Understand an atom and the universe will be more comprehensible. Each atom is a small universe.
An atom is the smallest unitary constituent of a chemical element, composed of a more or less complex aggregate of protons, neutrons, and electrons, whose number and arrangement determine the element -- or substance -- or material.
These protons, neutrons and electrons are the foundation or substance out of which all things are composed. Within each atom is contained boundless intelligence and forces held in complete balance, according to the element to which each belongs.
A proton is a sub-atomic particle bearing a positive charge of electricity. The number of protons in the nucleus is different for each element and is known as the atomic number of that element.
A neutron is a neutral particle with approximately the same mass as a proton.
An electron is an extremely small, negatively charged particle, containing about one thousandth of the mass of a hydrogen atom. The electron contains the unit of negative electricity.
Now, to explain the powers contained in the foregoing technical analysis; within the atom is a small, compact universe with all the forces and elements of creation contained within it.
If the center nucleus, or directive intelligence in an atom could be enlarged to the size of a baseball, it would represent the sun of our solar system. With the protons and electrons likewise magnified they would be found to be whirling around that sun at a distance of between one and two blocks in a rhythmical, perfect pacing, even as the planets. Again enlarge that minute atom and the perfect solar system would be revealed in all its magnificent glory.
Contained within the atom is the complete, miniature pattern of all that is.
An atom is a small universe. It is a complete, miniature solar system. It is "A ray of radiant force curled upon itself." It is a ray of the Spirit of God. It is Spirit.
And, as stated before, according to the number of protons in an atom is the element to which it belongs determined.
Gather together a billion such tiny rays of infinitesimal infinitude and they will make a larger, more powerful ray if that is their nature as decreed by the number of protons contained within each. Or if their nature is mineral they can form a speck large enough to become visible to mortal eyes.
The law of the atom is that "like cleaves to like". It is also the universal law of creation. And as these minute rays are gathered into form, by using the faith which brings into tangible existence, the reality of "things hoped for", it is required that these atoms coagulate according to their relationship to, and with, each other. As enough atoms, of like nature, or of the same chemical element, are drawn together by the command "Let there be"! they are of necessity forced to fill the pattern or mold held out to them. These spiritual atoms are but awaiting the command to be-come.
Gather enough of these rays or atoms and it is possible to form anything -- even a world -- and all that it contains. But only a perfect mental idea or pattern can hold out to them the mold which they are to fill. When any idea is thus held out it is the law that they must fill it.
An atom is Spirit in essence. It is but a ray of the very Spirit of God.
And as enough of these miniature universes of spiritual energy are gathered to complete the element or mold, then that substance that was only hoped for becomes visible to mortal senses and is called matter. It becomes apparently solid and compact and, to mortal comprehension, dead and lifeless. Our finite comprehension does not sense the aliveness, the activity, nor the spiritual existence contained in this substance which has become tangible to our vision and touch. Yet it is out of the spirit essence of life that the dense, material substance is formed.
Now, to reveal the law by which these spiritual atoms may be gathered into tangible form we must begin with the most understandable phase of creation. The process of creation is going on around us, at all times. One has but to open his eyes to behold it on every hand. Every seed has the power to call to itself the atoms or substance of its own nature and to build its tangible, matured form from the etherial substance of Spirit.
The tiny apple seed, reaching upward to the skies, gathers its strength and power and sustenance to build its perfect form and to complete the pattern of the matured tree, which was first held in an embryo state within the seed. The very seed itself was filled with the living forces of life. The full grown tree is but the material fulfillment of that pattern, which was held within the seed. That pattern was the form which the atoms were called upon to fill full, or complete. Each year the tree, still holding the plan, reaches out the pattern or mold for its continued growth as it gathers the atoms together from the air, the water, the soil and the sunlight to produce its blossoms, its crop of leaves and its ripened fruit. It draws its colors, its flavors, it aroma and sweets from this same inexhaustible source.
This is creation. This is the miracle of the powers of God as Spiritual essence is transformed into tangible substance.
