II. Peter 1:3-4: "According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain to Life and Godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue.
"Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious PROMISES, that by these ye might be partakers of the DIVINE NATURE, Having escaped corruption that is in the world through lust."
Return with me in memory to that great Day of PROMISE, for in it is contained all that the hungering soul of man can possibly yearn for.
Step with me across the millenniums to live again the anticipated joy released that Day to vibrate out through space as the PROMISES pealed forth to return again to find entrance within our own hearts. Then you will know why expectation is always so much greater than realization. We expect each day of Promise, each anticipated holiday to be as great as was that most glorious Day of Days. Then in disappointment we discover that nothing is as great as we had secretly calculated or planned. Nor will it be until we ourselves take hold of those everlasting PROMISES and bring them forth from the archived treasure house of our own hearts.
And the foundations of the earth were formed out of the "substance of things hoped for," and they were established upon the joy of our own anticipated fulfilling. And so they stood firm, resting on the spiritual glory of our own divine expectancy as it was called forth to uphold the foundations of the new world -- the world called EARTH, for so was it named.
And then God spoke and His speaking was a symphony of dedication and of eternal blessing, poured out in PROMISES so great our ears were over-awed with the grandeur of their proclaiming. Only a few were able to grasp fully the lighted wonder of those PROMISES of eternal, everlasting beauty as they were sent out under the binding COVENANT of almighty God, to endure forever! These PROMISES were to stand for all eternity, to await our full acceptance of them as we bring them forth full formed, in time, to lay as tribute at the Father's throne -- His WORDS returned unto Him fulfilled -- our very selves -- glorified.
Christ alone understood fully the WORDS that were released, and gathering them into His heart, HE BECAME THE WORD upon that Holy Day!
Others of us gathered portions of those eternal PROMISES and then buried them so deeply within ourselves they have been almost forgotten in an echo that is but a haunting memory, unclaimed and unfulfilled.
But on that momentous day, as that Symphony of everlasting glory rolled forth across the universe, "ALL THE MORNING STARS SANG TOGETHER" as they picked up the rhythm and melody of that dynamic symphony of splendor and sang in unison with its great releasing.
As the Father's WORDS were proclaimed and sent out on that divine harmony of heavenly, eternal radiance of splendor the WORDS rang forth to return from space, to find their own place of lodgement in our own singing hearts.
I cannot give all the Words or all the PROMISES to you as they rang forth upon that stupendous Day of DAYS, so long ago. I can only chant the echo of time as I hold them forth for you, who are at last prepared to receive the fulness of their glory as you open your own hearts to their releasing. The awakening desire, which their memory brings forth in you NOW was the ordained purpose of creation.
And God spoke and the sound thereof was as the rushing of many waters leaping in a jeweled cascade of singing exultation. The vibrations were such as no created thing or being had ever before felt or heard or experienced or imagined. It was the triumphant reward of all that we had ever hoped for, or that the eons of existence had ever PROMISED. It was the fulfilling of an epoch. It contained all the accumulated desires and hopes and rewards for the ages of our past labors and preparing, the essence of our true natures and being and our futures of co-existence as children of our Almighty Sire, the only True and Living God! Glorious! Eternal!
"And in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
"And the earth was without form, and void; and the darkness was upon the face of the deep, And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
"And God said, Let there be Light; and there was Light." And with the Light came the dawning of new understanding as each of us took part in that which was to be.
And in time we helped to fashion the flowers for the Earth, the grasses that were to clothe her and the shrubs and the trees that were to adorn and beautify her. We placed a portion of ourselves and our own creative arts into the fashioning as God held forth the symphony for the rhythmed building of a world so new with promise, so shining with hope, so gloriously real and all the unfolding of the ages of its forming were ours to share in and to wait upon.
And God's words continued to echo and to re-echo and rebound within our hearts in that inspiring symphony of PROMISE held forth.
"Your life on earth will be the time of your fulfilling and of your perfecting, if so you are willing to lay claim to its promised blessings.
"As you go forth clothed in your earthly garments of flesh and bone and skin, you shall have dominion over the earth and over the elements thereof. You shall have dominion over all conditions and circumstances -- and life, if so be you live up to your holy heritage. The Birds of the air will be in subjection to you, and the animals, and the fish of the sea shall be at your command as you learn to bring your own physical beings into subjection, obeying the laws of your own progressings, for they are yours.
