After Reason and I had kneeled in our Gethsemane, and after the mockery of the trial, which had pronounced me a heretic and an out-cast on the earth, we were sent forth to wander, according to the hope and the belief of those who had passed judgment upon me, into eternal darkness forever. They believed that their decision would send me into the nethermost depths of the bottomless pit to wreathe in anguish and remorse.
And the modern Saul of Tarsus, who was prosecutor, jury and judge at that trial, insisted the work was false because "I was an obscure person." So many times was the phrase, "You, an obscure person,” repeated I lost track of the number. It was held forth in deriding reproach and mockery. And only in the utterance of those words did I find any comfort.
Christ had been condemned as "an obscure person," the son of a carpenter. "The Maid of Orleans, Joan of Arc, was burned at the stake because she was from an obscure family and an obscure village. Another prophet was condemned and martyred because he claimed to have received a revelation from God and testified that he had seen an angel. And again, those in high places shouted down his testimony, mocked and persecuted him and finally martyred him because he was an obscure boy, the son of a farmer.
In my veins ran the blood of martyrs and of kings and of nobles and of pilgrims and pioneers. My heritage was not obscure, but I was not the one to boast of it. It was enough that I could lay claim to being a daughter of God, and know fully that it was so.
I could have taken my accuser into any court in the land and left him standing naked and abashed. I could have sued him and the church he represented for many thousands of dollars -- and collected. But he was as sincere in his fanaticism as was Saul of Tarsus, if not as truthful. And I had nothing against the man except a deep regret and an eternal sorrow for his blindness.
So I did not take my case, for appeal, to any judge or jury on this earth. I took my case to the highest authority in existence and at the feet of my Father I kneeled. And at His hands I received my comfort. And the Holy Spirit of Promise bore witness to my soul of great and mighty things to come.
So it was in the title of "obscurity" I found a measure of solace. I had laid no claim to greatness. Neither did I ask for credits nor for rewards, nor for followers. I wrote because God had commanded me to write, and because this work had been assigned to me before ever I came to earth.
I wrote His words down to the best of my ability and in turn delivered them into the hands of others and they will be held accountable for their distribution. And to each of you who read them is delegated and assigned a portion of the responsibility of sharing this work with others.
It must be here understood that these books were not written to gather together into groups the believers. Rather was this work sent forth to gather up the unbelievers.
And so it is.
There have been no churches or creeds or groups to advertise or push forward these books. The publishers have made no extra effort to fulfill their part of the assignment. And no individual has been called to stand at the head of this work or to form an organization to promulgate the teachings of perfection -- or to convert others to them.
For, as the writer of the Odes of Solomon proclaimed in his twenty-third Ode: "and there was seen at its head, the head which was revealed even the Son of Truth from the Most High Father." (Lost Books of the Bible).
This twenty-third Ode, concerning a sealed document, which has so puzzled the scholars and translators, is the revelation concerning this work. And I was taught the full meaning of this chapter before ever I came to earth.
Again, part of this particular Ode must be given here that an explanation of its meaning might be comprehended. It is as follows:
"His (God's) thought was like a letter; His will descended from on high, and it was sent like an arrow which is violently shot from the bow;
"And many hands rushed to the letter to seize it and to take it and read it:
"And it escaped their fingers and they were affrighted at it and at the seal that was upon it.
"Because it was not permitted to them to loose its seal: for the power that was over the seal was greater than they.
"But those who saw it went after the letter that they might know where it would alight, and who should read it and who should hear it." (The foregoing is most assuredly true. Those who went after the letter, or book, set up a gestapo spying system to find out who had copies of the book and each was threatened with excommunication unless they rejected them or promised to remain silent concerning them).
Now, to continue: "But a wheel (which is a movement of the power of God) received it and came over it.
"And there was with it a sign of the Kingdom and of the Government:
"And everything which tried to move the wheel it moved and cut down:
"And it gathered the multitude of adversaries, and bridged the rivers and crossed over and rooted up many forests and made a broad path.
"The head went down to the feet, for down to the feet ran the wheel, and that which was a sign upon it.
"The letter was one of command, for there were included in it all districts: (mental, physical and spiritual as well as the past, the present and the future);
"And there was seen at its head, the head which was revealed even the Son of Truth from the Most High Father.
"And He inherited and took possession of everything. And the thought of many was brought to nought.
