To love God with all one's being is the beginning of wisdom. It is also the beginning of power.
As this love begins to open the heart, not just the physical heart-organ but the great, living heart-center, the seal to the door of the temple, man's temple or being, will begin to be opened.
This great heart-center within man is the corridor to the divine temple of God. And it is within this temple one learns of the great "Inner teachings" and is initiated into the divine knowledge of eternal power. Within this great heart-center is an altar that has been unlighted and unused for a life-time -- each man's life time.
As one kneels before that altar within his own being, in humble adoration to God, the sacred flame will be lighted. It is then the fires of that cleansing, purifying flame begin to ascend as incense before the Lord. Within this holy flame is the power to release the heart-felt prayers of the Saints and lift them to the very throne of God. It is by going within his own temple, love-filled and humble, that makes one a saint. No church can make a man a saint. One becomes a saint according to his degree of devotion to the Lord, not to any organization.
As one begins to turn to God in humble, adoring love, in worship and praise, he naturally reaches the point of sainthood, and his prayers will ascend as incense before the Lord. And all such prayers will be answered. This is the irrevocable, unfailing law of God.
These altar fires which man has the power to light within his own heart, contain the purifying flames with which his own soul is cleansed as he learns to hold himself within their glow. This flame is the flame of the Holy Spirit of Almighty God. Within this flame is contained all that Christ died to give, even the power of cleansing forgiveness with its redeeming love. As one learns to hold himself within this flame he can become cleansed and purified. This is one of the great blessings and powers contained in "The Light of Christ that is given to abide in every man who cometh into the world." And this is one of its first uses.
Within this altar flame, which man lights within himself, is contained all the holy powers of Christ's redemption. This gift has always been waiting for man's acceptance of it. It is his to use, to glorify, even as it will glorify him who uses it. Within this holy flame is contained the power that will deliver a man from his weaknesses as well as his sins, from his errors and past mistakes and from the lusts and evils of the animal flesh. It is the power that can completely purify, redeem and exalt.
This power can perfect love in the human heart and send it out into every cell and fibre of his being, his body, his mind and his soul. Thus every minute brain cell of his being responds to this love and is healed. And as it is thus imbued with this love and Life and Christ Light it takes on the very properties of Life and Light and love. Every organ, cell, nerve, tissue and fibre of man's being can become spiritualized and transmuted. When this love is established in every organ and cell and atom of one's body, it will not only be invigorated; it will receive the power of quickening and renewal. It will be healed of all mortal afflictions and released from its impurities. This divine power of renewal is the "Fountain of Youth."
As this great love sweeps on to fill the mind with its awakening Light, man will be healed of his blindness and will begin to comprehend all things.
Within the mind is contained the eye of the Spirit, the eye that was meant to be single to the glory of God; the eye, that, when opened, gives one spiritual vision. This divine, or spiritual eye is contained in an embryo state in every man. It is contained in a small gland in every human brain. This eye contains the power of divine vision, complete comprehension of all conditions and problems and eternal insight into all things. This divine eye is most sensitively constructed of the Holy Spirit substance. It IS Spirit. And this eye is every man's to develop and to use. Great love and the developing powers of being able "to believe" remove the blindness. It is the great eye that has remained blind because of the great wickedness of unbelief, thus causing the blindness of mind that has almost destroyed a world. This blindness has held the world in darkness throughout all the centuries past. It has also held man bound by his mortal concepts and gross, physical vision.
With the opening of this "all-seeing eye" of the Spirit, one can behold the things of eternity and he will know that they are his -- NOW.
These altar fires within man, that can perform such wonderful things, are but awaiting the touch of man's searching mind. This inner flame is the Light of Christ as it is contacted in the center of one's soul. This is one of the first gifts or powers bestowed as one begins that inward search for his own soul. This is the first power released as man begins that divine search into the temple of his own being.
The whole world has become lost in its frantic search, as it has rushed hither and yon, to find the things of God on the outside. The great unspeakable things of God are within.
When you are completely wearied with this outward, empty search and its disappointing failures, then "Go quietly into thy own closet and, closing the door, pray to the Father who seeth in secret and Himself shall reward thee openly." He will bring your desires into open, tangible reality.
Learn to love God from the center of your being and with your whole strength and you will begin to know of the powers contained within your own temple. You will be able to enter the Holy of Holies and read the Law of the Lord engraved upon those tablets in your own heart. And that Law of the Lord is the divine record of your own being. It is the pattern held within the seed of your own soul. Within you is also contained the contact with that divine, universal substance to fulfill and bring forth that beautiful and perfected pattern, the glorified YOU.
In order for one to fulfill his divine destiny in complete power and perfection, it is necessary for him to contact and bring forth that "Light of Christ which is given to abide in him." A life that is lived without this "Christ Light", being consciously contacted and used, is like a plant that has been unable to reach up through the earth to contact the sunlight. It is unfulfilled, barren and unproductive. Its very existence is wasted and in vain.
It is also as one learns to enter that silence of his own inner temple that he is able to contact that divine "Light of Christ", for it is given to abide in him. As he becomes aware of its reality and acquainted with its power, he will begin to receive personal instructions, even as Christ did. This is where he begins to "be taught of God", as is promised. These personal instructions are for his own individual growth and direction and are most precious and perfect. These instructions are the True and Living Word of the Lord. "And they were called Gods unto whom this WORD of God came." This is the WORD of the Lord that will be made flesh -- and exalt one to the purified state Christ promised. "And he called them Gods unto whom the WORD of God came, and your scriptures cannot be broken." Nor can His word fail.