The cabbage, the radish, or the oak each use the same law as contained within the pattern of their own seed. These eternal laws of creation, written within the archives of eternity, are also engraved within the seed itself, which is of its own being, as it reaches out to fulfill the purpose for which it was designed -- or destined.
Every sunset gathers its flaming colors from the same atomic radiance, according to its own pattern and individuality. And so it is with every dawn. The atoms must need flow into the mold held out before them.
Every animal fulfills this same law in building itself a body and in producing the energy necessary to sustain its life and express its own nature.
Man himself is but an expression of this creative law of the universe. The fruits and vegetables gather the refined elements of the soil and sun, according to their own natures to supply the needs of man. The soil, reaching up to the plant, offers its tribute of atoms gathered into mineral form. The plant, which has gathered these elements into a more select and usable form, offers them to man. And man uses the most perfect of all of nature's gifts to build his perfect body, according to the pattern held within.
The marvel and the wonder of creation.
In every growing, living thing we can behold the intangible power of the spiritual elements coming into tangible form before our very eyes. But man, if he has seen at all, has beheld with unseeing eyes for, up until now, man has been content with his lot of consuming without giving out the powers of his own great gathering. His animal motto has been "This old world owes me a living." And so he has been content to receive that bare, bleak living, and has gone through his life living simply because he was alive. He has also died because he has been satisfied with the dull, stupid, outward show of things. He has made no effort to find out the deep purposes behind the divinity within himself. In fact, he has been quite unaware of such divinity.
If he has desired more of life than just a bare existence, he has struggled to gather to himself treasures that are released from his clutching fingers, by death, and he leaves as naked and empty as when he came into the world.
He does not realize that every cell and atom of his being is composed of spirit matter brought forth into tangible form. Nor has he comprehended the power of his own indwelling soul. He has not known that "the very elements are the tabernacle of God, nor that man is also that tabernacle, even temple." For all elements are composed of the atoms which bear their imprint. And the atoms are formed of pure spiritual essence.
Man, the greatest creation of all has lived impotent through the ages. He thinks he is wise and great because he has learned to split the atom as he releases its forces back into eternity.
But man has not realized that he has the power to gather those atoms together to fulfill his every need. He does not know that the supply is as limitless as the universe and as boundless as eternity.
This limitless, boundless universe of atoms is man's to command as he stands forth in his God-given powers and gives forth that divine creative order, "LET THERE BE!"
The whole universe is the great sea of the Father's abundance that is held out by God for the use of man. It is the all-supply that fulfills the words: "All that the Father has is yours."
Not only is this unending supply of spiritual energy and substance man's to use and to create with but man also has all the creative powers which the Father has. Man has but to plant the seed of his thought and it will produce, for thoughts are seeds. A thought has the power to gather into material form the elements and substance to fulfill the measure of its complete unfolding. Within every thought is the life-germ of fulfillment.
Man is truly a creator but has lost the knowledge of how to use that power. He has not believed the words: "All that the Father has is yours." And because he has not understood he has been satisfied to live just a little above the animals -- and sometimes below them. Man has, even in his gross ignorance, held the powers of creatorship. But because he has accepted what has appeared upon the surface, he has used these powers amiss. They have been misused even from the beginning.
Man needs only to go within the temple of his own being to learn the laws of God engraved upon the tablets of his heart, and to comprehend his place as he subdues all things under his feet -- not under the feet of his robot inventions. Within man is the power to fulfill all things -- to overcome all things -- to glorify all things.
The law of the Spirit, or of the atom, is that this "substance of things hoped for" has to fill any mold or pattern held out to it. --And that man has the power to fashion the mold or pattern according to the ideals issuing from his heart. His very thought is the creative seed that must be fulfilled when understood.
Now, learn to hold out the original plan of thyself, in all the glorified perfection with which God endowed it, and watch that perfect pattern take form. Watch the unfolding of thyself, the growth of thyself into a being of infinite love, infinite powers and crowned with divinity.