"And if a man should gain the whole world and lose his own soul, of what profit would it be?"
What is a man's soul? Where does it abide? How is it contacted? And above all, what is its worth if the world itself is trash in comparison?
In partial analysis it could be said that a man's soul is the realm of his own being, where the spark of God is held in an embryonic state until awakened by the conscious awareness of man. The great Creator, who is designated in scripture as our "Heavenly Father," is the Divine Sire of every earth-born child. Within each being has been implanted a spark of the Supreme Creator. God Himself placed a sacred seed of Himself in the innermost center of each man's soul. "He is in the midst of all things."
In the temples of Tibet, in the monasteries of Asia, on the high Himalayan passes, and engraved in the most sacred places of Mother India, the words stand forth in reverent declaration, "The jewel is in the lotus." And in the ancient, holy teaching the lotus is the symbol of man. The lotus seed contains the exact pattern of the matured plant in perfect embryo to the most minute detail. Each petal, each leaf, the stalk and the stem are held there in perfect design. Even the fabulous colors are contained within that seed. And so it is the soul of man embraces the perfect pattern of his own individual destiny.
This fore-ordained pattern is not a predestined arrangement for it can be altered and changed by man himself. It can be completely rejected or ignored. Or it can be enhanced and glorified according to the individual's choosing. When man permits that pattern contained within the sacred jewel of his own soul to come forth, he will be fulfilled or filled full of the glory of his own creation -- "The glory which he had before the world was." It is within the lotus blossom, himself, that the perfect jewel, the divine spark of God is contained.
The soul is that knowing center within which holds all the answers to one's outside problems and inner questing. It holds the real joy that increases but never diminishes. It is the source of all inspiration and contains the power of all achievement and happiness.
The soul is the innermost being of man himself.
The soul is contacted when one learns "to be still!" When one's mind finds those sacred moments in which to withdraw from the outside activities of this crowded, hectic, outer world, he will develop the power to listen to the inner questioning that must find its answers. He will begin to get acquainted with himself during these silent periods of reverent reverie.
If one will use his power of thought to become tranquil, turning his wandering attentions inward away from life's hustle and bustle and disturbing intensity, he will begin to be instructed by God Himself.
The soul is more speedily contacted through adoring love and sincere worship as one lifts his thoughts in praise to God. True devotion discards the outer burden of earthly rituals. True devotion eliminates all restraining walls, all pretenses and hypocricy. In fact, the soul is fed and nourished through the divine food of man's own tender thoughts and loving awareness. The soul matures through man's own compassionate love. The soul becomes established as one learns to focus his attention upon it. The growth of the soul and one's blending his physical body into it until they become one, contains the meaning and purpose of this life.
The voice of the soul is first heard through the voice of a man's conscience. The soul also speaks through that inner voice of praise and approval that exalts into that rapturous "good feeling." The "Still Small Voice" is never heard. It is felt. It speaks from within whenever one breaks the law of his own nature either in word or act. It speaks also whenever one performs some noble act, without expecting a reward. It is felt whenever one renders some service or sacrifices some desire that another might be benefited. It proclaims its approval whenever one triumphs over some temptation. This divine voice is the loving encouragement of the soul bearing witness, not only to the intellect but to one’s entire being, that he is approved. This voice, that is felt instead of heard is called "The Still Small Voice." It is "still" because no words are uttered. Yet the lash of its rebuke can be louder than thunder, while the tenderness of its acceptance can be sweeter than a mother's lullaby. It is the "Still" voice because it makes no uttered sound. Its message is released through vibration, which is the reality back of every thought and every word. It is the true reality.
There are soulless ones who are wandering over the earth, blundering and inept, empty and alone or dangerously wicked as they live out their lives without contact with any higher help than their own mediocre, inadequate strength and understanding. These soulless ones have been deserted and left bleak and alone because of their own willingness to transgress and their own evils.
Sometimes a man sells his soul for a few bleak, empty years of worldly power or a bankfull of money, or even a few grubby coins that will be pried from his clutching fingers when his full, physical body is finally forced to relinquish all claim to life. Those whose souls have deserted them are often found in the mental hospitals. They are also found among the deserters as they abandon the ranks of the living to become suicides, slinking away into the darkness, snatching a coward's escape.
