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Table of Contents for: Secrets of Eternity by Annalee Skarin →


Chapter VI

The book, The Temple of God, explains much about "The Light of Christ, which is given to abide in every man who cometh into the world." It may even seem that the subject has been over-stressed in this work. If it seems so to you, I ask that you be patient, for this is the most important subject in existence at the present time. It is impossible to speak of this Light too much, or too often. This is the day of Its release. This Light must begin to be comprehended, for it is -- "time".

So, if it seems that certain points are carried to a tiring degree of repetition in this work, please indulge your loving patience. There are those who are gifted in music and after hearing a melody or even a whole symphony only once are thereafter quite familiar with it. There are others who are not thus gifted. For them a piece of music must be played many times before it becomes so established within themselves they can recall a small portion of it in either a whistled or hummed refrain. Remember that no great symphony becomes less loved by repetition. Every repeated, soft refrain is like the delicate, loving handclasp of a beloved friend. So let this be to you as you open your soul to receive its every vibrant, tender tone. I promise you that back of every mellowed repetition new truth shall stand revealed.

The scriptures tell us that those who reject this Light are under condemnation. In other words, those who reject the Light of Christ that has been given to abide right within themselves are still unredeemed. It is the Christ Light alone that holds the keys and powers of the great redemption.

This Light of Christ also contains the keys and powers of the resurrection. Christ proclaimed to the world nearly two thousand years ago, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believeth on me shall never die."

It is true that the seed of this Christ Light has been given to abide in every man. But man, who has not comprehended the Light, has not accepted It, though millions believe with their unawakened vision that they have fully accepted all that Christ came to give. Their very lack of power betrays them and reveals their empty hands. Most religious organizations are only institutions for the blind, and they realize it not. The more fanatical a religion is and the more sure its adherents are that they hold a monopoly upon all truth, the greater is their degree of blindness.

In order for any group or individual to even begin to comprehend the great Christ Light, it or he must first believe that this Light does exist. One must believe it, if for no other reason than that God said it is given to abide in every man who cometh into the world. Then if he will check back over his life very carefully, he will be able to recall moments of inspiration, of unaccountable hunches or divine experiences that will assist that tiny spark of belief to grow until it becomes a living flame of complete knowledge.

Through loving praise and gratitude that inward Light may be contacted and comprehended. The speed and fullness of this comprehension will depend in a degree on the spiritual advancement of the individual. As that Light is contacted and felt right within, It will grow according to the love and attention one focuses upon It. Love It even as you would nurture and love a little child within you, awaiting full manifestation and expression. The more one becomes aware of that divine Light the more speedily It will be brought forth, until all the promises Christ ever gave will begin to be fulfilled. It is then one knows that "The Kingdom of Heaven is within." He also learns that "The Kingdom of God is not in words, but in power."

As one begins to contact that divine Light of Christ within his own soul, he will realize that he has been the tomb or sepulcher in which It has been buried. His own hardened heart has been the stone which has sealed that Light of Christ in the tomb of his own being so It has remained a rejected factor in his life. He will realize, very repentantly, that every strident act of his own little mortal "self" has crucified that Christ Light afresh.

As that Christ Light is reverenced, accepted and brought forth, one partakes of the very powers and reality of Christ's divine resurrection -- and he need never die.

This very Christ Light, when brought forth until It fills every cell and fiber of man, is the gift of life itself. "Christ is the Life" and His Light is the life of every individual. In accepting this Light of Christ within, one is but accepting the powers of Christ and the way of redemption which He so graciously offered to the world. This divine Christ Light contains all the powers that Christ came to earth to reveal and to share. It contains the powers of renewal and of resurrection. It releases the old, dead things in one's life. The worn-out cells and tissues either drop away or are quickened into new life. They are resurrected into a new phase of Spiritual existence in which "they need never die".

"Therefore it is given to abide in you: the record of heaven; the Comforter; the peaceable things of immortal glory; the truth of all things; that which quickeneth all things, which maketh alive all things; that which knoweth all things, and hath all power, according to wisdom, mercy, truth, justice and judgment."

These are the holy powers that are contained within that divine Light of Christ, which has remained but a rejected factor in man's life. The power "to quicken and to make alive" is the power of the resurrection, or the power of renewal of all the cells of the body -- and the mind. According to the great loving wisdom and the mercy, truth, justice and judgment of our Almighty Father was this Light of Christ, which contains all the great gifts given to abide right within man. No individual ever came into this world who was not endowed with this great Christ Light or the gift of these supreme, almost incomprehensible powers. All the divine powers of God are still sleeping in the seed of that divine Christ Light which is still buried and rejected in the center of the soul of man. It is true that "All that the Father has is yours."