"The physical, mortal bodies you will receive, or be clothed in, will be precious beyond your present comprehension. They will be sacred, holy temples and if you live up to the great and wonderful PROMISES of this Day you will be able to exalt the physical forms into the fulness of their destined, spiritual glory. And you will be born of the Spirit. This Birth of the Spirit will be the glorious reward of all righteousness. It will contain the full recompense for your stepping down into the physical plane that thereby you can exalt your mortal bodies into the highest excellence of spirit substance, perfect, eternal, flawless and with a fulness of joy your everlasting reward. And you yourselves will be crowned with glory and honor and be filled with Light insomuch you shall comprehend all things. And all things will become subject unto you, both in heaven and on earth; the LIFE and the LIGHT; the SPIRIT and the POWER, that you might have dominion over all the realms beneath and above you forever as you become endowed with eternal glory.
"There is no PROMISE that is not yours as you lay claim to it, for all that I have is yours! The PROMISES that I now speak to you, and seal upon you, by eternal COVENANT are mine to give and yours to receive! And any and every righteous desire of your hearts shall be added unto you as you fulfill the laws of their coming forth.
"No one will ever be damned for BELIEVING too much or HOPING too much! Damnation is the condition that stops one from progressing and it comes because of believing too little, hoping too little and so experiencing nothing of PROMISE or of TRUTH. It is in small, skimped desiring and thinking that one fails as he shrivels into a condition of unbelief and wickedness.
"Think the most beautiful things possible and you will become as beautiful as your thoughts. Think the most powerful things possible and as you send out your vibrations of LOVE AND FAITH you will become POWERFUL!
"Nothing will be impossible to him who believes or who will BE and LIVE according to the PROMISE he sets his heart upon. The desiring or hoping is the exercising of FAITH as it is generated in energy to contact the powers of heaven and to fulfill the requests. The divine powers of creation and of fulfilling are yours! I give them unto you this day. They will always be waiting for you to take hold of and use. It is up to you to exercise the energy necessary to contact or use them. This is the exercising of FAITH as you lay hold of the gifts you desire for your sojourn on Earth.
"As you keep your hearts pure, or as you purify them after the things of the flesh have been proven to be false and unsatisfying you can lift your minds and your hearts above all fleshly desires as you turn your thoughts to the spiritual things, which are yours. All that is necessary is that you desire them and turn to me with all your hearts. And trust not in the arm of flesh.
"As you learn to hold your minds upon the Peaceable Things of Immortal Glory you will become glorious for you will become a living symphony or prayer of unfanatical devotion. In time this symphony or rhythm of joyous adoration will be established within you as you bring it forth, a living power right within yourselves. It will become a song of inner praise and gratitude and will increase in your hearts until they are purified and you will be cleansed from all sin. And he who prayeth continually, without ceasing shall have his mind opened to comprehend my mysteries. And unto him will be given power to comprehend all things and he will be given power to reveal things which have never been revealed and bring thousands of souls unto repentance or unto a knowledge of my powers centered in their own souls.
"The nearer you approach perfection the clearer will be your views and the greater will be your enjoyments, until you OVERCOME the evils of your life, the darkness, the doubting, the self-righteousness and mortal negations, and you will arrive at the point of Faith were you will automatically be wrapped in my power and my glory and will Be Born of the Spirit and exalted. And I will call you back into my presence with your mortal bodies completely glorified without descending through the gates of death. And you will have the privilege to go on and do the Greater Works, according to your own desiring. This "POINT OF FAITH," which one reaches in this journey of OVERCOMING AND OF PERFECTION is when your own FAITH has been used and developed and then it turns into KNOWLEDGE -- THAT YOU MIGHT SEE AND KNOW FOR YOURSELVES! This is my special PROMISE to you who prepare yourselves to receive. Hold to this PROMISE, you who desire it, for I seal it upon you NOW -- and it will stand forever as you lay claim to it.
