forbidden things. It has gathered hates and discords into its embrace and cast out love in many instances.
And yet, it is the mind of man that has the power of contact with the soul. And when its powers are developed and used it can enter the very realms of God, a welcome and a feasted son. This is why it is so necessary to cast out one's idle thoughts. It is the vagrant, or idle thoughts that keep the mind occupied in far-places. But it is the evil, selfish, fear thoughts that have entered the temple and made it a den of thieves. The temple of man has become defiled by them and unless they are driven out and ejected the temple must be destroyed.
It is within the mind that the undeveloped, all-seeing eye is contained. In most individuals this great divine, Spiritual eye has remained completely blind. This is known as "blindness of mind." Those who are afflicted with this blindness have no way of comprehending the things of the Spirit, at least not first-hand. These are those who must follow leaders, not realizing that their leaders are also blind.
Matthew 15:13-14: "Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." And the ditch into which the blind leaders are leading their followers is the grave.
It is this great spiritual blindness that has caused the world to remain "In its awful state of wickedness" that none have been able to comprehend the great and unspeakable things that have been hidden from the foundation of the world. This gross wickedness has caused generation after generation to be led like sheep into the ditch -- of death.
The churches have always represented the doorway to the graveyard. They have used only the teachings that prepare a man to die -- not how to live -- nor how to overcome. Nor have they revealed the way to the Life more abundant.
The churches have meant well, even as a blind man, who is leading his blind followers, means well. But the churches are the back door into the great life beyond. They preach long sermons about the "HEREAFTER", not realizing that it means the literal "HERE after" one has developed the eyes to see and the heart to understand. They administer their sugarcoated pills to the bereaved as a soothing sedative. Some even stand holding that back door ajar as they signal men to enter by their own little pet path.
It is within men's minds that the blindness must be overcome. It is not in the churches that one must struggle to bring the exalted vision. Each individual himself must seek to "see" as he learns to let the blind leaders follow their own roads, if so be they are determined, for those who cannot be taught must perish. The ones who think they have all the Light are in the greatest darkness of all. They are so sealed they cannot be taught. No word of Truth nor of Light can penetrate into their inner consciousness to awaken new thoughts. For this reason it is impossible, as yet, to reach the blinded, orthodoxed groups, sealed in their creeded conformity.
It is within each individual's mind that the blindness must be overcome. It is an individual thing. The way to receive the power of divine vision is very simple, so simple there need be no excuse for remaining blind.
The mind is spiritualized through love. Love God with all the mind and it will begin to receive the power to comprehend and behold the Light. Enfold the mind continually with this love. Bathe it in love. Send love only through it. Let only thoughts of love enter or go out from it and watch it begin to fulfill its glorified destiny in its expanding power of divine vision. As one learns to love God with all his mind, its blindness will be overcome. It is then that those great powers of inner, spiritual vision will be opened and one will begin to comprehend all things -- and all things will be overcome in him.
A "Seer" is one who has developed that great Spiritual eye that is contained in the mind. He can see through people and know all things concerning them, whether they are sincere or base hypocrites. He will know their intentions and even the stage of their development -- and their purpose in life and how well they are fulfilling that purpose. He will have the faculty to see through conditions and circumstances and will know the answer to all problems. He is divinely endowed to comprehend all things for, with his exalted vision, he truly walks with God.
All the appointments and offices and callings in this world will not make a man a "Seer". Unless one has, by humility and prayer and loving diligence, reached the point of contact with the Spirit of Almighty God, or been filled with that divine Light of Christ so that that eye becomes opened, "he is poor and wretched and miserable and blind and naked." There are those who pretend to have such gifts and powers and have them not. Their advice and their council and their actions issue forth from their own unenlightened thoughts. These are "The blind who are leading the blind -- and they will all fall into the ditch and perish."
Yet, within every man is the embryoed faculty to become a "seer". When one's eye becomes single to the glory of God, the gift of seership will come. It is such singleness of purpose that develops a gift so precious and so divine. Some, through pre-existent development and progress have this eye trained to a partial extent. The prophets of old had this divine gift and by it could foresee the future, for in the Spirit, the past, the present and the future are all one -- eternity.
The only perfect, sure way to develop this great inner vision is through learning to love God with all one's mind. This faculty, or gift of inner vision, is contained within the mind and can be developed through love and prayer and a divine reverence. Every thought must become a prayer of praising glory, a song of love and thanks and exquisite rejoicing.
And it is true that, "When one's mind and lips have lost the power to hurt and wound his voice will be heard among the Gods."
All one's hates and discords, fears and jealousies and doubts have taken hold of the mind like thieves. Drive out these negative forces of decay and destruction which are death. Let love be the only power or force harbored in the mind. Think only the most beautiful things possible and you will become as beautiful as the things you think.
Think only the most powerful things possible and you will become as powerful as the things you think.
"For he who would interpret the wonders of the Lord would be dissolved (or transformed) and would become that which he interprets."
Think only love and you will become that love and, with the developing of that love will be the power to look into the hearts and souls of men, even to the extent of "seership". You will know their needs and comprehend the word to speak or the act to perform to heal them and lift them from their darkness of thinking and stark blindness of dismay.
