In Scripture God is called "the Father of Lights!" He is indeed the Father of all who bring forth the Light of Christ from within. When that Light is contacted and brought forth one becomes a son. "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased," or in whom I AM, which is the Light of Christ, is well pleased.
The deep, eternal I Am within man is the glorified reality of "the Light of Christ that is given to abide in every man who cometh into the world". In this light is contained Christ's quickening, redeeming power of renewal and forgiveness. It is the seat of all-knowing that is given to abide right within man. It contains all peace and all power. "For it is given to abide in you; the record of heaven; the Comforter; the peaceable things of immortal glory; the truth of all things; that which quickeneth all things, which maketh alive all things; that which knoweth all things, and hath all power, according to wisdom, mercy, truth, justice and judgment."
"The Light of Christ is given to abide in every man who cometh into the world." The Light of Christ contains all the powers held within the first of these two quotations.
Within the Light of Christ is also contained the powers of complete purification and of redemption, the power that fulfills all promises and the power and intelligence which can straighten out all one's tangles and messes, his errors and his mistakes. The Light of Christ contains and reveals all truth as Its dynamic, blue ray is brought forth and put into use.
The Light of Christ alone can give minute instruction in the affairs of life. It is not necessarily a light to just the physical eyes, though that is part of Its function. Its real purpose is spiritual and It gives Its greatest Light to the intellect of him who is open to receive and who has overcome the blindness of his mind through learning to believe.
As one follows the direction of His leading he will be led into all truth, for "The Christ Light IS THE WAY"! If a man follows that Light, or travels according to Its inner instructions he cannot possibly err, or fail. The Christ Light alone is the infallible guide to one's own individual journey of life -- abundant and full. This is the Way Christ traveled. It is the Way which He IS. "For I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life!"
"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction (or death), and many there be which go in thereat.
"Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."
"The strait and narrow way" is not some orthodox belief, creed or ritual conformity, as so many have supposed. It is not any narrow doctrine expounded in blindness. "The strait and narrow way" is the inner path, revealed and made clear by the great Christ Light. It is the way of personal instruction and minute direction to each and every individual who will only give heed to it. It is the way known to the ancients as The Inner Way, or "The Inner Doctrine!"
The Christ Way is fulfilled in the admonition, "Do all that thou doest in the name of the Lord, and call upon the name of the Son forevermore."
"The strait and narrow Way" is the way of definite, individual, personal instruction in which one performs no act, speaks no word except that directed by the Light, that source of All-knowing Power. It is the path in which one learns to abide in Christ, in His Light, and that Light becomes more and more apparent to, and in, the individual.
That Light of Christ is truly "The bread of life, which, if a man partakes thereof he will never hunger nor thirst again".
Within the Light of Christ is the power of contact with all the great store of God's infinite abundance so one advances to the point where it is no longer necessary to labor for the things that perish, for all these things will be added unto him.
There are thousands who have advanced to the point where they contact, in a lesser degree, this holy Light, or Christ power. Then they begin to use it, as Christ Himself was tempted to use it, for bread, honor, self-aggrandizement. They begin to use His healing ray for money, for a price, or begin to preach for hire. All who thus MIS-use His holy Power for personal livelihood, for their own support or for honors, will never be able to advance into the "Fullness of the Father". Nor can they possibly go on to their "HIGHER" reward. Only he who labors for God is worthy of "his higher wage" and is entitled to sonhood. Every individual's progress is definitely stopped when he compromises and becomes willing to receive a menial's pay in earthly coin, worldly security. Those who accept money for any service, in the name of the Lord, are being deceived. As they receive their pay, or reward from the world the world becomes their paymaster. They do not realize they have forfeited the greater reward for that mediocre feeling of personal, physical security and well-being. They have sold themselves for hire to the world -- and from the world they accept their pay, therefore they are serving the world -- not God. "No man can serve two masters."
"Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
"Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works?
"And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
"Iniquity" is any unjust or unlawful act that is out of harmony with the infinite laws of the Universe. It is an act that is contrary to the divine law of God to receive earthly compensation for services rendered in His Name. To charge any fee for rendering any service "In the Name of the Lord" is a transgression and an error.
Those who labor for Christ must render that service through love and freely. It must be without price. His gifts and powers are given to be used for the benefit of man and not for money. They must be rendered without earthly compensation. His divine gifts must be used even as Peter and John used them in healing the lame man at the temple gate. They looked upon him with infinite compassion and Peter proclaimed, "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have "give" I to thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk."