"And all the apostates hasted and fled away, And those who persecuted and were enraged became extinct.
"And the letter was a great volume which was wholly written by the finger of God."
Such was the ancient proclamation concerning this work and its coming forth. And I was taught this Ode and told the meaning of it before ever I was born. I was so thoroughly instructed in its full interpretation I was almost overcome when it came again into my hands in this life. It was placed in my hands, by the power of God, as I was typing the volume "Ye Are Gods."
Now, to explain the verse concerning the movement, or wheel, which was to receive this work. It is breathtakingly beautiful! As before stated, no advertising or group or church or organization has pushed this work forward, yet each book has continued to be reprinted, according to the demands of those who have asked for or requested copies.
This movement is a movement of love, the dynamic love of God as it shed forth through the hearts of the children of those who read, with love. To you inspired ones, who have read and loved this work, has come the divine desire to share it with your beloved ones, your friends and acquaintances. And so they have continued to go out in an ever-widening circle of increasing participation and of sharing.
And for each of you noble ones, who have shared this work with others, there is a record kept and the angels have rejoiced and are rejoicing over you. You are the true "minister of this sacred draught” of the waters of life as recorded in the sixth Ode, commencing with the sixth verse, which is as follows:
"And the praise of His name He gave us: our spirits praise His Holy Spirit.
"For there went forth a stream and became a river great and broad:" (In verse one of the 39th Ode is given this definition of great rivers: "Great rivers are the power of the Lord. And they carry headlong those who despise Him: and entangle their paths").
Again, to continue with the sixth Ode:
"For it (the river) flooded and broke up everything and it brought (water) to the Temple:
"And the restrainers of the children of men were not able to restrain it, nor the arts of those whose business it is to restrain waters:
"For it spread over the whole earth, and filled everything: and all the thirsty upon earth were given to drink of it:
"And thirst was relieved and quenched: for from the Most High the draught was given.
"Blessed then are the ministers of that draught who are entrusted with that water of His:
"They have assuaged the dry lips, and the will that had fainted they have raised up;
"And souls that were near departing they have caught back from death:
"And limbs that had fallen they straightened and set up:
"They gave strength for their feebleness and light to their eyes:
"For everyone knew them in the Lord, and they lived by the waters of life forever, Hallelujah!"
After one learns of the powers of God and the great glory of His laws and commandments mere mortal living becomes an ugly, drab, unattractive condition. In the dreariness of discords and negation it becomes impossible to anyone who has learned to "lift his eyes to the glory of God." It is when one learns to "hold his eyes single to that glory that he reaches the degree of understanding in which his whole being and soul demands that he reach through the veil of darkness into a higher way of existence. His "hungering and thirsting after righteousness" becomes so intense he has to find the bread and water of life or perish. This "hungering and thirsting" is the need to actually KNOW God. This is a natural developing, progressive, purifying experience that must be fulfilled. It is the divine "draught" of the pure waters sent to all those who thirst.
The path Christ trod, which so few enter, is the pathway of perfection as every blessed, glorious law and teaching He revealed stands out in gleaming way-marks along that divine and holy path. Every teaching and every law He gave is but a part of that path of infinite glory, which ends with the injunction, "Be ye perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect!"
So few have found that path because they have not "lifted their eyes to behold His glory." And fewer still have been willing to begin to unload the great burden of their own weaknesses, their dislikes, their jealousies and greeds and lusts and pride that the great fountain of God's love might be opened up within their hearts. Few have followed the admonition to love God with all their hearts, minds, souls and strength.
But there are many who become so in love with their own little, fanatical paths of self-righteousness or creeded conformity they by-pass entirely His glorious way of achievement. Some, in their fanatic desire to be first, exclude all others from any claim upon God's great mercy, thus disclaiming His divine Fatherhood. They forget that He makes the rain fall on the just and the unjust; the sun to shine on the righteous and the unrighteous as His divine love and understanding enfolds the immensity of all His creations.
And so the way of Christ, the path He trod and left the map for, is by-passed as each travels his own selected road, according to the creed or beliefs he has opened his mind to accept. Some drift in contented, self-satisfied indolence and think they are following Him. Others travel their highway of life in defiant rebellion. Some journey along life's road with nothing but vanity and pride, others in self-righteousness, cruel bigotry, for bigotry is always cruel in its blindness and intolerance. And none of these have ever found the Path, nor stepped one foot upon it.
