"Look close, Christine, and view the world," spoke the soft, penetrating voice of the glorified one taking charge of the assembly.
"The greatest drama of the universe is being enacted upon the world at the present time. It is the stage the whole Universe is watching, for the drama is nearly over, the climax draws near.
"Man is the crucible in which the powers of light and darkness are pouring their forces -- for it is Judgment Day -- not as it has been understood, but as it really is -- not a day, according to man's thinking, but a period of time in which each man is judging himself. Truly Christ judgeth no man. Each man judgeth himself as being prepared and worthy to go on into the realms of light -- or to be sent to lower, often inferior worlds, to progress slowly through the coming ages. Each man sets his own gauge -- measures his own speed -- makes his own choice. It is almost possible to predict the exact future of each individual, for the seeds they plant in their hearts, and abide by, such will they reap. None need to be told what each tree in an orchard will produce. It is established from the very planting of the seed.
"Those who sow the wind must reap the whirlwind." "As they sow, so shall they reap."
"For some, the second death is all that is left," added the speaker.
"The second death!" I gasped. "Is there really such a thing?"
"Oh yes. But look and you will understand the great enfolding mercy of even that. Behold!"
And I looked down and beheld that the floor was as a sea of glass, a telescope, a great lense, I know not which, or how, or what -- only I was able to behold the whole earth -- all of it -- and the inhabitants thereof. I saw the great forces of light being poured out upon the earth from this group, from other groups -- from the very throne of God, in ever increasing brilliance. It was being poured out with increasing measure upon all flesh.
I saw that these great and mighty Sons of God, these, who were gathered into the great Church of the Firstborn, the divine Brotherhood of Light were those who overcame WHILE IN THE FLESH. This group inherit a far more exceeding place and weight of glory than those, even, who just live very good lives. Those who just live good lives yet are overcome by the flesh will be disappointed if they have been anticipating a great reward. Unless one learns to fulfill the great laws of righteousness here, while in this life, he cannot be exalted in the Celestial realms. Death does not create a divine being or a celestial change in anyone. It only reveals completely, to himself, what he really is, his worthiness or unworthiness, as the case may be. It is the complete unveiling of himself to himself, and is often quite shocking.
As the light was poured out from the great, divine realms of God I saw many of the humble, seeking ones lift up their heads with an inner listening. I beheld this light begin to penetrate their hearts, even as it had mine. I saw it warm their souls as its righteousness began to increase on the earth. I felt, rather than heard, that singing song of everlasting thanksgiving and love touch their hearts with its healing, awakening power, and their own respond to its glory. I saw the power of it, the breath taking wonder and majesty of it. I felt its magnitude, its throbbing, everlasting thanksgiving and love touch their hearts with its healing, awakening power, and their own respond to its glory. I saw the power of it, the breath taking wonder and majesty of it. I felt its magnitude, its throbbing, everlasting strength and knew that it was these rays or vibrations of living light that had brushed my cheek, penetrated into the dark recesses of my mind, warmed my soul, even as it was doing to countless others. By keeping one's mind unsealed and open its influence can enter and grow. Thus each man is his own judge. He condemns himself with his blind, sealed, shut in, narrowed opinions, resentfulness, bitterness or hardness of heart, or he permits himself to pass on to a higher grade of advancement.
I beheld those in high places, and those in evil slums, and in the many ordinary paths of life begin to resist the light -- the proud because it would dethrone their pride -- the evil because they loved darkness rather than light. They were like the unclean things of earth that cannot bear the sunlight, but crawl under boards and stones and deep caverns to escape it.
There is no escape from the light as it is being poured out, except to lay hold upon the darkness -- and then the darkness takes over -- and from it there is no escape.
Those who have considered themselves the very sanctified of earth are fighting it harder than most others. This light is taking the usurped power of God and placing it back where it belongs -- the great power that flows unrestricted between God and all mankind, unless blocked by the usurpation and bigotry of leaders. Those who have stood to block the flow of this power to all are being, or will be shortly shoved aside.
And I heard the ancient chant and saw the power of it: "God is thrusting the mighty from their seat, and exalting those of low degree." I saw those words come to life. I saw the Spirit of the Lord, as it was being poured out upon the earth, begin to crumble authorities, and nations as leaders and politicians and potentates sought to hold their posts. I saw them reach out with their blinded minds and draw the darkness to them as the only weapon with which they could fight. And thus, because of the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds, they were seized with the very chains of hell. And the veil of unbelief grew more dense because of the great wickedness of the leaders. Thus they judged themselves as unworthy or unprepared for light, and rejecting it they were left unto themselves to begin to fight against the very power of God, and to persecute the Saints of the Most High. Thus they would be retarded by their pride for many ages, for pride is the greatest weapon of the powers of hell.