When the healing powers of Christ and any of the holy gifts of power are used to obtain money one is no longer laboring for Christ. He is working for his own living and for the pay of the world. Such will receive his reward from the world and in so doing the world is accepted as his paymaster and not God. Such an individual cannot possibly expect any credit, reward or acknowledgement from God or Christ. He has placed himself in the status of a menial and will receive a menial's pay -- the wages of the world -- even death.
Within the Light of Christ is contained the perfect Will of God. As one is directed by the holy Light of his own individual pattern, as contained in the Will of God, or in the perfect plan, the Will of God will be exalted and fulfilled in the individual. It is then that one can become sanctified. Those who comprehend and fulfill these laws are advanced into a rate of higher vibration. They become "worthy of their hire" (higher) enlightenment and exaltation.
No individual can perform any great work. Only as the Light of Christ is brought forth can anything of permanent value be accomplished. It is through the Light of Christ, which is given to abide within man, that "God doeth His works". It is within and through the Light of Christ that all things are made possible.
"-- The Light of Truth. Which truth shineth. THIS IS THE LIGHT OF CHRIST. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made.
"As also he is in the moon, and is the light of the moon, and the power thereof by which it was made;
"As also the light of the stars, and the power thereof by which they were made;
"And the earth also, and the power thereof, even the earth upon which you stand.
"And the light shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings:
"The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, EVEN THE POWER OF GOD, who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, WHO IS IN THE MIDST (middle or center) OF ALL THINGS."
This is just about as enlarged a description of the Light of Christ as is possible to obtain on this earth. But as this Light of Christ is comprehended and brought forth from within the individual there is much more that must be revealed.
"For you shall live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God.
"For the WORD of the Lord is truth, and whatsoever is truth is Light, and whatsoever is Light is Spirit; EVEN THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST.
"And the Spirit giveth light to every man that cometh into the world; and the Spirit enlighteneth every man through the world, that harkeneth to the voice of the Spirit."
(And "those who rejecteth that Light of Christ, or who harkeneth not to Its Voice are under condemnation".)
"And everyone that harkeneth to the voice of the Spirit cometh unto God, even the Father.
"And the Father teacheth him of the covenant which he has renewed and confirmed unto you --"
"And the whole world lieth in sin, and groaneth under darkness, and under the bondage of sin.
"And by this you may know that they are under the bondage of sin, because they come not unto me.
"For whoso cometh not unto me is under the bondage of sin.
"And whoso receiveth not my voice is not acquainted with my voice, and is not of me." Or in other words, "They know not the God in Whom they can trust."
The voice of God is heard through that Light of Christ when one develops It and becomes in harmony with It. This divine voice is the voice of instruction and of revelation. It is the voice of inner joy and gladness. It is a song in the heart when one is in tune with the exalting, sanctifying, triumphant symphony of the Universe. The Christ Light is also the inexplicable voice and power of peace. It is the revealing expression of the Holy Spirit of Promise that comes as a breath, a whisper or the powerful revelation of complete knowledge when one opens his heart to hear -- and his mind to comprehend. The voice of the great Christ Light is heard in every warm, joyous approval felt from within when one has performed some kind act, spoken a loving word or refrained from some evil deed. It is that Voice which is also heard in rebuke for every evil, selfish, violent thought or act.
It is as one learns to give heed to the deep, inner Voice of Christ's holy redeeming Light that he is definitely traveling the Way which leads to Life eternal.
This is the Way Christ traveled. It is the Way of His Light. It is the "strait and narrow Way" which leads to the great door of magnificent, eternal, exalted life. It is a personal Way designed for each individual to travel. It is as private as the inner life and feelings of one's own unsharable thoughts. It is not the way of the multitude, nor of the group, nor of organizations. It is so completely individual that of necessity each must travel it alone. Because it is so still and quiet and alone is the reason it has been so difficult to find.
This quiet inner way is not the broad, much traveled, open road of the masses. The multitudes and groups cannot travel it together for it is an individual, inner path. It is not the broad road of outward living. It is not a wide path of outside conformity, nor is it a path of outward rituals which cleanse only the outside of man. It is not the broad, open way followed by the throngs, as it leads to destruction and through which the many enter.
The inner Way Christ traveled is the road to Life Eternal. It is the road that by-passes death.