The worth of a man's soul? One has but to contemplate the beings who have forfeited so priceless a gift to comprehend its worth. It is more precious than the diamond stardust of the Milky Way and the riches of many worlds. Within the soul is contained all the power that is, even all the dynamic powers of creation. Within the soul is contained the powers for the fulness of joy, complete happiness, eternal love and progress and achievement. Within the soul is contained the very Seed of God and within that Seed is held a man's own divinity, his power of complete fulfillment, even of godhood.
The worth of your own individual soul is beyond the worth of this entire earth and all the vast riches it contains. Your soul is of inexpressible worth. Within it is contained the jewel beyond all jewels, the treasure beyond price, "which, when a man finds he sells all that he has in order to possess it!"
Yes, "If a man gain the whole world and lose his own soul" his hands will be empty indeed and his existence be a thing of naught or even detriment.
That jewel beyond all price contained within a man's soul is the spark or seed of God, the Almighty Father, the Divine Creator of heaven and of earth and all that in them are. It is the gift beyond all other gifts. Within it is contained the enhancing, breathtaking beauty of all creation and all power. Within it is contained all perfection, all joy, all fulfilment and completion and all knowledge and good. It does not contain the power to conquer others, which is negative. It contains the positive powers of unlimited happiness and progress and everlasting joy. Within this divine gift is contained the power to bless continually, to glorify, to lift and to exalt all things and all conditions connected with one's own existence as he uses it to enfold others in his love. As one brings forth this most priceless gem, the seed of God held within his soul, he becomes a very part of the great love of God, as it fills his being, then flowing forth from him it will help heal and bless a world.
Within the soul of man is the gift of poise, which is divine majesty. Within the soul of man is the power to rule over every condition or vicissitude. Anyone who fulfills the law of his own being will release the full outflowing power of God right within himself and then "all things will be subjected unto him, both in heaven and on earth; the Light and the Life; the Spirit and the Power." He will be filled with Light and comprehend all things. Such a one becomes a sacred channel through which the healing powers of God's almighty love flow out to renew in the fulness of life more abundant, joy more exquisite and knowledge more complete. Within this sacred jewel is the power to accomplish every noble task, to fulfill every worthy assignment and to bring forth every righteous desire. Within the soul of man is the power to KNOW and to walk with God. Within this sacred power of the soul is held the gift of Life Eternal, "For it is given to abide in you the record of heaven; the Comforter, the peaceable things of immortal glory; that which quickeneth all things, which maketh alive all things; that which knoweth all things and hath all power."
When man turns within and begins the quest, or the search for his own soul, God will take care of all outside conditions and then one will no longer need to battle and labor for the necessities of life. "He who seeks first the kingdom of God," or the kingdom of heaven, which is within, "will have all things added unto him" and all powers. He will need to take no thought about what he will wear or what he will eat for all these things will be provided from the great universal storehouse of living, eternal substance. They will be formed from the "substance of things hoped for," which contains the limitless supply of energy and atoms that fill the great immensity of space. This divine material will be gathered into form according to the individual's need. "And Solomon, in all his glory, was not arrayed as one of these," for their apparel is woven of the living vibrations of everlasting light, spun upon the loom of God.
The atoms that fill the limitless reaches of space can and will be instantly at his command and can be gathered into the elements and materials for his every need. His own purified desires will form the mold or pattern into which these precious atoms, or "substance of things hoped for" rush together, congealing into tangible form to fulfill his requests. This is the law of the higher kingdom, or the kingdom of heaven, which is within. These precious powers and gifts are awaiting man's acceptance of them as he grows into the glory of his waiting soul.
This embraces the realm of higher vibration which is contacted through praise and love and obedience that has become an exalted power of joy as it blends completely into the divine will of God. This obedience is not a blind, sacrificing misery. It is a glorified "willing" as it yields its essence of breathtaking, perfected love. It disperses darkness as it triumphs over all negation.
Christ gave the keys for the opening of that magic door of the soul, but none have believed, hence none have fulfilled the promises. None have been able to even perform the works which He did, let alone go on to the greater works. The seal on that stone door of the heart, which has caused such unyielding hardness, has remained unopened because the great Christ Light has been held entombed within each man's soul.
Christ proclaimed, "I stand at the door and knock and if any man hear my voice and open the door, behold I will come in and feast with him, and he with me." And the sacred food on which they will feast will be the very bread of life -- the spiritual food in which a man will never again hunger, either physically or spiritually for all things will be added unto him.
