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By Annalee Skarin

In the book, "Beyond Mortal Boundaries" are countless misprints and innumerable errors, but the truths are mostly apparent and will remain unchanged except for the chapter on THE THREE DEGREES OF GLORY. There must be a correction made to that which has been printed.

On page 239, of the above mentioned volume is described the TELESTIAL DEGREE OF GLORY, which is likened to the brilliance of the stars and with as great a variety of intensity. For as one star differs from another in glory so are the different degrees of existence for those who are assigned to this lesser realm of rewards or states of lower, "telestial" existence.

The realm of the pickpockets is described. And the liars and the braggarts are mentioned along with the selfish and profane who will inherit some degree in these telestial, inferior realms, according to that which they merit. Those who have developed only their physical or animal traits, indulging in the mortal cravings will have nothing to look forward to later.

The lesser degrees are for those of lesser qualifications.

And this inferior, "TELESTIAL DEGREE OF GLORY" IS NOT "CELESTIAL GLORY!" as has been written into the volume "Beyond Mortal Boundaries," This correction must be made and forever established. The Telestial degree of glory is the least of the three degrees of glory or eternal inheritances awaiting man in his future existence, according to his own qualifications -- or lack of them.

The second degree of glory is the "TERRESTRIAL." And it is likened unto the moon, whose light far exceeds the light of the stars from our earth view. The stars vary in brilliance to dim, pin-points of light or radiance. The Terrestrial glory, which is likened to the brilliance of the moon, is for those who are honorable and honest and who are successful to a certain degree in their affairs and with their dealings with their fellowman. This realm requires a degree of integrity and honesty and understanding above and beyond the requisites of the Telestial realms. In this higher degree, the Golden Rule is accepted as one fulfills the admonition "to do unto others as he would be done by."

The "CELESTIAL" glory is the very highest and is likened in brilliance to the sun in its radiance. This glory is not for the dishonest, the cheats, the thieves or pickpockets, the sex-perverts, the liars or the unclean. Nor is it for the successful ones who have lived on a mere mortal plane of striving always "TO GET AHEAD!" as they labor for the things that perish.

This Celestial glory is for those who have obeyed the injunctions of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is for those who LOVE the Lord and who obey His Commandments. It is for those who have developed the power and the strength of their souls or spirits instead of just their physical traits.

And even in this Celestial Realm there are three degrees or levels. The highest in this realm is for those who OVERCOME!

Such is the information I have been instructed to impart in order to correct some of the gross errors contained in the printing of the volume preceding this one. With this correction made I am permitted to continue with the information which God has instructed me to share with the world at this time to further reveal the path that leads back into His Presence.

However there is one more correction that must be made. This one is placed in the jacket of the before mentioned book, and is also repeated in their printed folder. This is the statement in its gross error of misquotation: "This record also reveals the glorious, triumphant march of man toward Godhood and the breathtaking wonder of his divine lineage, the dynamic race of Gods, his (ONLY ANCESTRY)." This statement is a gross falsehood. My words in the Preface of the book are thus: "the breathtaking wonder of his divine lineage, the dynamic race of Gods, his "HOLY ANCESTRY." To call this man's ONLY ancestry is a contradiction to all truth.

"We have fathers of our flesh who corrected us and we gave them reverence, how much more should we be in subjection to the Father of Spirits and live!" To claim that our ONLY HERITAGE is the lineage of God is ridiculous and absurd and a misquotation. We most assuredly do have the HOLY HERITAGE OR LINEAGE, but it is NOT the ONLY ONE. Each individual has a mortal lineage, fathers and mothers of our flesh -- and their fathers and their mothers, generations of them -- back to the very beginning of time.

So much for two of the NUMEROUS ERRORS contained in the printing of the book "Beyond Mortal Boundaries." And yet, all the forces and powers of darkness could not possibly destroy the dynamic truths and the glory contained in it. That book was not merely written! It was thundered out of eternity! And "Was wholly written by the finger of God," as the writer of the Odes of Solomon foretold. The errors are man's mistakes. The truths are God's and will remain forever.

There is also another point that must be corrected here. A misguided person proclaimed that I had given her the information that "the most genteel way to obtain translation is through the grave." This blessed woman, with the best intentions in the world, knows nothing whatsoever of the divine, holy law of translation, or transfiguration or ascension, which ever you choose to call it. Bless her, she is speaking her own words, not mine. Her knowledge does not go beyond death and the resurrection to the complete purification and perfection of one's body that "one can change his carnal flesh to flesh divine, without descending through the gates of death!"

This unenlightened sister, this beautiful teacher of half truths claimed that I had informed her that at last I had to admit that the ability to just disappear would be "too great a shock." God bless her, everything which God has placed in my hands to reveal and to prove is that holy information of how DEATH IS TO BE OVERCOME. Nothing on earth is a greater shock than death itself, either to the one passing through it or the loved ones left behind.

Everything God has commanded me to write has been to show the error of death, the needless indignity of this shameful experience and the repulsiveness of so wasteful a process as going down into the grave to moulder and rot! This is the great shock! But for those who are carnally minded it is impossible for them to change their carnal flesh to flesh divine and so they deny that it is possible for anyone to do so.

Neither have I ever been contacted by, nor have I communed with those who go into trances. My work has been in the open and with those in full control of all their God-given faculties. There has been nothing of darkness in my work, no "familiar spirits," no soothsaying and none of the forbidden things.

And so I earnestly entreat you to pray that God will reveal to you, individually, by the power of the Holy Ghost, the truth of every statement He has instructed me to write.

Test everything you hear by this method and you will never judge wrongfully, for God Himself will become your teacher. Learn to listen to His Voice and you will KNOW THE TRUTH when it is placed before you. You will never need to reject TRUTH because of fear engendered by ignorance. Neither will you ever accept falsehoods as TRUTH. And only "The Truth will make you free!" Contained in this Spirit of Truth is the Spirit of Discernment and he who possesses this gift cannot possibly be deceived for through his own humble contact with God he is indeed one of the elect.

Test everything you hear by this method of prayer, "ASK" and "SEEK" and "KNOCK" and above all "LEARN TO LISTEN!" As you learn to trust in God with all your hearts, and lean not to your own understandings or (in the arm of flesh) you will never need to doubt truth or to reject it. And in like manner the falsehood of all evil doctrines will be made manifest unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost.

And God bless you forever, for I lie not! Neither have I taught you falsely.