Only as one contacts that Light of Christ within and follows Its divine leading can he possibly receive the gifts and powers which are promised "TO ALL THOSE WHO BELIEVE -- EVEN UNTO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH." One's belief must embrace that Light within and then hold to it with tenacious determination. He must follow Its leading in all things. And as one learns to follow, It will lead him to the Father. On such is the gift of Eternal life bestowed. It is then the great, last veil of Light dissolves and the face of God, the Father, is revealed. It is then that one is privileged to actually KNOW God.
This is the knowledge which is power. This is His Kingdom -- the Kingdom of Heaven within. Those who are privileged and worthy to enter this kingdom become members of the Church of the First Born, even of Jesus Christ, the Lord.
This is a sacred, individual road and must be traveled from within. None can travel it who remain upon the broad, outside path of the multitudes and who conform to the mass acceptance of rituals and orthodox behavior and forms. This Way is the HIGHER Path that permits one to fulfill his own individual pattern of transforming perfection as he learns to step into Spiritual maturity and Walks henceforth with God -- his Father.
This holy Path of Light is entered by fulfilling that first and greatest of all commandments, not just in theory but by literal adherence and constant practice.
As one loves God with a devotion that is beyond words, as it vibrates forth in inner praise and gratitude, that Path becomes a lighted highway of glory and power.
Belief and praise and gratitude, released in LOVE, bring forth that divine Christ Light from within and permit It to become the great living reality of existence. Belief and praise and gratitude, rayed out on the wings of LOVE, are the three Christ rays that nothing in existence can deter or conquer. No darkness can retard or dim them, no evil overcome them. These three Christ rays, when released, have the power to go instantly and unerringly to the very heart of God. They are the most powerful rays in existence. Within their embrace is contained all the virtues and unutterable, dynamic power of the Kingdom of God.
Belief and praise and gratitude, when released through LOVE and inner devotion, are the reality of the three divine Christ rays of blue, gold and ruby-red, which contain all the other related colors of the entire spectrum and every divine and holy attribute and trait in living perfection. Therefore, as the divine WHITE Light of Christ is contacted and released, it is transformed from Its original brilliance into the three colorful Christ rays. As they are comprehended and sent out by the individual, they in turn embrace all the other rays and virtues. As they are directed out in flowing currents of vibrant glory direct to the throne of God, they return laden with His power and His fulfillment.
Even as the rainbow in the sky is a token of God's covenant with man in the days of Noah, so is the radiance of the living colors of the spectrum a symbol of God's everlasting covenant to every individual who comes into the world.
When any individual accepts and brings forth that divine White Light of Christ, it is rayed out from him in its developing, variegated colors of vibrational virtues. Thus man fulfills his part of the covenant with God to be noble, obedient and holy, even a divine son. God in turn is bound and must fulfill His part of the covenant by bestowing the complete manifestation and power of every holy promise ever made to man by God since time began. The law is irrevocable. This law is the everlasting covenant of God to man. It is "NEW" because it becomes a new and breathtaking, glorious, divine experience to every individual who fulfills it. Thus it is known as "The New and Everlasting Covenant".
As man sends out those pure Christ rays, God returns His blessings along them to find their complete fulfillment in the life of him who sent them forth. So it is that the rainbow hues of man's virtues are sent forth on the Light of Christ as It is rayed out in Its varied spectrum from the very heart of man. Thus Christ's holy Light contains the complete power of perfection, redemption and glory as God's personal covenant becomes an established, exalting fulfillment within each man.
When the three Christ rays, blue, gold and ruby-red, are established through belief, praise and gratitude sent out on the wings of LOVE from the human heart, there is no power in existence which can thwart one's progress and the ultimate fulfilling of all things, for within those three rays are the relative vibrations of every divine virtue.
Along that divine blue Christ ray, as it is sent forth to the very throne of God, to which it travels unerringly, is returned the fulfilling and completion of everything the individual believes possible. It is according to the intensity of the blue Christ ray, as it is released from man's own open heart, that God fulfills, or "does His works".
It is now time to reveal fully the divine law by which God's holy Will is fulfilled and all things accomplished.
In using this great and holy law of God one must step beyond the little personal, mortal desires of the outer "self". The little personal desires are only transitory, temporary, physical yearnings fluttering in the bosom of man. These are usually harmful desires and bring only heartaches and unhappiness. They are passing and deceptive and are often only selfish desires. These little mortal cravings of the flesh are either physical, lustful wants, or the desire for worldly wealth or personal power, or the yearnings to be exalted above one's fellowmen. Such desires of the little personal "self" are outgrown and left behind as one fulfills the first and greatest commandment of love toward God in all its outflowing strength, sent forth from his individual heart, soul and mind.