Pride is the false jewel, the counterfeit gem, worn as a diadem by those who are satisfied with the outward show of things. But he who wears this cheap counterfeit jewel has the seal of Lucifer upon his brow, and unless it is cast off the powers of darkness will claim the individual who wears it -- for it is a seal. This pride is the chief weapon of the darkness. It fathers hate and jealousy, greed and falsehood and blinds the eyes of men. It hardens their hearts and fortifies the veil of unbelief.
Then I beheld those - so very few - whose lives had been so evil, so filled with shame, so enfolded in darkness, so corrupt and wicked that when the great revelation came they pleaded for non-existence -- the second death -- for they could not bear the burden of their sins. For them there was no forgiveness because they had not sinned from ignorance or weakness, but from knowledge and strength, knowingly and wantonly. It was when their works had failed and the great shock of their wickedness stood fully revealed that they had to die for they could not possibly carry the unbearable burden of their crimes. Only spiritual death could bring relief for such great suffering as they had created. No soul could possibly go on existing and bear a burden so great. For them the second death was the greatest possible mercy. Only by it could the knowledge and the memory of their crimes be consumed, for only those reached this point who had not only sinned against themselves and against God, in every possible way, but had sinned against the human race -- Had shed innocent blood and fought constantly to dethrone the Light and to exalt themselves in its stead. These were those who had deliberately ensnared the souls of men, who had brought untold misery and suffering and darkness upon the earth. To them it would be a great relief to die the second death -- which was often like a physical death, slow and lingering -- and torturous. To some it came by inches. To those who die this second death it is necessary to give up their ages of conscious existence, to release their individualities, their eons of development, their very souls, to be absorbed back as energy into the eternal fires of the great eternal Light -- No longer a conscious entity -- no longer -- anything.
All others will be saved eventually -- in some degree. But there are as many degrees of salvation as there are ideas of heaven in the minds of the millions of Christians.
It is a vain and stupid thing for men to go around shouting that they have been saved. Of course they have! So will all men be saved, except the sons of perdition, those who have merited only the second death, and they are very few. To be saved is no great credit to anyone. That is the gift Christ gave. No man really has to earn it. His only responsibility is to claim it, not to forfeit it.
But there are the exalted ones, these are the ones, who by their own efforts, by the development and use of love, the compassionate, tender, merciful love of Christ, have offered up their broken hearts and have gathered to themselves the Light in a vibrating melody of eternal power to subdue the earth, the evil conditions upon it and the darkness thereof. These are the ones who have "OVERCOME" and receiving the power of God, step forth with all things under their feet. This group is the Church of the Firstborn. They are gathered from every creed, from every nation, from the highways and the byways of life, from the cities and the hamlets, from the deserts and the mountains. They are gathered according to their power to rend the veil of unbelief. These are the ones who have learned the power of the broken heart, who, walking in contriteness of spirit and perfected love have overcome all things. They are unstained by the sins of the world. These are those who "Have purified themselves."
Those who have lived ordinary lives of goodness will get a high degree of glory and happiness, according to their merits.
But only those who overcome all things in this life are fully exalted.
This great judgment is as varied as are the individual lives of men. To each will be his own reward -- his own place -- his own heaven.
This great outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord is bringing all things to a speedy fruition. The time is being shortened by it. This great outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord as it is beginning to cover the earth, even as the waters cover the sea, is dynamic in its scope and in its results. It is being poured out upon all flesh, but all flesh is not responding to its healing, purifying rays. "Their sons and their daughters will prophesy," but their elders and their rulers will at first condemn them for it, and will do all manner of evil to silence them.
In this great outpouring light there are no walls to hide behind -- no blinds to draw. The very souls of men stand out, x-rayed against the background of their lives -- and their lives are x-rayed and weighed against the background of their aims, their desires, their weaknesses and their strength. Weaknesses and errors can be enfolded in mercy, while those who deliberately fight against the light and truth of God, even as most are doing, by pretending to be serving God, will find the judgment falls heavy. Through this light no one single thing remains unknown, or unrevealed. None can be hidden, cloaked or veiled from sight. None are forgotten. None can escape.