"All that I have is yours! Ask and you shall receive! Seek and you shall find! Knock and it shall be opened unto you! For everyone who asks shall receive regardless of his past mistakes, or his situation or condition! And you who seek for knowledge and understanding or for a recollection of these days of preparation, or to KNOW ME shall find whatsoever you seek. Knock and it shall be opened unto you! For unto him who knocks, the doors to the realm of primal, creative substance shall be opened wide.
"Nothing will be impossible to him who believes!
"And he who turns the strength of his searching toward these spiritual realms, from whence he came, shall have the hosts of heaven beside him to assist him in the fulfilling of his own great destiny and in the perfecting of himself as his understanding expands.
"As you seek to KNOW you shall increase in knowledge until you are filled with Light and are glorified in TRUTH and become PERFECT in the Lord, Jesus Christ, for unto you it will be given to comprehend all things and to receive all power.
"Accept the new world and its new conditions with the same gratitude you feel this day and you will become glorious, for he who is thankful in all things takes on the vibrant glory of his own released vibrations. And the things of the Earth will be added unto him an hundred-fold, yea, more! And the things of the Spirit will be multiplied in everlasting glory.
"Joy is of the Saints and none can put it on but they alone!
"Love is of the elect and none can receive it fully except you who have been developing it within you, from the beginning.
"My commandments are but the laws of your own progressing and your own fulfilling. They do not pertain to me. They are yours! And they are for your own glory! And I give no Commandment or PROMISE save I have already prepared the way for you to fulfill it. The fulfilling unfolds with the DESIRE TO LIVE the command. The DESIRE to accept and to fulfill is the law of their germination and of their production and growth and completion.
"The way to fulfill every PROMISE is this day given unto you. It is your own! Open your minds to behold the PROMISES and your hearts to desire them and they will begin to mature for their seed is this day implanted within your own hearts. And as you believe, and doubt not, they will grow and produce all that My WORDS contain. I seal this power to fulfill upon you through my own unbreakable WORD as you accept and desire.
"Without vision the people perish, because they will go beneath the level of mere mortality into the unimaginative condition of the animals, rejecting the PROMISES as they seal their souls and minds against belief, hardening their hearts into a condition that even I will not be able to melt or soften, and thus they may relinquish their claim upon the PROMISES forever. This you must know, it is in a softened heart that the seed of PROMISE takes root and begins its growth and maturity and perfection. A hard heart is barren and cannot possibly produce anything of virtue and goodness.
"ALL PROMISES are yours, and all the powers of their fulfilment. But unto each of you is given the choice of your goals, and the desire to accept, or reject, or to fulfill and so to receive all that the PROMISES CONTAIN -- and MORE!
"It is forever true, nothing will be impossible to him who believes, for my WORDS are his. They are his strength and his power if he will only accept and fulfill.
"For you who desire to return into my Presence and reclaim your heavenly rights with unspeakable powers and glory added unto you forever, I PROMISE that you shall put darkness under your feet as you bring forth the Light. And if your eyes be single to MY glory your whole bodies shall be filled with Light and every physical atom and tissue and fibre of your mortal beings shall take on Light and be exalted into a glorified, spiritual condition of everlasting power and wonder. And there shall be no darkness in you, neither sickness nor decay. And that body which is filled with Light shall comprehend all things for Light is the Spirit of intelligence and comprehension and LIFE. And I will unveil my face unto you for you shall have the privilege and the power to return into my presence, forever glorified.
"This PROMISE to return into my Presence glorified, is the Great and Last PROMISE. IT IS RESERVED FOR THOSE WHO OVERCOME ALL THINGS, who cast out all light-mindedness and their excess of laughter far from them. Hilarity is not joy. It is but the pastime of those without thought. And it will be used as an implement of Lucifer. He will use it to detain the sons of Earth that their minds be not "single" but occupied with the nonsense of display and in an occupation of witty self-importance or self-indulgence as they seek for notice and acclaim.
"LIVE the laws and you will KNOW for you will experience the wonder and the glory of their fulfilling right within yourselves.