As you learn to comprehend the great power and the divine glory of your mind, thank God for it and the power contained in it. Glorify it and it will help to glorify you.
The mind is super-sensitive and powerful beyond anything man has been able to realize. It has been man's misuse of mind that has caused all the problems of the present day. Insanity is caused by the great ignorance of men regarding the mind and its powers. The mind, instead of being used as an instrument of creating, in love and perfection, has been overloaded with all the negative thoughts and forces of this darkened earth. Fears, jealousies, hates, discords, greeds and lusts have taken possession until it has become only an instrument of the evil forces of negation as they have been permitted to rule.
If the mind is perfected, through love, it will never become unbalanced, never age, never fail, nor become senile. The mind is a glorious, divine gift of unspeakable power. It is an instrument of unimagined strength when used correctly. And, as one guards the mind from every negative, evil thought, he will begin to comprehend the wonders of eternity and to create the dreams held, in hope, within his heart as well as have the gift of vision.
And what is It that can guard the mind in this manner? Yes, what is It that must stand as guardian over this precious mind? Must it stand guard over itself? No. It cannot guard itself. It is you who are the guardian of your mind and of your being. You, the great indwelling, spiritual you must guard it and by so doing will also guard yourself. You must become the master. Let no man, no church, no dictators, nor powers take over your mind. Guard it with your soul and it will serve you unfailingly. It will help to glorify you. It will become one of your greatest instruments of power. It holds the seeds of creation in which are contained the life-germ of all fulfillment.
The mind can link mortality with heaven and contact the very throne of God. Within the mind is the power to connect the physical being of man with the Spiritual powers of eternity.
This divine instrument, the mind, is awaiting YOUR command. You are its natural director, not some outside individual, power, or force. The mind can become but a grubby, physical, animal cess-pool of defilement, or an instrument of unutterable glory and power, accordingly as it is trained and directed. And always it is yours. Its powers are also yours, accordingly as you direct them.
The gift of consciousness is also held within the mind. As this consciousness is connected with that inner awareness, man is alerted to a state of preparation in which he can become anything he desires to become.
As the mind becomes conscious of that divine "Light of Christ that is given to abide in every man who cometh into the world," it has the power to contact that Light -- and to use it. It is the mind that must be used to bring that inner Light forth until it fills the temple. When this is accomplished the powers of the great Living Light will become active. This is the Path of Christ in which a man cannot fail nor commit errors.
It is also the mind that must keep those inner altar fires burning by keeping its awareness or consciousness centered upon that flame. It is the gift of consciousness that must also become more and more aware of that Holy Spirit within, until that knowledge is released to fill one's entire being. This is the knowledge that is power. When one actually knows a thing he can use that knowledge at all times and upon all occasions. To use knowledge, especially divine knowledge, is power unspeakable.
In schools and universities the mind is used to explore other men's thoughts and ideas that are contained in books, or in the minds of the instructors, and to store information. This is good as far as it goes. But it does not go far enough. The mind has been forced to cram itself with a clutter of lifeless information that one may never be able to use. Partly because much of it is in error. And it is always harder to unlearn than to learn.
It is true that knowledge has increased on the earth but not the knowledge of the great TRUTH that will make man free, nor the knowledge of how to live more abundantly, nor the knowledge that contains the keys of a man's happiness, nor is he taught how to find the assurance of security that is needed for his real and lasting peace. Neither is he given the keys to unlock the doors to his own hidden powers. More often the great seats of learning have only mis-used and abused the minds of those within their jurisdiction.
It is the mind that has the power to keep that inner flame alight. It is through the awareness of the mind that the Spirit is kept flowing as it pours out through the individual to cleanse and purify as the divine perfection of man is worked out. It is within this flame that the errors and mistakes are eliminated. This flame consumes the errors, the mistakes the sins and even the weaknesses of every man who will but hold himself within its glow. When one uses the mind to add his praise and love and gratitude to that flame, it is instantly potent with increased power.
"And I put off darkness and clothed myself with Light. And my soul acquired a body free from sorrow, or affliction or pain. And increasingly helpful to me was the thought of the Lord, and His fellowship in incorruption." (Ode of Solomon 21:2-4)
As one fills the sacred, divine instrument, the mind, with love and praise and gratitude, it will become a living power of glory that will exalt the individual to the stars. He who glorifies the mind will be glorified by it.
Thank God for the precious, divine, holy instrument the mind, and it will be brought into obedient, loving service. Its powers of creatorship will be yours to use in all their complete, fulfilling glory.
Go forth to meet this precious, prodigal son of thine and embrace it with thy loving affection. Then, my gracious friend, guard it forever with thy own great love. As it is filled with love it will also be filled with Light, even the "Light of Christ which is given to abide in you." Then you will be able to comprehend all things. And the great powers of eternity will be yours to use. You will become a creative thinker for your every thought will become allied with power. And the "Substance of things hoped for," will be yours to use, for you "Will create by the vision-seeing faculty within you." You, like Plotinus of old, "Will create the objects of your contemplation, as mathematicians imagine and draw their figures. You will gaze within, and the figures of your material world will take being as if they fell from your brooding."