Man has remained condemned or unredeemed from his mortal failings, weaknesses, sins, errors and death simply because he has rejected the great Christ Light. Within that Christ Light is contained all the gifts, blessings and powers ever promised to man. All the gifts and promises ever given can be man's to use whenever he accepts the great Light of Christ in which they are contained.

Among the divine gifts contained in the Light of Christ is the gift of peace. This gift the Father gave freely to the world at the birth of His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. It was a gift that belonged completely and fully to any who accepted His Son, the Prince of Peace. Yet Christian nation has fought Christian nation from the beginning; Christian churches have fought Christian churches; Christian men have fought Christian men in their individual struggles to reach the top. The world has cried, "Peace, Peace! But there is no peace!"

The very gift of peace is contained within the great Christ Light and as long as it is a rejected factor in the lives of men there can be no peace, either in the hearts of men or among the nations.

None can bring forth that divine, glorious Light of Christ without receiving the "Peace that passeth understanding!" This peace is far beyond thought. It is a gift of the soul and becomes the divine reality of all who possess it. It is this great gift of peace which gives one the power to walk in majesty, though his cross awaits. It is the majesty that gives one the power to "Walk with God," and to actually know Him. Within the Light of Christ is contained the great peace and the powers thereof. Within the great divine Light is contained all the gifts and powers of God, even the power to know God. Those who have accepted this Light and brought it forth in their lives will be walking in the power of it and their hands will be filled with the ineffable powers He promised.

Sin and darkness, no matter what forms or guises they have taken, whether it has been the road of sin or the road of self-righteous bigotry, are exactly the same. They have both been caused by the rejection of the Light of Christ, which has been given to abide in every man who has ever come into this world. Only the rejection of this Light has caused the bigotry of creeds and the crimes of the individuals.

The divine Christ Light is contacted and brought forth most readily through the fulfilling of the greatest of all commandments.

When love pours through the great, living heart-center of one's being, the Light of Christ is released in vibrant glory as it flows through that inner center of being with its vibrating gift of eternal life.

When one loves with his whole soul, that Light is carried from the inner life-center to the life-center of every cell of the physical body and the quickening process begins in the mortal body of man. In this releasing or developing gift of love the great Light is brought forth. And this Light is the "Life eternal" promised to all those who believe.

When one loves with all his mind, its seal of blindness is removed and the power to comprehend all things is given. "For he who is filled with Light shall comprehend all things" -- "even God." He will comprehend the things that have heretofore been incomprehensible, even the things of the spirit, which contains the great eternal realities of all that exists. With the coming forth of the Light the darkness and the heartbreaking sins with their inherent evils are overcome. The fears and all negation are cast out. The joys and glories of God are increased in a new and throbbing vibration of eternal life. One's life literally takes on a new and higher rate of vibration from the very moment he opens his mind to believe and begins his search to find. And he who takes on that vibration of Light becomes vibrant.

Go among the inert crowds of humanity who are not falsely stimulated to stages of excitement and notice the deadness, the vibrationless, expressionless decay clinging to them as they walk along with death. They may be good and mean well, but unless they begin to exert their strength in sending out love, they are not vibrant. They are living in a half-dead unawareness of the glory and powers vested right within themselves. These are the ones of whom Christ said, "Let the dead bury their dead." They are walking with death. Death is manifested in their dying bodies, their uninspired thoughts, their lack of singing glory and in the darkness of their uninteresting lives.

If you should mingle in crowds for hours upon hours looking for that singing vibrancy of joy, you would probably encounter in a whole day one or two who seemed to have that something which made others turn and look in pleased admiration.

Spontaneous youth carries more of it than its elders, because youth has not yet begun to walk with the hand of death upon it. Youth is the expression of life. And when youth carries love with it its glow is felt by everyone.

"All the world loves a lover!" Those in love are living in that higher vibration of light. They are carrying it with them and all the world loves to contact those thus embued with the invigorating fragrance of its breath. Such love, when it is legitimate, was never meant to die. Those who can hold to it throughout their lives are in a small measure walking in a more beautiful world. It would be easy for such to go another step and enfold the world in their love -- and reaching on to God, receive the divine fulfillment of all power and all glory. These great earth loves are but God's gateway into the eternal powers of heaven, contained within the greater love.

Those who are without love of any kind are carrying around their ugly, black shroud of death with them. They are clothed in it. Go into bus stations, into depots and places where people are lingering and behold the hand of death resting upon their shoulders. Then tingle at that one in a hundred, or the one in a thousand who carries wings upon her feet, a song in her heart, a light in her eyes and who expresses unknowingly the vibration of life. Then search into your own soul and ask, "What is it this person has that the others lack?" If you ask them they probably could not tell you. They may not even know. But you may be sure they are living closer to that Light than are the others. They may not be aware of what, how or why. If only they understood fully they could step across with ease into the new and higher vibration of eternal life.