Yet the Path Christ trod is so easy and so beautiful. It is the pathway of love and mercy and compassion and infinite understanding and divine, holy forgiveness held out in a selfless service. There will be another chapter revealing the complete keys to His Way.
And then it was that I, who love Christ above all others, was acclaimed to be the great anti-Christ, to justify the mockery of my excommunication. And surely such a shameful, terrifying accusation would of itself hurl me out of "obscurity," though those who so hopefully proclaimed me such did not realize it.
How could that blessed man, who was a brother I had known and admired in a pre-existent world, in the zeal of his position, possibly know of my love for God and for His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ? For in his mortal pride he had closed the doors of his understanding. And I turned my head to hide my sorrow and my tears and the despair of my soul at his great error. For he understood not one of the great and mighty truths which God had commanded me to write. He misquoted the things I had stated. He placed irrelevant words together in meaningless, contradictory ways to make the entire work sound ridiculous. And those who were called to be witnesses believed him because he was one of the high authorities and none of them had ever before seen me, nor known me, nor read the book.
So how could those, who were called to be witnesses at that trial, possibly know the truth? They sat in awed, reverent silence, at what they considered to be a great honor just to be in the presence of so great a man. How could they possibly know the truth concerning me or my work? They were told to look upon me as a sinner. And because they were thus instructed they fulfilled it to the very letter.
There was not one friendly thought or one understanding gleam in any of their eyes or hearts. And I wondered, in heartbreak, how a record that reasoned, with the power of God, for men to cast aside their faults and failings and strive to become perfect, "even as the Father in heaven is perfect," could be pronounced wicked. Or how a book that proclaimed only the love and the promises of Jesus Christ could possibly be condemned.
Those witnesses did not know it, but they were there for the sole purpose of being witnesses to a great outrage against justice. And some day they will have to acknowledge the purpose of their presence at that trial. It was for a divine purpose, but a far different one from that which they realized. They were not honored. They will be greatly dishonored for having approved of such an outrageous proceeding.
These men could not possibly know of my love for God and for His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Not one of them had ever before laid eyes upon me. None of them, not even the great accuser had ever seen me or spoken one word to me in my life. They were intelligent men, yet not one of them, under the stress of their own pride, considered for a moment that that trial was a mockery to all the forms of justice that had ever existed upon the earth. It was but a "kangaroo Court." I was refused counsel. My efforts to bear witness to what I had written, or even to defend myself were denied and silenced.
Of what value is any trial when only the prosecution is permitted to bring its unsubstantiated evidence to the hearing?
Only Sally Franchow, a most dearly beloved and noble woman, who had accompanied me there tried to defend me, in vain. For her courageous efforts she too was excommunicated. And my heart broke. Such an affront to justice as a witness for a defendant being condemned also, just for seeking to testify, was never before heard of in American history.
Joan of Arc's trial lasted many days to bear witness of a great injustice. She was questioned many times, and her answers were heard. I was asked no questions. My trial lasted only a few minutes and will also stand for ages as a witness against great wickedness in "high places." I was given only one alternative, and that was to deny the work which God had placed in my hands. And though all the tortures of life and eternity were placed upon me I could not do that. God had commanded me to write, and I had written as He had directed.
My blessed accuser was like Cotton Mather, the Puritan leader of Salem, who appointed himself to be the sword of the Almighty, assuming in his devotion, that he was the wrath of God. And in his mis-directed zeal that early leader put more people to death than he saved by all his preaching.
My eighth great-grandmother, Martha Allen Carrier, was one of those whom he hanged as a witch. He coerced and tortured her children into declaring her such, along with those hysterical, adolescent girls of that day. My seventh great-grandfather, a small child at the time, along with a brother and sister had their hands and feet tied together behind them and were hung up to an old hitching rack.
"This will not hurt you in the least if your mother is a good woman, BUT if she is a witch it will be she who is torturing you. Remember, only if your mother is a witch will you feel any pain or discomfort," and smiling like the Devil himself, the representative of truth slipped away, leaving them to wreathe in agony.
When finally the children were screaming in pain and one had become unconscious, Mather took the settlers down to listen, and to bear witness of that testimony.
"Is your mother a witch?" questioned the spiritual leader of Salem.