As one learns to "Be Still" he enters into the holy of holies in the very center of his own soul, where the Light of Christ is concentrated. As he learns to contact that Light by daily effort and practice, he will become purified and cleansed from all sin. This is one of the divine functions of Christ's redeeming Light.
Then as one learns to abide in that Light by turning to It constantly, It will be brought forth in Its fullness to fill his entire being. Thus It abides in him. "Abide in me and I will abide in you."
It is when one has thus learned to abide in the Christ Light that he becomes filled with Light and begins to comprehend all things. One of the first things revealed and made apparent by the divine Christ Light is the deepest, most intense longing in the individual's own soul. This longing is a holy desire and was implanted in man's center and enfolded in that Christ Light by God Himself at the very beginning of time. It has been lying in embryo, dormant in that living center of man's being, like the germ within the egg. This inner, holy desire, buried and forgotten, is the individual's own personal destiny. That unfulfilled, exalting, divine and eternal pattern of individual accomplishment is the destiny awaiting each man. This exalting, higher destiny is far beyond any personal ambition. This destiny is divine.
It is as one learns to enter that inner stillness within the depths of his own soul, the exalting Christ Light, that he becomes acquainted with God's holy plan awaiting his fulfillment. It is then he has the faith to look clearly and with comprehending vision and realizes that that inner radiant, exalting destiny has been a crying, yearning, longing part of his own soul from the beginning of time. That individual destiny and calling is usually far beyond anything one has ever contemplated or dreamed of. At first it may seem unbelievable and almost overwhelming. The personal calling may be so dynamically tremendous, so breathtakingly glorious it may seem impossible to grasp its full magnitude as one first focuses his attention upon it.
It may be that your own particular calling was never before implanted in the soul of any man. It may be as distinct and as separate and individual as was the destiny of Columbus. Nevertheless that destiny was implanted there by God Himself and it is His Will that it be fulfilled. Every great, intense desire of the soul was implanted there by God. This must begin to be comprehended as one learns to discern between the little mortal desires and the destiny contained within the soul.
It must also be understood here that because there is a great and holy destiny awaiting each and every man does not mean that it will be fulfilled. Each man was foreordained to fulfill a certain great and beautiful work, but he was not predestined to fullfill it. Along with each and every calling is the gift of free-agency. Man must desire to fulfill the Will of God and begin to co-operate in doing his part of the assignment.
As one advances spiritually to the point where he beholds or comprehends his individual destiny, he must develop fully his power to believe. He must believe in that inner revelation, that secret vision, that holy destiny crying within his own soul. He must understand those deep inner desires which God established within him before the world was.
As one holds to that divine, inner vision, no matter how seemingly impossible it may appear and believes in it, "doubting nothing", it must be fulfilled for it becomes possible through man's belief.
As one develops to the point where he believes he has the power to send out that blue Christ ray in extending, increasing magnitude. When that ray is united with praise and gratitude, the gold and ruby-red rays, as they are released in LOVE, the three Christ rays unite and reach instantly to the very throne of God. These three rays contain within their vibratory essence the unspeakable Name of Jesus Christ, the great Name of All-power. This Name of infinite glory is Unspeakable simply because it cannot be spoken. It is a vibration! It is the essence and the reality of God's divine power! It is glory unutterable!
Within the blue Christ ray of belief the soul's sincere desire is held revealed and open, completely exposed to the divine, fulfilling powers of God. And along that blue ray, as it is beamed out, the inflowing rays of God's Almighty accomplishment is completed as His Will is fulfilled in bringing forth that inner destiny into its outside fulfillment. It is in this way that God's will is done on earth even as it is in heaven. His Will was established in the great hidden destiny enfolded within each man's soul. His Will is fulfilled when man opens his soul to comprehend and through belief co-operates in fulfilling his own glorified perfection.
The blue ray is the opened channel of belief through which God's holy powers of completion flow back, enfolding the individual destiny and establishing it in glory and honor forever.
This is the law on which faith works. This is how faith becomes knowing and knowing becomes power! This is the Way in which His divine, holy Will is fulfilled and the Way in which the individual glorifies his own destiny. It is most definitely true that "According to your belief be it unto you"!
Doubting is of the darkness and is the most destructive weapon of the devil. As long as doubting is permitted to rule God's works cannot possibly be done, nor His promises fulfilled. Doubting destroys all things, annihilates all good and makes all things impossible.