As I stood there in that awesome interval looking into the minds and hearts of men, yes, even into the very depths of their souls, it was like seeing with the "All-Seeing Eye" of the Almighty.
Those who were responding to the vibrations of love and light, even in the least degree, were instantly noted. For them the great doors opened wide. The great assembly of those mighty ones poured out their love, inspiring, directing, assisting in every possible way, giving constant help and encouragement, though unseen. They poured out comfort and strength according to the individual's power to receive.
No one ever asks for help who is rejected, neglected, or unheard. Always as much help is bestowed as is possible to give under the individual circumstances, and the circumstances depend entirely on the receptivity and condition of the person needing help.
There are helpers always from that unseen side eagerly ready to assist any who sincerely seek and ask. The one requirement is that the asking be sincere. Only sincerity, deep and earnest can prepare any soul to receive help, or to use it if given. These great ones can only assist. They cannot do the work for another. That is the one impossible thing -- even as one cannot die for another -- or be born for another.
And there are also those helpers who are working on the earth who are still in physical form, who can be seen, but unrecognized by the great majority. But for everyone who sincerely reaches out for help, who seeks, or desires, or strives, help is sent. Sometimes it may be through an inspired thought entering the mind, a printed article, a book, a word, a sentence or a complete message given to the soul as a great revelation. Direction comes constantly to all who only open their minds and hearts to its continual flow.
The only ones who cannot be helped are those who are sealed -- either by believing that they already possess all light and all truth -- or those who are completely hardened by crime. No one in mortality can possibly possess all the Light -- if he could he would no longer be mortal. But only those who realize that they do not possess all the light possible to receive are open to receive more, and yet more.
As I comprehended the tender, constant care that had been so freely given to me, my heart melted completely into tears of deep, everlasting gratitude.
I beheld the literal, breath taking, wondrous fulfillment of: "The meek shall inherit the earth" as it began to unfold. I saw their meekness develop and become powerful in its strength as the proud and the haughty began to be cast from their high and mighty seats.
I had a moment of great difficulty in adjusting my mind to receive the knowledge that some of the very proudest of all men were the leaders of churches. As I beheld it I felt a great unspeakable shame come over me for them. So very, very few who claimed to be the ambassadors, or representatives of Christ had any Christ-like trait. I bowed my head and wished with all my soul that I could make up to God, in some way, for the complete mockery of their empty service. They would arise almost in mass to fight against the very Son of God if He appeared to rebuke them for usurping His power to glorify themselves. They were even shoving God aside and placing themselves up as His mouthpieces. They were "Blind leaders of the blind," the greatest tragedy of all.
But thank God all mankind is not blind. The meek and humble are responding more and more to the light -- the eternal glory -- the very voice, or Word of God, for it is most assuredly true that, "The Word of the Lord is Truth; and whatsoever is Truth, is Light; and whatsoever is Light, is Spirit, even the Spirit of Jesus Christ" -- which Spirit is the great vibration of love and light and intelligence and power. It is the inner Light of God that is in the midst of all things. It is the inner light that is in the very center, or midst of all things that is being contacted by the great out-pouring light of heaven. It is the blending of these two lights that awakens one to service, to life, and glory and eventual perfection.
And so I viewed the commencement of the way of the meek and the beginning of the re-dedication of the earth to them. I watched them beginning to rise from their humble stations, as they were slowly, slowly being filled with light, according to their individual capacities. And the light which they received was the great Light, the Light of power, even the power of the Almighty.
Such is the beginning of the Day of Judgment. And such is its end.
The rest of what was given to me I cannot share. Even if I could, none would be able to comprehend except those who have already rent the veil of unbelief. And they already know.
And finally I was given the holy anointing and the words: "Christine, you are ordained with a holy calling to help spread the sacred Light. Give it to none who are unworthy lest it injure or consume them. This is what Christ meant when He commanded his apostles to let their peace return unto them whenever they contacted those who could not receive it, or who were unworthy.
"Give out the Light, Christine. Let it shine forth, but only to the degree that individuals are prepared to receive it lest too much at one time destroy.
"Tread carefully the sacred highway of the divine.
"Whenever there is a task too difficult, just call and help will come. The strength of all is back of each one. This is the power of unity, of true brotherhood in the Divine.
"God be with you -- forever -- and forever -- Amen."
And the song increased in volume and splendor and glory --
And I too, was clothed in Light as I kneeled within the hallway of eternity, as a humble child of earth who became a member of the Church of the Firstborn.