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Table of Contents for: Secrets of Eternity by Annalee Skarin →


Chapter VII

"The weak things of the world shall come forth and break down the mighty and strong ones, that man should not counsel his fellow man, neither trust in the arm of flesh --

"But that every man might speak in the name of God the Lord, even the Savior of the world.

"That faith might also increase on the earth; --"

This great glory that shall fill the hearts and souls of men so all will speak with the very power of the Almighty and with a true knowledge that is not just borrowed, with a knowing that reaches far beyond belief, will be, whenever mankind comprehends that Light of Christ that has been given to abide in every individual in this world. It will be when that Light has been accepted, fully comprehended by each individual and then brought forth into the fullness of divine knowing. It will be then that each and every man's life will become a thing of glory. It will be then that this world will be redeemed. For then, "A knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth even as the waters cover the sea."

It will be quite different from this day in which hundreds and even thousands of preachers proclaim that which they have never experienced and give out third-hand knowledge which comes to them second-hand, or which has been passed down for many generations. Today men are still talking only from hearsay, seldom from true experience. They are speaking from the knowledge and experiences of others. They tell of the works of the ancient apostles, of the founders of their creeds, even of Christ, without having fulfilled one promise He gave or having lived by any of the higher laws He revealed.

When each man shall have the power to "speak in the name of the Lord", he will no longer be occupied with dacadent, dead works such as those which shame the earth today. His works will be alive and filled with glory and he will be doing the works of power, which Christ designated to those who believe. And this power will not be an usurped authority of evil monopoly, which some have claimed in order to exalt themselves above their fellow men. It will be a power of complete knowing that will bring the fulfilling glory of Christ's Name into every man's life.

Anyone who becomes either bigoted, self-righteous or fanatical is one who worships a religion or church rather than God. Many groups are inclined to think they are the Lord's only anointed. Such beliefs shut out the rest of humanity and the great Fatherhood of God. Those who love God instead of a religion, church or sect, know of His divine love and glory in the great brotherhood of man.

This great, promised day when the divine brotherhood of all mankind is ushered in will be fulfilled just as soon as man himself permits it. This day of glory belongs to every man who will awaken to its reality and help to bring it forth.

This New Day will be established as man himself accepts the glorified Christ Light that has been given to abide within. As this Light is developed and becomes operative in Its unspeakable power to complete knowing, His Kingdom will be established on earth even as it now is in heaven -- and earth will be heaven.

This divine Christ Light within man, when brought forth to its fulfillment of perfection, is LOVE completely glorified -- love so pure, so compassionate, so divine and Christlike it will go forth to heal a world. In this love all hates are healed, all fears cast out, all flesh transformed, all sins forgiven.

Down the centuries the Catholic church has carried, held out the symbol of this divine Christ Light unknowingly. Long since, however, it became only the empty symbol. Centuries ago the true meaning of the burning candle was lost in antiquity. Light a candle and let the burning flame lift your prayer up to the very ears of the Lord God of heaven. With a lighted candle the prayer is supposed to become a living essence which will reach unto His throne.

Light a candle on a Christmas tree as a symbol of the Divine Christ Light within. This is the meaning behind the lighted candles. But light a candle without thought or true understanding and it is only a brilliant decoration reflecting its gleaming light on many ornaments, which have only a momentary, worldly value. Light a candle without understanding and it remains but the empty symbol while the divine truth remains a concealed, forgotten, lost truth. Or turn on a hundred lights to reflect upon a thousand shimmering decorations and you still have only a lost symbol. Awake to the meaning of the symbol and realize that you are the candle from which His divine Light is to shine forth -- and you will become that Light.

Know also that you have but to contact that inner flame of purifying glory by turning inward in complete surrender. Worship Him with all the strength of your own great, unsealed, open heart, melted in devotion and praise and you will not only be in contact but in tune with Christ. His powers will become your powers as you begin to do the works which He did. You thus extend the Light which He holds.

Know that as that flame of Christ Light becomes a living glory of reality upon the altar of your own soul, all your requests will be instantly carried upon its releasing essence straight to the very throne of God. Thus will your prayers become the prayers of a "Saint and will ascend as incense unto the Lord."

You are the candle of eternal glory! But you may have remained unlighted throughout your entire life. Christ is the Light required to glorify the lives of men. Let His Light come forth from within! Let it shine out to give light to a world! Yea! Light it and feel the altar flame of His divine fire melt the seals within yourself! Light it and by its unspeakable revelation comprehend all things! Light it and comprehend the great Truth as you step out beyond mortality to walk with God.

As that flame is lighted by your belief in It and guarded until you are completely filled with Its everlasting glory, you will become that Light for you will become one with It -- and It with you. You are Its vehicle. Through you must that flame be sent forth. You are the lamp of Its expression. Through you It must be made manifest to a world. Thus you are the very tabernacle, the temple of God. Through you the great Christ Light must shine forth to heal and bless and help redeem a world.

Every burning candle in a cathedral, every lighted candle on a Christmas tree, every beautiful light in the world is but the symbol of this divine Christ Light which is waiting to be released within your own soul.

From henceforth, whenever you stand breathless before gorgeous sparkling lights glowing in their splendor, know that they are only representing that which you were intended to be -- and what you really are.