As the Light of Christ is contacted and developed that divine blue ray is released and sent directly to the glorified throne of God to make its claim upon Him. And He is bound and must obey its call, for it was God Himself who established the covenant. As that divine Christ ray is intensified it carries man's desire to the very heart of God and it is through this infinite power that one's righteous desires, his holy ambitions and divine hopes are fulfilled as the power of God goes into action to complete the request, which He Himself established.
The law, or command to "Ask" also has its part in this great, breathtaking accomplishment. As one asks his own holy calling becomes clarified to him and is therefore more rapidly fulfilled. This is the law upon which faith works. And this law is every man's to use, henceforth and forever.
Again, it must be understood that in using this higher law it must not be used upon unworthy personal, mediocre, little, selfish requests. In doing so one is asking amiss and can be injured by the fulfilling of his own human lusts and wants.
This divine law of fulfillment is irrevocable when used to accomplish the Will of God, which is the fulfilling of each individual's own personal glory and perfection. This is the law of God's eternal covenant with man. It contains the fulfilling of His covenant, both by man and by God. It cannot err. This is the path of glory and of perfection.
To reveal more completely the magnificent glory of God's infinite Good it will be necessary to go one step farther.
That individual pattern, or ordained destiny, locked within that divine Light of Christ is the WORD of God. It is His holy WORD implanted as a promise within each soul. When the quickening, renewing, redeeming Light of Christ is contacted that WORD is given the power of life and will reveal itself as it becomes apparent to the inner consciousness of the individual. When that inner WORD of God is brought forth to its divine fulfillment It is made flesh and the flesh is exalted to the status of Spirit. This is the law of translation. God's Will is then brought forth onto the physical plane, even as it is established in heaven, the Kingdom within.
That individual pattern or WORD, the holy plan of God for the individual, was sealed or established within the very center of that Christ Light by the Holy Spirit of Promise. This Holy Spirit of Promise is the covenant God made with man before his life on earth ever began.
When the Christ Light is contacted and released through love and becomes established in holiness as one develops the power to believe and sends that belief forth on the divine Christ ray of blue, that inner promise must be fulfilled.
This inner calling, or WORD of Promise, is the Voice of Christ calling to be heard. When one begins to hear that Voice, or inner WORD, which God spoke into his soul in the beginning, he will open that door to the great Christ Light within. Then it is that the full glory of Christ's Light will be brought forth and will be sent out in its glorified spectrum of perfected virtues and attributes to the very throne of God. Then it is that all things become possible -- and all things will be fulfilled in that individual.
Man automatically becomes humble before such powers and such grandeur. He becomes so humble the little mortal "self" is lost and dissolved in the great vibrations of praise and gratitude released in LOVE as he learns to relinquish his own little personal will to the divine Will of God. It is in the Will of God that all perfection is held. As the three divine Christ rays, which contain all the other hues and vibrational colors, are released the Will of God, which is enfolded in that inner WORD, begins to be fulfilled as It is quickened into life and growth -- and fulfillment.
This holy WORD, or inner promise, locked in each man's soul, this inner pattern or divine calling, is the "new and Everlasting Covenant". This covenant is completely established and must be fulfilled when one no longer rejects that Light of Christ that has been given to abide in him, and believes in It. As It is accepted in loving praise and gratitude It is released to begin Its process of fulfilling glory. When that Light is accepted the three Christ rays are released, and as they are strengthened and beamed out in power, the virtues of all the living rays of the rainbow reach the throne of God. The sending out of these rays is man's part of the New and Everlasting Covenant.
When those rays reach the throne of God, He must of necessity fulfill His part of that Covenant. He must bring forth that inner WORD by the very glory of His power. God is actually bound by that covenant and when man fulfills his part of it and overcomes his evils by accepting the holy Christ Light as he rays It back to God in Its spectrumed vibrations of increasing virtues, God must fulfill His part of that covenant. God must accept those rays and return the power of His approbation to complete the fulfilling and perfection of that individual's destiny. This is the law and it is irrevocable. It cannot err, nor can it fail.
When any individual's destiny is accomplished and fulfilled it will be for the eternal glory of God and will also be for the benefit of all concerned.
No man who fulfills this holy law by first accepting that divine Christ Light, given to abide within him, then raying it out, can possibly remain under condemnation. He is not only redeemed, but is exalted and glorified.
