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Table of Contents for: Secrets of Eternity by Annalee Skarin →


(A supplement to Chapter VIII)

The covenant of the rainbow is an eternal covenant. God Himself established it and set it in the sky as an everlasting witness to man that the world would never again be destroyed by a flood.

There are many types of floods besides water. There are overwhelming floods of vicissitudes, disasters, heartbreaks, pain, trials and sorrows. And man is constantly being destroyed by such floods because he has not comprehended the fullness of that glowing symbol in the sky or lived up to his part of all that the covenant implies.

There is a legend as old as the rainbow. It is in every land and among all peoples. It is the story that if one can reach the foot of the rainbow he will find a pot of gold. This ancient legend is based upon divine truth, as are most legends. The ancient saying has lived throughout the centuries, though spoken with a smile as man shrugs his shoulders in a wistful wishing which is instantly dissolved in a sophisticated, adult, unbelieving amusement that discards fairy tales and a belief in Santa Claus. And man does not realize that he has lost the path of power and fulfilling truth because of his drab, unbelieving attitude.

This ancient legend of the pot of gold that accompanies the rainbow cannot die. It is truth and is eternal and as beautiful and glamorous as the rainbow itself. Man has not comprehended the truth behind the symbol of the ancient legend. Nevertheless, no human being has ever beheld a rainbow without being lifted, for a moment at least, into a warmth of enfolding pleasure, though he may be completely unaware of the true meaning of it and only remotely touched by that tingling vibration of hope.

Even the animals feel pleasure in the rainbow. There is a secret rejoicing and a voice of peace whispered into the consciousness of every living thing as God's promise is reaffirmed. Those rainbow colors are a symbol of the diffused Light of God flowing out as though through His own encircling arms, to bless the whole world. And there is a vibrating response from the souls of all that lives.

And now, it is of the legend of the pot of gold that I would speak. No one has gone through life without having stood at some time at the foot of that rainbow -- and knew it not. Whenever you have stood in the rain with the sun suddenly shimmering through the clouds, you were standing at the foot of the rainbow. From some place in the distance you were standing on the exact spot where that rainbow ended.

You laugh and say the legend is a lie, for you found no pot of gold. You were perhaps unaware of the fact that you were at the rainbow's end, nor did you understand the glory of the truth behind the symbol or the legend. That pot of gold is real. And it is "the gold that has been tried in the fire." It is the pure gold. And he who possesses that gold is rich indeed.

It is in the intermingling of the rain and the sunshine that the rainbow appears and that rainbow is the symbol of an eternal covenant between God and man. And with that symbol lives a legend of a pot of gold which contains an everlasting promise of every good thing, to those who seek to know the truth.

When the storms of life submerge one in floods of sorrows, troubles, vicissitudes, heartbreaks and calamities that only tears can release, let the tears flow freely. Tears, like rain, have a cleansing and purifying power that helps to give life to hard-baked, barren soil, whether it be the earth or a man's own hardened heart. Welcome those tears if they are not of weak self-pity, and through the tears lift your eyes to God and let a smile come through the clouds of your dismaying despair. As that smile of sunshine mingles with the tears, say something on this order and mean it: "It is all right, dear God! Everything is all right! I love You! And now I accept Thy Will and ask only that it be done in all things! Let this condition be glorified to You! Let it be transmuted into honor and power! And praise and thanks and glory be to Thee forever and forever! So be it, Father!"

That smile must come through the clouds of despair as caressing and love-filled as the sunshine through the rain. If you can say the foregoing and mean it, you will have the power to reveal the glory of the rainbow in its fullness. You will in that instant be raying out the sublime, radiant hues of all the divine virtues contained within you. You will be raying out the divine Light of Christ from within as it is diffused into its glorified beams of color, which contact the very throne of God, instantly and without restraint. At the foot of those radiant rays is the center of your own soul, the Light of Christ, the chalice of pure Spirit, the pot of gold contained within your own divine soul-center. And within that pot of gold, of Spirit, is the sacred pool or mirror of infinite, all-fulfilling power. Into that divine pool of Spirit you can image-in your pure desires, your needs, your holy requests and they will be rayed out along that rainbow of glory to the very throne of God. It is in this manner all noble and divine requests are brought into complete fruition within your life. It is not for you to meddle in how they are to be brought to pass. The Christ Light within makes the complete manifestation possible as God does His works through It. You are the cup, the chalice in which that divine gold of Spirit, the Light of Christ, is contained. You are the reality behind the symbol. It is only as you comprehend that you can claim that pot of gold and ray out the hews of the rainbow in your own desired virtues to bring the fulfillment of God's full covenant into reality within your life.

This cauldron of gold contains the divine riches of God! This is the true wealth! This is the gift of God as His power flows forth into action to end the floods of adversities and bring the harvest of abundance and innumerable blessings into manifestation right within your life.

This divine gold of the Spirit is the means by which every material, desired blessing is brought into being and becomes manifest.

As one learns to transmute his sorrows, expressed in tears, in this manner the great triumphant song of gratitude and praising love releases those divine powers within. Thus the Light of Christ is released in Its fullness and is rayed out in the diversified colors of glory and virtue to the very throne of God. This is a covenant God established with man and it cannot be broken. When man sends forth those rays of glory from his own Christ-center they must receive attention and be answered instantly. Along these radiant, living colors the cosmic rays of God's fulfilling, completing powers spring into action and that individual's life must receive the blessings. This is the full and complete meaning of the covenant of God's rainbow -- the covenant between God and man, as He established it centuries ago. It has stood for ages. It will remain forever. It is entirely up to man whether he will avail himself of its blessings or be submerged and destroyed by the floods of life’s many adversities. But for him who accepts that covenant and fulfills his part of it, there is no flood or disaster on earth which can overwhelm him. Neither can such a one be touched by earthly circumstance, except in blessing. He who lives by the covenant of the rainbow walks with God.

Beloved, glorious one, if you comprehend these eternal truths you will learn of their infinite powers. You will not need either the floods or the tears to reveal the rainbow. That rainbow and its eternal covenant are henceforth yours to ray out to the very throne of God in all the perfecting vibrations of unutterable glory as they are released from within you. You will have complete access to that divine pool of Spirit through which all desires are brought to pass. It too becomes your everlasting possession.

Use these laws in holiness and you will be using them according to their right-use and nothing will be impossible to you.