It is the bread of life, "Which if a man eats thereof he will never die!" Which truth is verified in Christ's tender words to Martha as she grieved over the death of her brother, "Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?" Then to prove His words he called Lazarus forth from the tomb.
If one professes to believe yet does not actually BE LIVE according to his professing he is a liar and a hypocrite and all is vain. Belief is not a dead, inactive principle of mere mental or verbal confessing or professing. Belief is a way of life. It necessitates that one BE and LIVE accordingly.
Anyone who lives the teachings will have the power to fulfill them for this is the eternal, unfailing law of Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. And "Nothing is impossible to him who believes."
When man accepts the teachings of the Savior of the world, not in a powerless affirmation of beautiful words, but by actually living the teachings he will KNOW of their truth -- and "knowledge is power!" He will be able to use all the unspeakable powers contained in Christ's words of eternal, unfailing promise and so fulfill them. As those words of glory abide in the individual and are so fulfilled, that person will also become the WORD!
Or, as the writer of the Odes of Solomon testified: "Or who can rest on the most High, so that with His mouth, he may speak? Who is able to interpret the wonders of the Lord? For he who could interpret would be dissolved and would become that which is interpreted." (Lost Books of the Bible --ODES OF SOLOMON 26; 10-12).
So it is that as a man begins the greatest search of all time -- the search for his own soul he will find God. "And this is life eternal, to know Thee, the only true and Living God, and Jesus Christ Whom Thou hast sent."
When one finds his own soul he will realize that the soul is developed and brought forth from its tomb through his own searching. It is not to be found through outside rituals, in great cathedrals nor in splendid synagogues, nor in churches. Neither is it found within the tenets of man's wrangling forms of worship nor learned doctrines delivered in rhetorical grandeur. The great quest for a man's soul is the quiet quest that will lead to God. It is a silent, sacred quest in which a man learns to enter the sacred closet of his own heart and there hold holy communion with the Creator of the Universe.
That divine search fulfills man's conquest of himself as he begins to live the laws, or according to the rules prescribed for his initiation into the higher world or a higher dimension. As one learns "To love God with all his heart, all his soul, all his mind and all his strength," he begins to find the joy and the meaning of existence. All fanaticism falls away as a divine, compassionate, understanding love automatically begins to fill his heart for his neighbor and for the world.
It becomes a simple thing, in fact, a necessary act for one to pray for those who have despitefully used him and for those who have considered themselves to be his enemies. As his own love increases he acknowledges no man as an enemy for his love enfolds them all. And in this love the great healing comes -- first to himself -- then it reaches out to those he loves, through mortal ties, and expanding on it flows out to include the whole wondrous race of man!
In this great forgiveness one's own transgressions are forgiven and though they have been as scarlet they will become white as snow.
This great perfection is not a condition into which one steps in an instant. One has to be it and live it. Then in and through him the law and the promises will be proved and fulfilled and all the holy words of God, given since time began, will be gathered into one and be confirmed in power and breathtaking glory. Such is the law and such is the power thereof.
Never since time began has the challenge for man to seek to know his own soul been so great. Never has man's opportunities been so close at hand. Never has a time for spiritual progress been so propitious, except at the time of Christ's own advent on this earth.
"Ask and you shall receive! Seek and you shall find! Knock and it shall be opened unto you! For everyone who asks receives! And he who seeks finds! And unto him who knocks it shall be opened!" Such is God's eternal promise to the children of men.
Individual man has never shouldered the responsibility of so great a work. The quest for his own soul has been indifferently, ignorantly or fanatically placed in the hands of some accepted leader, if undertaken at all. Man has searched collectively and in groups in an irresponsible way. Man has sought for his soul and for God through some church of his choice or some religious representative. This search is one which no man can make for another. It is a quest which each individual must undertake for himself. It is each individual's own responsibility. Where the scriptures enjoin man to meet together often and partake of His holy sacrament, does not necessarily mean to gather in meeting-houses or churches. It means that each individual is to meet together with God often -- meet together with Him in the secret closet of his own soul and there partake of the hidden bread of Life. This is the sacred, holy communion that will reveal the Christ. At first this contact is only the contact with that dynamic "Christ Light that is given to abide in every man who cometh into the world." Then as one shuts out the world his own thoughts and mind will begin to blend with the mind and will of God. With such holy communion the individual will begin to be rewarded openly for the physical world will begin to take on the aspect of the spiritual. This inner contact IS the "Holy Communion!" It is the partaking of the sacred bread and waters of life -- even the life more abundant.