"Yes," sobbed the children through the blood that was streaming through their noses and mouths.
The unconscious child was revived and in a dazed agony answered that awesome question, without realizing what it meant. In a gasping, weak little affirmative he mumbled, "Yes."
Physical violence was not used in this great modern day. The tactics were far more subtle. There was flattery and some very casual bribery and a little falsehood made to look very white, and a secret, gestapo method used to silence those who openly declared their delight in that first book. And like those of Christ's day, the individuals without too much courage, denied their belief in truth lest they be cast out of the synagogue, which, like in days of old, was considered the greatest catastrophe of all.
Still, not sure of her guilt, Martha Carrier, at her trial, was offered her life if she would confess she was a witch. And Martha Carrier stood up straight and tall and answered, "I would rather hang any day than say I was anything as horrible as a witch!"
And so she was hung.
And thus, great men, in the zeal of their calling have sometimes desecrated the positions they have held.
I was offered continued membership in a church that had already, even before my trial, sent out word that I had been cast out and disowned. How those statements could have been recalled had I proclaimed that I was a liar and had been deceived by Satan, and that God never commanded me to write His words, I do not know.
But then, such promises had been offered to others, before me, and they had complied with the seemingly righteous request of the leaders only to be humiliated and cast out with their own confessions standing against them. I did not know this until later. But under no consideration could I turn against God and defile His work and debauch Him by denying His power.
I was not hanged as a witch. I was not crucified. I was stoned to death. And the great man who hurled those stones of mockery and falsehood had others hold his cloak while he did the stoning. And those stones were very deadly in the hands of a man so great.
In the tragedy of my heartbreak and in the overwhelming grief of my sorrow, for that man had robbed me of everything my life had consisted of, I went forth an outcast. I went to the mountains to cry out my anguish in tears as I buried my face in the dust and wept in the despairing agony of my soul.
And an angel of the Lord came to me and I was given direction to cover that period of my life -- and was taken away that they saw me not again for three years, then only for so short a period I was gone before they realized I had been there.
And they rejoiced as they lifted up the ancient chant until the valleys echoed with it and the mountains vibrated with the repetition of its tones. And that ancient chant gathered up momentum as the words issued forth: "'All is well in Zion; Yea, Zion prospereth, all is well!' . . . And thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell." Yes, "Woe unto them that turneth aside the just for a thing of naught and revile against that which is good, and say that it is of no worth! For the day shall come that the Lord God will speedily visit the inhabitants of the earth; and in that day that they are fully ripe in iniquity they shall perish . . . For behold, at that day shall the Devil rage in the hearts of the children of men, and stir them up to anger against that which is good. And others will he pacify and lull them away into carnal security."
"Therefore, woe be unto him that crieth: all is well!
"Yea, woe be unto him that harkeneth unto the precepts of men, and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost!
"Yea, woe be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more!
"And in fine, woe unto all those who tremble, and are angry because of the truth of God! For behold, he that is built upon the rock receiveth it with gladness; and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he shall fall." (Those who are built upon the foundation of pride and self-righteous arrogance tremble in dismay at the thought or idea of perfection, knowing they cannot fulfill it without humbling themselves).
"Woe be unto him that shall say: We have received the word of God, and we need no more of the word of God, for we have enough!
"For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little: and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more!" (2 Nephi 28).
That which will be added in abundance is revealed in the following: "And now, behold this is wisdom; whoso readeth, let him understand and receive also: For unto him that receiveth it shall be given more abundantly, EVEN POWER." (D. & C. 71:5-6).
Returning to the first reference, this is given: "From them that shall say, we have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.
"Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost."
So declared an ancient prophet centuries ago. And the prophecy stands and is being fulfilled at the present time. And I, Annalee Skarin, am called to bear witness of it. And this record is my witness. And the seal of God is upon it.
And now, I am instructed to proclaim my great love and to make it known that the whole world might worship and adore the great Almighty God, Creator of heaven and of earth, and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
I stand completely humbled as I am commanded to bear the fullness of my testimony and reveal the power of my love that some of the false rumors that have been circulated concerning me, by those without knowledge or understanding, might be silenced.
The record goes back a long way, back to the ending of twenty-one years of unfortunate, unhappy marriage. It goes back to the time when God released me from those bonds, according to a promise He had made to me years before. I was taken away and released from that marriage after I had been betrayed and cheated and my progress completely stopped and my field of service closed and all chances of fulfilling my destiny were barred.