No person can begin to love with all his heart, soul, mind and strength without being lifted into a higher vibration. He could no more help becoming alive and vibrant than a flower could withhold its radiant color and its perfumed essence. Within the gift of love is contained the great divine Light of Christ -- the gift of life eternal. And as the Light of Christ is released so are the powers of the resurrection.

We are entering the day when all tears and sorrows will end, and these things can only be ended through the acceptance of the divine Christ Light. This is the day when all will soon be able to "discern between the righteous and the wicked" or those who have developed that Light and those who have not. It is the day in which "all men will be left without excuse." Before this day there has always been the excuse of not knowing. This excuse is being dissolved and crumbled into nothingness as the great Light of Christ is being released from its tomb, right within each man.

"For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit." (I Cor. 6:20).

The power to believe is transformed into knowledge when the Christ Light has been permitted to melt the seal upon the mind so its blindness can be healed. The first ray of this released Light produces the gift of inner vision as one's mind becomes opened. And with the increase of that Light belief turns into knowing.

Those who cannot believe anything except what their physical senses have been able to reveal to them are both mentally and spiritually blind. This blindness is more real and much more tragic than any physical blindness. The Christ Light heals all such blindness when It becomes the greatest, most glorious reality in each man's life as he comprehends and brings It forth.

All things in existence are measured by vibration in the higher realms. Vibrations are the throbbing pulse-beat of life itself. Everything is manifest through vibration. This is also true upon the physical plane but few are yet aware of it. Odors are only vibrations of released energy being registered through the sense of smell. Whether the odor be of exquisite, perfumed fragrance or the released energy of decaying substance it is but vibrations of energy reaching the nostrils. The gift of sight is the power to receive vibrations of objects as they are conveyed on waves of light energy through the eyes to the mind. Hearing is the ability to receive the vibrations of physical movements and actions as they are registered upon the ears. The five senses are the physical equipment to receive knowledge through vibration. In the higher realm vibration is comprehended as the great reality for it is energy in motion, the very force of life.

All things are measured by vibration in the higher realms. Each person carries the complete revelation of what he is right within himself. All that he was, is or desires to be is registered in color vibrations that are plainly manifest and inescapable. Nothing can be hidden. These vibrations of color also have overtones of harmony -- or discord. Every shade has its own expression of odor. No lily of the field could be a hundredth part as gloriously beautiful, fragrant and exquisitely harmonized as a soul that has overcome. Each individual, arrayed in light or enfolded in darkness according to the life pattern he has accepted and lived by, is clothed in the vibrating colors of his own thought actions and emotions.

Those who accept the Christ Light are literally clothed in Light. As that Light becomes manifest the darkness drops away, leaving no stain or memory of the past errors and mistakes. They are blotted out, forgotten and forgiven in Christ's redeeming light.

In this day nothing seems to enter men's minds but the ideas of conquest -- the conquest of other worlds or of this one. How little men know of God and His powers when they harbor in their minds such evils! God still rules in the lives of the children of men and when they harbor nothing but thoughts of outside conquests they are only taking the sword which will have the power to slay them. God also rules in the Universe and His dominion is in love. So be it known that no beings can go from one planet to another except in the vibrations of love and good will. Only to such is the power of interplanetary travel possible.

If men of this earth, in their unredeemed condition, were permitted to visit a few of the other planets with their mortal vibrations of lust, conquest, greed and hate, they would carry only a searing flame of destruction with them. The very vegetation would be consumed by their presence and the discordant vibrations issuing from them. The gardens of glory would become lone and dreary worlds of seared desolation. So was our own Paradise lost, our Edenic Estate mismanaged and so has it remained unattainable. This is still an unredeemed world though Christ came and gave His life for its salvation. Man has not yet accepted His gifts.

Only by the acceptance and development of the Divine Christ Light can the earth -- and man -- be salvaged and redeemed. When that Light is no longer a rejected factor and his divine gift is accepted by mankind, this whole world will be lifted into a higher category of existence. As it stands today, it is the lowest of the spheres and the least desirable. The inhabitants of other worlds would not even want it. These are worlds advanced so far beyond our sin-drenched little earth that it and every human being upon it would be instantly consumed by the very glory if such planets were to approach too near.