Humanity, as individuals, has relinquished its divine quest, its sacred search for the Holy Grail to its appointed religious leaders, who have themselves more often remained blind as in blindness they lead their blind followers.
Man himself is the holy chalice, the sacred grail in which the divine Eucharist is held, or from which it is bestowed. It is through and out of man's own heart that the streams of living waters must flow.
The time is at hand when each individual must meet the challenge to undertake the search for his own soul. It is the greatest quest of all time and the most rewarding. None can undertake or accomplish this search for another. It is a road of individual effort and individual desiring and individual experience. It is as individual as being born -- or of dying. It pertains to the one.
He who undertakes this greatest of all quests -- and continues in it, cannot possibly go unrequitted. As he becomes more and more faithful to the call of his soul and to the secret meetings within his own secret closet, as he learns to close that silent door and "be still", his own desires become purified and all promises become real and possible. As he lays hold upon them with his mind they will be fulfilled unto him. His physical being will be purified, cleansed and exalted and all outward conditions begin to serve his ennobled purposes. This is the reward that will come openly and continue to increase until every promise is fulfilled unto him. His very body will become spiritualized in time. Thus he becomes filled with light and with knowledge. He begins to comprehend all things as his vision expands and his enjoyments increase.
This quest is the most joyous search in all existence. It eliminates all darkness, all negation, all hates, all sanctimonious hypocrisy and increases the ecstatic joys until there is scarcely room enough to contain the glory singing in his soul.
As one continues in this sacred quest he will lose the grubby, little mortal "self" for his own soul, at last released, will step forth to rule and reign in divine majesty and everlasting joy. The Light held within will be released from its tomb as the embryoed spark or seed of God develops in power to do the works which Christ proclaimed -- "even the greater works."
Anyone who completes the search for his own soul will know fully, as Christ so definitely promised, that he does abide in God and that God does abide in him.
As that seed of God is developed (even as a mustard seed) one receives of its fullness. "And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, and be filled with the fulness of God!" (Eph. 3:19)
This promised "Fulness of God" is not something that is poured into a man from without. It is the divine spark that must be developed and brought forth from within until it fills the entire being of the individual who learns to be live in It!
"And no man receiveth a fulness unless he keepeth His commandments." These commandments are the laws of the higher kingdom. No one can abide in that kingdom unless he learns to be obedient to the laws which govern it. He must be live them. This obedience is not to satisfy the dictatorial demands of a domineering, temperamental God. These laws, or edicts, are for man's own progress and glory as he becomes willing and love filled. "He that keepeth His commandments receiveth truth and light until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things!"
Man himself is the Holy Chalice or Grail! He is the container of the sacred sacrament. It is as he cleanses not only the outside of the cup, but the inside also that he becomes a suitable container for the fulness of the Light of Christ and the great, promised glory, even "The fulness of God!"
In this inner cleansing, one's desires automatically become purified and refined. As one follows the call of his own soul he will move towards its release and its divine maturity. His soul will be liberated as he seeks to become associated with it or makes an effort to become "one with it."
As one approaches the realm of his soul, which is perfection, his vision expands to encompass the wonders of eternity. His understanding is enlarged to comprehend all things and this "knowledge is power." As he develops into the maturity of his soul his joys increase until the earth itself cannot hold the singing vibrations of ecstatic happiness released from his own heart. To receive the fulness of God one also receives a fulness of joy and this joy can never be diminished nor withdrawn after it is once established. There is no darkness in it, no evil and no dismays. There is only the very unfolding glory of eternal progress and increased advancement.
As one be-lives the higher laws of glory he leaves all bickering, bigotry and discords behind. All failures are conquered. All darkness is dispelled. Joys increase in an ever unfolding delight. As one be-lives the higher laws, instead of just lending an ear to them, he sets his foot upon the path of dynamic, unspeakable power. The Golden Rule and the Sermon on the Mount are not impossible teachings. Within them is contained all the love and power that man can use as he begins to bring them forth.