It is also necessary to explain here just how and why I had learned to hear God when He spoke. My life had been filled with heartaches and wants and tragedy and suffering from childhood and I could not have survived if I had not learned to go to God for comfort and for help and for instruction. In my early childhood I had learned the power of prayer. And God never failed me. Sometimes His answers did not come in the way I desired them, but always they came in His own way and according to His own wisdom, which continually proved to be far greater than mine. And in time I learned to listen, though at first, I often argued with the information or instructions He gave. Eventually I learned to not only heed -- but to KNOW.
And so this record goes back to the time when Reason, whom I had loved across a continent and twenty-three years, was sent by God, to take me away.
Reason and I had loved each other before ever the world began. And before the mountains were formed or the rivers ran God had tied the bonds of an eternal union. And God Himself reaffirmed that union after we were brought together again.
In this life a continent had separated us for twenty-three years. And I had lived with him in my heart and he had lived with a small picture of me upon his dresser. And in those years before, when first we met, the forces of darkness, knowing the futures of our work, placed a hundred wedges between us and our broken hearts. And in that time of tragic sorrow we had each made the pledge to the other to live as nearly perfect as we could -- all the days of our lives. We shook hands on it at our last farewell. And no one knew of the anguish of that paring nor of our heartbreak and our tears for such love as ours few could understand for few have ever known.
Then, after many years, when all things had failed and the time of testing and of our developing into a knowledge of the full meaning of life, God took a hand to fulfill His promises and brought us together again.
And in our love for God, and for His Beloved Son, we renewed our pledge to live as nearly perfect as we could -- to intentionally or knowingly break no law or commandment, but to strive to fulfill each and every injunction ever uttered by God. We pledged ourselves to serve only Him all the days of our lives. We covenanted to live in virtue, abstaining from sexual intercourse, that we might not be guilty of transgressing any of the divine, higher laws. And since I had been married, and was divorced this seemed a most necessary pledge to us. Christ's injunction concerning divorce and re-marriage being considered adulterous on the higher level, we could take no other course than to make a covenant of complete abstinence.
It was easy to make the pledge for our souls were willing -- but our flesh was weak. Our love was very great. The joy of being together, after so many years, was in itself stupendously dynamic. God said, "I give men weaknesses that they might be strong!" It is surely not the weaknesses that give men strength but in the overcoming of those weaknesses.
We would spend half our nights upon our knees pleading with God to give us power to fulfill our covenant and to sanctify our lives in virtue, unto Him. And in the effort we exerted we had a small hope that our terrific struggle would help atone for some of the adulterous wickedness of this generation.
And only Reason and I and God and His angels, know of the fires of that testing. If we had been married many years, or even several years it would not have been so difficult. But we were newly wed -- and we were in love. I loved him with every singing, vibrating cell of my body. I loved him with all my heart. I loved him with my mind and with all my intelligence. And our bodies were young and strong, for they had not aged in the years. And we were mortal. We did not then realize that we were already striving for immortality. Perhaps it would have been easier had we known.
Very humbly we were seeking to serve God with all our strength -- then with all our hearts and minds and souls. And where our strength was weak God gave us power to subdue our flesh. And after a year the fires of our crucifixion were in complete control. And the problem of sex was taken entirely from our lives and all the desires of the flesh. And our love became even greater. Our love was unsullied and unmarred by any physical defilement.
We loved with a pure love that sang and vibrated at each touch, that was held in each glance, that rose in triumphant waves of singing splendor to vibrate across the universe and play new melodies upon the very stars.
Each caress was a sacrament of wonder. Each kiss contained a thrill of glory. Life never became sordid nor drab nor ugly. Nor did we ever take each other for granted.
As Reason would hold me in his arms each cell and fiber of my entire being would vibrate and sing in ecstatic, melodious wonderment, and my whole body would sing in reverberating splendor, "I love you! I love you! I love you!" My heart sang it! My soul sang it and every atom of my being sang it! My blood carried the glory of that love as it coursed through my veins with every pulse-beat. And with every breath that song vibrated on and out and up. And that love has continued to increase. It is a love that is dynamically eternal. It is beautiful beyond description and in a devotion of sanctification it has continued to increase.
