Vibration is what an infant feels when cradled in the protective warmth of its mother's loving arms.
Vibration is what a child feels and responds to when its father tosses it gleefully into the air or its mother plays with it in gentle tenderness. It is quite possible that the parents might play a little too rough, even to the point of hurting the child, but as long as it is play the little one will laugh in joyous delight. However if the parents change their vibrations of love and pleasure and solicitous kindness, or lay a finger, ever so lightly, upon the little one in reproof or discord its little heart will break.
Vibrations sent out in wrath and anger can injure a child quite as much as physical punishment, especially if that child is sensitive.
Parents can literally "beat" their children into a state of unreasonable numbness, smoldering rebellion, open defiance, destructive hatred or into a state of mental or physical retardment by their nagging, threatening vibrations and discords.
Children are especially sensitive to vibrations unless their spiritual reflexes have been dulled by a continual shock treatment of negation and mis-treatment. The vibrations with which a child is surrounded are more real to it than the walls of its home and the tangible furnishing of the house in which it dwells. The vibrations with which it is surrounded are the real substance of its existence. They are its life, whether pleasant or unpleasant. And that child's entire life will be affected by the discords of the ignorant, often selfish, moody adult supervisors.
Vibration is also the exhilarating, ecstatic allness of those in love. If these love vibrations were held to and never allowed to diminish this world would soon become a heaven. Married couples too often forget their love for their mates as their love for themselves is given predominance. Every accepted offense is but the injured, little mortal-self feeling sorry for itself. It is then the vibrations of hurt and retaliation and resentment build up and increase as they replace the vibrations of love and singing happiness -- and life becomes a long burden of painful endurance, retaliating actions, strident re-actions, smoldering dislikes, nagging hate or lonely separation.
Vibration is the sound or tone that lingers in the air long after the note has been struck upon a bell or upon some musical instrument. Vibration is the invisible manifestation of sound, or of thought, or of action. It is what remains after the visible cause has vanished.
Vibration is the lingering hurt of an unkind word. It is the fires of remorse, the essence of fear, the corrosive, degenerative, invisible, destructive potency of lust and dissipation. It is the undermining, disintegrating, hidden effects of hate. It is the consuming, revolting repulsiveness of greed. Vibration is the all-consuming fires of jealousy released in silence and in secret from an unloving, selfish heart to bring their own aftermath of destruction.
Vibration is the unseen, intangible world of cause and effect.
Vibration is light! It is also darkness, for all unseen forces are expressed in vibration. When active, the powers of both good and evil are manifest through the vibrating might of their rhythmed outpouring.
Light can only be made manifest through vibration. The light our eyes behold is vibration. By increasing the vibrations of joy and gladness and thanksgiving and loving praise the negative vibrations can be eliminated from one's life and the very element of "light will become subject" unto the individual. Light vibration is the penetrating, active energy of fulfilment for it opens the understanding and awakens the intellect to comprehend. It is the force that attunes one's entire being to the glory and the powers of heaven.
Positive vibrations of light and love always have the efficacy to dispel and disperse the evil vibrations of negation and darkness when called upon to do so. This knowledge contains the method of using the laws of "righteousness" correctly. The positive vibrations of joy and happiness and expanding love have the power to completely dissipate every negative vibration of evil and dismay.
The positive, glorious vibrations of existence are the creative forces of life and light released into exuberating action and dynamic power. Life itself is a manifestation of vibration as one lays hold of its vibrant, tingling joy of being. And "Man is that he might have joy!" This is the purpose for which he was created. Within the exhilarating vibration of praise and love and gratitude is contained the singing wonder of the ever renewing life force, which can be increased and multiplied within anyone who will only use its powers and bring it forth from within himself. Within the holy essence of the exotic vibrations of joy and gladness and gratitude and praise is the very vibrancy of "THE LIFE MORE ABUNDANT!"
As one learns to control every vibration that goes out from him, as well as the vibrations that are hurled at him by another, he will grow into the sublime power of having the very force and essence of vibrant life increased within himself until the power of life will become subject unto him. Not only will such a one begin to manifest "The life more abundant" he will reach the point where "No one will be able to take his life from him -- unless he permits it," even as Christ expressed. Such a one naturally becomes the master of life as it becomes subject unto him. And in this glorious achievement one receives also the gift of "LIFE ETERNAL!"
In having learned to control vibrations, as they are released from within oneself or by another, through the controlled power of thought, one can actually become so filled with light he becomes one with that Light. "Then there can be no darkness in him, and he will comprehend all things -- and God will unveil His face unto him."
The power of controlling one's vibrations, when comprehended, is one of the most simple procedures in existence. It is the road Christ traveled. It is the road of power when one travels it knowingly. One's dynamic powers of creation can be mis-used or abused or they can be used with unlimited power for good. One's vibrations can be weak, nil and almost non-existent. Or they can be repulsive and evil. Or they can contain the unspeakable powers of heaven within their dynamic, creative release. It is always up to the individual to select the caliber of his released vibrations as he sends them out under control. He can put all the energy of his heart, mind, soul and strength into them and they will have the power to sweep the earth and vibrate across the universe. Or he can let his wandering, idle, unproductive, unprogressive thoughts absorb his potential powers by exerting no control as his idle mind drifts to and fro.