Light the candle in your own soul and you will never need to climb up any other way into the realm of higher vibrations. Light the candle in your own soul instead of in some church. Light that inner altar flame through love and praise and gratitude to God and feel the glory of His power flowing through you in its exquisite ecstasies of divine, eternal reality.

As you send love to Him with all your strength your strength will increase, for it increases with use, it becomes perfect with practice. With constant use your love and strength will grow and increase until your love will sweep the earth with its healing glory and enfold all in its heavenly peace, its infinite power of unspeakable, breathtaking beauty.

Love and pray with all the energy of your hearts and your prayers will become more powerful than the tempests and more dynamic than the deafening roar of many bombs. In your prayers will be contained the power to enfold the earth and hold it safe. In the power of such prayers your love will be exalted and increased a thousand fold. On the vibrations of your love-filled prayers the heavenly hosts will be able to reach through to dispel the powers of darkness. And, as you send out your love in this unselfish degree, it will increase until it will eventually vibrate across the Universe and play new melodies upon the very stars. This too is within your power and is to become your divine privilege as you fulfill all righteousness. As you send forth your glorified love upon the power of your prayers all darkness will begin to recede before you. Pray as often as you breathe and you will become the very glorified essence and power and light of your prayer. According to your faith and the power of your praying will the heavens be opened unto you and your powers increased and multiplied.

Love and praise and gratitude to God hold the keys of all power and all fulfillment, for these three are the living vibrations of the Christ Light released within you. Yea -- "He who is thankful in all things shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him an hundredfold; yea, more!"

As gratitude is released with love, it increases its volume and quality. And on the vibrations of man's own released praise and loving thanks the Light of Christ can be released to help heal and redeem a world.

If you have only a small crust of bread and send love and thanks to God for it, it will soon multiply into a loaf or into the equivalent of a loaf, for you will be using the divine law of multiplication, which is the law of increase. As you continue to be thankful, not taking any blessing for granted, your blessings will continue to increase. To the loaf will be added a supply of butter. As you go on in loving gratitude, praising God for His blessings, you open the very doors of heaven and that hundredfold will continue to increase, even as the widow's oil. As you send God love and thanks for each bounteous addition and increase, there will be no end to the supply. This is the law -- His law of abundance. And it is every man's to use freely. It is power unspeakable.

If one plants ten kernels of corn he will reap a thousand. As he plants that thousand he will receive a hundred thousand in return. So it is for each planting, for each glorified increase as one continues to offer his praise in loving gratitude. "He who is thankful in all things will be made glorious! And the things of this earth will be added unto him an hundredfold; yea, more!"

Anyone who sends out thanks continually in singing gratitude to God has, through that divine gift of inner appreciation, the power to close the doors on his fears, lacks and darkness. In this gratitude his lacks are destroyed and his self-pity banished into the "Nether Regions" from whence it came. When these things are overcome, one will of necessity become glorious, for he will be literally clothed in glory. Every vibration issuing from him will be in light, for he will have received; developed the power to overcome the darkness and this power will begin to extend beyond his own personal life in its universal healing of a world. This is not a childish "Pollyanna" theory contained in fiction. This is a law of God and its results are real and eternal. It is an irrevocable law and must be fulfilled unto him who loves and praises and sends forth his living vibrations of singing gratitude. These glorified vibrations, thus released from a human heart, contain power unspeakable and Light ineffable. These vibrations of everlasting glory and Light are first released through the body of him who sends them out. From there they go forth to enfold his loved ones, the world the universe.

If you would rise above drab, mortal living and become glorious, live the simple law of "being thankful in all things" as you send out your loving praise to Him who provides all things for your good. Never look at your lacks and your deficiencies and the things that are amiss in your life. See the crust of bread as a very blessing of life from God and give thanks for it. Give praise and blessings for whatsoever you have and it will begin to increase. This is the law of spiritual supply and multiplication. It is the eternal law of increase.

This is the law the widow used in multiplying the oil in her small cruse. This is the law Christ used in feeding the multitude. It is your law to use. You need only to grow into it.

First learn to multiply your own meager supply of inadequate blessings that they might become sufficient to fill all your needs. Bless and give thanks in all things.

After your own needs have been taken care of and you have learned to use the law, to change lack and poverty into blessings of plenty, then it can be used to provide for every need as it arises. With this divine law at your command you need no longer "Lay up treasures on earth where moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal." You will have laid up for yourself treasures in heaven, which treasures are the great spiritual powers of knowledge and understanding by which "All things can be added."

This law can and should be used constantly. Then one never takes any blessing for granted, never again becomes a dull, mediocre individual, for the very vibrations of glory are awakened within him and the Light of Christ becomes apparent. As that song of gratitude and love becomes a very part of one's being, so will the increased blessings and powers be as they come forth a hundredfold to fulfill the law.

This gratitude must be more than words. Words are only empty, meaningless little symbols that hold no power whatsoever when they are sent forth without being lighted as incense from that inner heart flame. Gratitude must be released from the very heart center of the soul -- the Christ center. When it is thus released it becomes a singing vibration of infinite, eternal power. This inner, glorified vibration of gratitude, sent forth in love and praise, is the vibration in which His Unspeakable Name is contained -- the Name of All-power! Believe in that Name -- and use it! This great, glorious vibration contains within it the Christ Light as it is released in awakened glory from the inner soul of man. It is the Light. It is the eternal glory and the power and the redeeming, exquisite Light of every man who will not reject it.