And then, as Reason would hold me in his arms, our love would blend and go on out in adoring glory to the very throne of God and all the heavens and the earth were included in it. Our hearts would open as wide as eternity in a melting glory of unspeakable, reverent, holy devotion. Our love, of itself, would go out to place its tribute of tenderness and sanctified, rapturous fervor at God's very throne.
Then, increasing, that love would vibrate out to enfold the world and every living soul upon it in an holy anointment of healing.
In the sharing of this sacred information I am not saying that abstinence from sex is the fulfilment of the full law of righteousness. I am saying that the deep love we held for God, and the willingness to obey His EVERY injunction and command fulfilled the law of His righteousness.
The very power to condemn or to judge was lost and overcome in the greatness of our love. And here I must add, I hold no thought of dislike or resentment against those who were the instigators and the executors at my trial. It is only told here because I have been instructed to make a record of it. And I have done so without resentment or a desire to retaliate.
I am instructed to write these facts for a very definite reason. God has informed me that those who continue to fight against me and this work will be taken from the earth if necessary, to silence them. Or as the writer of the Odes of Solomon declared, concerning this work: "And all those who persecuted and were enraged became extinct!" I have pleaded with God to bless all who read these books and to soften their hearts that they might not revile against His work. At first I earnestly offered myself that those who did condemn or fight against it might be spared that they would not be destroyed or perish from the earth. Such is my love. And my forgiveness is complete. I gladly offered not only my life but my soul that those who would reject His words might be forgiven.
Such is the love God has placed in our hearts. It is the pure, Christ-like love which God sheds forth through the hearts of those who love Him, and keep His commandments. It is a love that enfolds the whole world and all who live upon it -- and all who have ever lived or who will live upon it in the future. It is a love that is more powerful than all the hates and prejudices and discords in existence. It is a love that knows no fear. It is a love of mercy and compassion and forgiveness. It is the love of God!
It is the love that has dispelled and conquered all physical weariness. It has banished negation. It has eliminated pain and affliction. IT HAS CONQUERED DEATH!
Such has been our love for God and for the divine teachings of His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ! And such has been the return of the love God has shed forth through our hearts. All physical mortal claims lost their hold and we were lifted beyond the human demands of the flesh into a condition of utter glory, of continual joy and ever increasing splendor as new fields of service opened before us in an ever upward, progressing of eternal wonder.
We were lifted into a world where sorrow is not and where pain and sin are unknown.
It is a dimension where vibrations are the reality. And in this higher realm there is no pretensions for vibrations can not be faked or assumed or pretended. Vibrations are the cause behind the effects. The effects are only the outward show or the manifestation of the results which vibrations establish.
In this sphere all pride, negation, jealousies, greeds and lusts along with the hates and dislikes are forgotten and left behind.
This is not a realm in which none ever knew or ever had weaknesses or committed sins. This is the world inhabited by those who "overcame" their weaknesses, "while in the flesh." It is the world where "mortals have evolved from the man kingdom into the God Kingdom" by stupendous effort and ever increasing love. It is the realm inhabited by "just men made perfect" through their own desiring and striving and hope as it becomes KNOWING.
This realm holds forth to all who can only believe and attain thereto, by following the path Christ marked, the way of continual, divine spiritual progress along the holy highway of "overcoming."
This realm is where Christ rules. It is the Kingdom of the Firstborn. And its gates are opened wide to all. It is the great spiritual Zion, the reward of the pure in heart. The way to this glorified City of Righteousness is so plainly marked and so simple a fool need not err therein, though the wicked can never cross over, as Isaiah proclaimed. The way is the Path Christ trod, the way of love and compassion and divine obedience to every law in the divine overcoming and the conquering of death, which is but the seal of Satan, author of death. It is the path of prayer.
In this realm there are various grades and districts. And they are all glorious beyond man's comprehension, for (human) "eye hath not seen, neither hath it entered into the heart of man the great things which God has prepared for those who love Him."
It is not possible to share more of these divine truths with you because they can only be expressed further in a language which is entirely spiritual. It is the language of truth -- the language of pure vibration. Lift your vibrations through love and prayer and the bringing forth of the Divine Christ Light within you and you will comprehend the language, for then you will fulfill all the laws pertaining to the Kingdom of Righteousness. Then you will need none to teach you for God Himself will be your teacher.