Man has waited impotently for God to reach down and force salvation upon him. Man has gone down that oiled slide of sin, selfishness, darkness and error in an almost unresisting fashion, deceiving himself in his vain and foolish reasoning as he has convinced himself there was nothing for him to do. He has made himself believe that Christ did everything for him, though Christ so plainly taught that any man who followed Him would have the power and would be required to do the works which He did. It has been so much easier for man to believe that none of the responsibility is his, that Christ did it all, than for him to throw off his shackles of inertia, lethargy and sin.

As man awakes and takes hold of that Christ Light which has been given to abide right within himself, he will hold the very powers of heaven in his hands -- and the powers not only of redemption but of the resurrection. First he will be redeemed from every weak, false, erroneous idea, then from his sins and weaknesses, evils and mistakes, then from his bodily ailments, until his whole being is resurrected into a newness of glorified vibrant life.

No individual upon this earth need remain ill or crippled or helpless or bound in any way by physical handicaps. Neither need he lie helpless and impotent as he waits in languor for some outside person to come and heal him. All the powers of healing are contained right within each individual. Within his own being is the Light of Christ which contains all healing and all power. One has only to have faith in it to have it become more and more manifest in his life, until the great, full healing of eternal renewal can be carried to the point of a complete resurrection. There is no mystery about it. Only those who are abiding in darkness and who are without His Light seek to shroud truth in mystery. Any who whisper in awed tones of mystery are but cloaking their own ignorance and lack of light and understanding behind their own veil of darkness.

The divine Christ Light has many functions and purposes. It is the Spirit of pure intelligence. It knows all things; it comprehends all things; It has all power, and its first function is to reveal truth. Few permit it to function even in this lesser capacity. When any new information is propounded, that information is usually rejected because it was not previously included in one's stagnant, orthodox beliefs. With minds thus sealed, Christ's Light is rejected. The Light of Christ, when focused upon any information, instantly reveals the truth or fallacy of the subject. This discerning process is accomplished by taking the information into that "holy of holies", the very center of one's own soul, and placing it upon that altar of glory to permit those divine Christ rays to touch it. In those rays the subject will be completely revealed. This is the method by which one can comprehend all things.

Because proud man "trusts only in the arm of flesh", or in his own vain opinions, his unglorified, mortal thinking processes or preconceived, orthodox beliefs contained in the blindness of his own mortal mind, truth and the Light of Christ have remained rejected factors in the lives of the children of men.

Only by a conscious contact with that all-knowing, glorified, inner Light of Christ can any man judge fully between truth and error, Light and darkness.

"For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil, and the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night.

"For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for everything which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.

"But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him.

"And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know that Light by which ye may judge, which light is the Light of Christ, see that ye judge not wrongfully, for with the same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged.

"Wherefore, I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently in the Light of Christ that ye may know good from evil; and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will be a child of Christ."

Or, as Paul admonished: "Prove all things, and hold fast to that which is good."

Any individual can judge between truth and error if he will but turn to this divine Christ Light, that is given to abide within. This Light is an unfailing guide to all truth and all righteousness.

It is through this Light of Christ that one must begin his search "For the Kingdom of Heaven, and its righteousness." This Light will as surely lead one into all truth, to the fullness of the Christ Light, as the sun will shed forth its light when unobscured by the clouds or the darkness of night. With man, it is the darkness of his own blind, sealed mind and the cloudiness of his personal opinions that retard the Light.

As this Christ Light is used to judge between Truth and error . . . . . and It never fails in that capacity, if permitted to function . . . . . , It will be brought forth in Its fullness more speedily and perfectly. To reveal truth is Its first requisite and the irrevocable law of Its nature. It cannot fail, or leave Truth unrevealed. Man has only to open his heart and soul in adoring humility and deep gratitude as he prays for Its divine enlightenment. He has to be humble enough to put all his preconceived opinions and ideas in abeyance as he turns prayerfully and in complete trust to that Light of all-knowing power. This glorified road has been difficult for the proud little mortal "self". But it becomes the eternal glory of him who learns of Its power.

In this same manner that Light can be turned upon any problem of life. Every difficult condition, every heartbreaking situation can be straightened out and healed by the Light of Christ's power.

And so it is that one's very being begins to take on the properties of that Light until he can be "filled with Light and comprehends all things."

This is the "Great TRUTH that will make man free -- and he who is free shall be free indeed!" He will be freed from his bigotry, his empty pride and prejudices, his errors and mistakes, his sins and weaknesses, his disintegrating thoughts of hates and envies and his decaying illnesses. This is the great Christ gift of redemption to every man who will accept It. It is the power of eternal life and the power of resurrection. It is the power by which all the earth and every human being can be salvaged and redeemed.

As the Light of Christ is released, one is "born of the Spirit" and he becomes spiritualized. The shackles of earth are released, mortality takes on immortality -- and one need never die.