The rainbow has always held the symbol of this eternal, everlasting covenant. The rainbow in the sky is just a reminder of that eternal symbol and inner covenant. It is only the dim reproduction, or semblance of that which man must establish through his own glorified vibrations of increasing virtues as the Light of Christ is accepted. The first of the Christ rays is belief. Only through the power to believe can the other rays be established. Without belief nothing can be accomplished.
It can be stated here that the saying, "At the foot of the rainbow is the pot of gold" is definitely true. At the foot of those rays as they are released within man is the great Christ Light, the realm of Spirit, the purified gold which has been tried in the fire.
Those who believe in and accept that divine "Light of Christ, which has been given to abide in every man who cometh into the world," will be led to fulfill their part of that holy Covenant and cannot possibly remain under condemnation, or in darkness. Their mediocrity drops away as they become filled with Light and are made glorious.
Because this Way has been an inner Way the churches and groups of the past have not traveled it. They have traveled instead the outside road of orthodox conformity and of set rituals as "They have honored God with their lips, while their hearts have been far from Him."
The Light of Christ must be comprehended and brought forth from within man in order to prepare for the glorious, triumphant coming of the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, even Jesus Christ Himself, to rule and reign in glory and honor upon this earth. But before this greatest of all events can happen there must be those who are prepared to receive Him, those who have brought forth His Light within themselves. These are the ones who "Will be like Him when He appears, for they will be purified, even as He is pure!" Within them will the WORD of God have been made flesh as they stand forth redeemed and sanctified. "These will be filled with His holy Light and will comprehend all things."
This inner Way is the Way of the Christ Light that Jesus traveled. It is a straight and narrow Way in that it does not lead out into many diversified courses of mortal inclinations. It is the Way of unspeakable power, glory and infinite, individual achievement. It is the Way of boundless joy and of overcoming. It is the Way of purification, of redemption and of exalting glory. It is the Way that perfects all things and fulfills all things as it leads one to the Father -- even to His Fullness.
The Christ Way is the road of exaltation. In this Path one is not even burdened or concerned by the ugly, defiled traits and desires for they are automatically overcome as one learns to hold himself within Christ's redeeming Light. In this Way, which is His, can one be purified, cleansed, redeemed and completely glorified.
The Christ Way is the Path of honor and praise and unutterable beauty. It is the Way of power and loving redemption, though so few have ever found it. It is the way that leads to the great Christ Door of Eternal Life, where death and its accompanying sorrows, suffering, woes and ugliness is unknown. It is the road of triumphant overcoming. And there is no individual upon this earth who cannot travel it, if he so desires. "The Light of Christ is given to abide in every man who cometh into the world." And this Christ Light IS the Way.
The Christ Light is also the great corner stone of His power. It is the stone on which man, who is the temple of God, was established. It is also the stone that was rejected by the builders as man built his physical body. Nevertheless It is the corner stone of divine power and eternal, Celestial, magnificent grandeur and power. And he who builds upon this rock, of His Light, cannot fail -- or fall. The Light of Christ is the white stone, which is established in power by him who accepts It, leaving his mortal inclinations behind which yearn for the broad, open way of the multitudes -- the road that leads to destruction. And in that stone, or Light, a new Name is written and none can know that Name saving he who is worthy to receive It for It can be given to none except those who travel His holy Way of Light as they are directed by His leading.
This holy, Christ Way is a Way of such unutterable glory, such divine, infinite joy, such unspeakable power there are no words in any language to express it. "It is the Way Christ marked -- the Way He traveled." It is the Way that releases the power of God so that I can do the works, and fulfill Its holy promises to all those who believe.
You hesitate and say that Christ's path led to the crucifixion?
Yes. That is true. But the crucifixion became a privileged experience of triumph and eternal blessing, not only to Christ, but to the whole world and to every individual upon it. The Way of Christ holds the power to turn every adversity into glory, every defeat into victory, every misfortune into power. It is the road of love, so perfect that only the Will of the Father is brought forth in Its triumphant glory as the little individual, mortal "self" is crucified and the great inner soul of man is released from its tomb, to rule and reign in glory forever.
This divine Way of Christ is the Way that fulfills all things, glorifies and exalts all things. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open that door, I will come in and feast with him, and he with me." And that individual will never hunger or thirst again. He will have eternal access to the hidden manna, the divine, spiritual "Bread of Life". And Christ's Light that is given to abide right within man IS that bread.
"To my beloved ones, the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take of the waters of life freely," without price and without charge.