"And the Two Greatest of all laws, when LIVED, will fulfill all the other laws. They will fulfill every PROMISE OF THIS DAY and all the days that are past and the PROMISES THAT ARE TO COME! They will glorify you who take hold of them, for all that I have is yours! "LOVE ME WITH ALL YOUR HEARTS and your hearts will be softened and opened so that you will be prepared to bring forth every righteous desire of your hearts, every PROMISE ever uttered, or thought; every glory ever imagined for as you LOVE with your heart it will be prepared to receive all things, even all the riches of EARTH and eternity. And I will be with you in tenderness forever. For your own opened, softened heart is the only offering that can be given in order that you yourselves might receive the fulness of my glory and my PROMISES.
"Love me with all your souls and the atoms and the fibres and the tissues of your beings will receive the gift of Eternal LIFE as you become quickened and renewed. And you will rise up with wings as eagles -- and be able to come and go as the wind, and no one will know from whence you came or whither you go, for you will be glorified in the service and the power of the Greater Works. You will become so completely spiritualized no evil or sickness or pain or suffering will be able to touch you. And you will truly Be Born of the Spirit as you are called back into My Presence, without descending through the gates of death -- and without the Judgment, for you will have OVERCOME ALL THINGS.
"LOVE ME WITH ALL YOUR MINDS and your minds will become single to My Glory and you will take upon you that same glory as you become filled with Light and comprehend all things!
"LOVE ME WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH and all the powers of your being, both physical and spiritual will be united and unified and perfected.
"AND I WILL BE YOUR GOD! AND YOU SHALL BE MY PEOPLE! And as you live by the PROMISES you will evolve from the man kingdom back into the God Kingdom for you will become exalted and glorified. Your first step will be to live according to the laws of the Patriarchs, which was according to the PROMISES and through their FAITH. LIVE ACCORDING TO THE PROMISES AND YOUR FAITH WILL BE PERFECTED INTO KNOWLEDGE. AND YOU WILL HAVE THE PRIVILEGE OF SEEING AND KNOWING FOR YOURSELVES.
"Hereby is my LOVE for you glorified as you return it unto Me. And thus is my LOVE increased and your LOVE is exalted into perfection.
"I seal upon you My PROMISES that you might OVERCOME mortality and all that it contains and thus exalt yourselves and your physical bodies and your associates and your new world into a state of everlasting glory.
"I seal my eternal PROMISES upon you with My Everlasting, Irrevocable Covenant, which cannot be broken! It shall stand forever, for it is MINE -- and I give it unto you!
"And my LOVE is upon you as you fulfill My WORDS and bring them forth within yourselves.
"The PROMISES I give unto you are clothed in the Holy Spirit and they are composed of it. And thus are they sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise, which I shall shed forth upon all who are just and true.
"This Holy Spirit of Promise is the Spirit of Hope which shall abide in the hearts of the children of men as they accept of it. And he who is without hope must needs be in despair and despair cometh because of iniquity. Those who open up their hearts shall receive the Holy Spirit of Promise which is HOPE in all its rapturous glory! And their hopes shall grow and increase and materialize as they cast out all doubting for doubting is the darkness. And it is the darkness of doubting that the righteous will OVERCOME as they become clothed in LIGHT.
"Thus as you are true to the song or the radiant vibrations of the sacred, Holy Spirit of Promise it will become perfected within you and you will become perfect and will be clothed in Light. And so it will be that ALL PROMISES will be fulfilled unto you.
"This Holy Spirit of Promise is the Witness and the Covenant to my WORDS. And this Holy Spirit of Promise will become sealed upon those of you who are just and true. In such the deep despair of hopelessness can never find lodgment for you will be cleansed from all iniquity and the great sin of unbelief.
"This is the Seal and the Covenant of My PROMISES which this day I place upon my words and upon those of you who accept them, without doubting. This Holy Spirit of Promise I hereby bestow upon you who desire it and who believe in My Words and lay claim to the glory of their fulfilling for you will be just and true to ME and to YOURSELVES and to the things which are waiting to become -- which your eyes have never yet beheld.
"This you must also understand, for it is given to abide in you the record of heaven, the Peaceable things of immortal glory, the COMFORTER, the Truth of all things; that which quickeneth all things, and maketh alive all things; that which KNOWETH all things, and hath all power, according to My wisdom, mercy, truth, justice and judgment.
"The Record of Heaven, which is given to abide in you will be when you, through faith and love open your memories to all your past experiences and to these PROMISES which I give unto you this day. As you believe in them and lay claim to them their powers will be forever your own, and the knowledge contained therein.
"It is also given to abide in you the Peaceable things of Immortal glory if so be you will use it for it is established deep within the centers of your souls and can be contacted and rejoiced in under every circumstance and condition and within it is the power to heal every adverse situation, eliminate every disturbance and glorify every happening. For all things will work together for your good if you will love and obey My counsel for in it is contained the keys of your own glorification and perfecting.
"The Holy Comforter is also given to abide in you and will give comfort to any and all who will only open up their hearts to receive of its tender, priceless benediction. Those who love the darkness rather than the light and who rejoice in their sorrows to such an extent they cannot let them go cannot be helped. These will never know the glory of the Power and Perfection of the Comforter's priceless, tender healing joy.
"The Truth of all things is also given to abide in you so that you need never be deceived or led out onto that broad open way that leads to destruction.
"And hereby I proclaim that it is given to abide in you that which quickeneth all things and maketh alive all things; or the power to change your carnal flesh to flesh divine, without descending through the gates of death, for that which maketh alive all things is yours to bring forth and to use.
"It is also given to abide in you the power to KNOW or COMPREHEND ALL THINGS -- and THAT WHICH HATH ALL POWER, according to My Wisdom, Mercy, Truth, Justice and Judgment.
"In bringing forth and using these inborn powers is FAITH MADE PERFECT. This contains the glory and the power of all fulfilling as you become filled with Light. Thus You shall be given the power to comprehend all things! AND ALL THINGS WILL BECOME SUBJECT UNTO YOU, BOTH IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH, THE LIGHT AND THE LIFE, THE SPIRIT AND THE POWER, SENT FORTH BY ME THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, MY SON.
"These unspeakable powers and blessings I give to abide in you and they shall be yours as you open your souls to bring their powers forth. Nothing will be impossible to you who believe and who will cast out the darkness of doubting and the blighting desolation of pride-filled self-righteousness.
"These are My WORDS and My COVENANT. And My Words cannot be broken or returned unto Me unfulfilled or void.
"Any PROMISE which I have uttered this Day shall be yours as you lay claim to it. And any PROMISE, when perfected and fulfilled in you, will have the power to bring you back into My Presence -- glorified! Thus every PROMISE contains the law of your own perfection and the fulfilling of all glory for EARTH is the school for Gods. All the training you will receive will be but the opportunity and the preparation for your own graduation. No test or hardship should be resented or ignored. You can each receive the highest degree, with honor, or you can fail to take advantage of so great a privilege. The choice is your own as to the use you will make of your life on earth.
"In the fulfilling of the FIRST and SECOND GREAT COMMANDMENTS of LOVE one will have fulfilled ALL THE LAWS AND THE PROPHETS, or all the PROMISES GIVEN TO YOU THIS DAY, which will be reaffirmed by the PROPHETS in the days ahead. In the fulfilling of this great LOVE, in bringing it forth within yourselves I will be BOUND. All of My Holy Covenants are predicated upon the perfecting of this great LOVE, as you, through your own efforts bring it forth within yourselves. Thus will you have the power to evolve back into the God Kingdom, fulfilled and glorified for you will have become divine. This is the law of perfection which has been irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of the earth! And it is everlasting and irrevocable! Live it and you will KNOW!
"ALL PROMISES have been Mine to give and yours to receive. And the law of LOVE, which I offer to you now is the law of all fulfilling.
"And I lie not!
"This work is of Me. If any seek to destroy it they shall themselves be destroyed or delayed, perhaps for eons in their own progress.
"Behold, I Am God, the Creator of heaven and of earth! I AM THAT I AM! And My Promises are yours as you become these PROMISES AND RETURN THEM UNTO ME FULFILLED -- YOURSELVES GLORIFIED!
"And this is your work and your glory, as you take advantage of every golden opportunity for advancement, whether it be a great sorrow or a great joy or just the trying of your patience in a monotony of seeming unprogressiveness as you assimilate your opportunities and turn all things and all conditions into glory and honor. Thus every occasion can become an occasion of utter triumph. And You who are thankful in all things shall be made glorious and shall have the power to transmute all conditions into glory. SO HAVE I SPOKEN AND I LIE NOT! And so is My blessing sealed upon you!"