Those who desire to fulfill the laws of "righteousness" or who are determined to make the "right-use" of the divine forces which God has given to abide within must exert themselves if they would become powerful. They must begin to comprehend the inner workings of the creative laws of the universe -- and of themselves. In taking hold of these inner forces it is quite possible and a very simple thing to be able to receive the fulfilling marvel of all the stupendous promises God has ever given to the children of men.
In seeking for this kingdom of power (within) one must truly begin to comprehend the stupendous energy released with every dynamic thought and feeling. As one begins to "hunger and thirst after righteousness" or for the might and the power to use the potential powers contained within himself, righteously, he will be prepared to step into a higher vibratory existence. He will then comprehend the limitless potentialities vested in himself -- even the unspeakable powers of creation and of divinity -- and "Of all that the Father has."
Every caliber of thought has its own vibrations. Every word, every emotion contains dynamic potency and must of its own nature release the vibrations which pertain to it. No one can think, or feel, or speak without sending out the vibrations he creates with his released thoughts and words and feelings and actions. These vibrations he releases are his own creations. And he will be judged by them if they are worthless and idle. He will be destroyed by them if they are strident and evil. He will be forever glorified and exalted by them if he has been the master and brought them into subjection.
As one begins to use the laws of that which leads to all "righteousness" he will find that it is truly the kingdom within which contains all the laws of heaven and the powers thereof. These immeasurable, dynamic forces of stupendous power are man's to master and to control in majesty and eternal, everlasting, unspeakable glory. Or they are his to release in uncontrolled violence to wreak their havoc upon himself, his loved-ones perhaps, or his associates or upon the world. And he himself will be held accountable.
Vibration is also the manifestation of Spirit -- and when contacted and released with understanding it is the very power of God in action as it flows forth from the individual in breathtaking waves of light. Vibration is always active. Vibrations are released and sent out by the thought forces of those who release them. Vibrations are the very force of creative power, used for good or ill, according to the development and understanding, or lack of it, of him who releases them. Vibrations are released with every thought and feeling whether their creator is aware of what he is doing or not. Yes, "All that the Father has is yours!" And the stirring command to: "LET THERE BE -- LIGHT" or love, or peace, or joy, or happiness, or plenty, according to the individual's need is within his power to bring forth. And "IT IS SO!" Or, "IT WAS GOOD!"
In comprehending the unspeakable power contained within the vibrations of one's own creating, man can indeed bring all things under his feet or under his control. Such a one has the power to bring all things into harmony and beauty so that the inner glory of God's Kingdom, of which he himself is a part, can be brought forth into the outer realm of his existence. And thus can all things become subjected unto him, in love and beauty and perfection.
As one learns to control his own thoughts and actions and re-actions, permitting no negative, vile, craven, lust-filled, evil, hate-filled thought or feeling to be generated or released through him, he will become powerful. "And all things will become subject unto him, both in heaven and on earth the Light and the Life; the Spirit and the Power, sent forth by the will of the Father, through Jesus Christ, His Son."
These almost incomprehensible powers are spiritual, nevertheless they can be released, directed and commanded by those who will fulfill the highest laws of their own beings. These released vibrations are the cause and the effect of every condition upon this earth, whether national, or individual, or whether the whole wide world is included.
The vibrations which are sent out with every word, emotion, action and reaction are the creations of man and are eternally his own. They will bless or condemn him. They will exalt mankind or help to destroy it. It is for each individual to decide the full measure of his creative powers -- for good or ill. If one's released vibrations are only selfish, lust filled and evil then that individual will more speedily be destroyed by the forces of darkness he releases through his own being.
As individuals learn of the unspeakable, stupendous power of the vibrations they release, and learn to control them, their lives will be straightened out and become enhanced in beauty and glorified in power. And as individuals bring the vibrations they release under control, or into subjection, the world itself will be benefited until the evils of this earth can be healed -- and its tears dried.
"The leaves from the Tree of Life, which are to be used for the healing of the nations," are the released, living vibrations which man himself must begin to comprehend and use according to the laws of righteousness.
When these vibrations are comprehended and used, even by a few, the world will more swiftly be prepared to step into a new phase of existence.
As one learns to comprehend the full power of the vibrations he releases in his everyday living and exalts himself into the full majesty of their controlling he will be able to use the very powers of eternity.
As one lets only vibrations of love and joy and gratitude and happiness be released from within himself, in a singing glory of eternal, vibrant power, he will KNOW the truth of every promise Christ ever gave to the world and he will be able also to "do the works which Christ did --even greater works."
As an individual learns to overcome his own vibrations of wrath, anger, hate, greed, lust, and selfishness, he will have the superb power "to completely overcome the evils of his life." Even the destructive vibrations of worry, which are but the released vibrations of his own fear thoughts, can be eliminated instantly by the exalting vibrations of increased love, or love for God, sent out in a vibration of praising glory. And it must always be remembered, "love casts out all fear."
With the first glimmer of understanding of these inherent powers, contained right within oneself, it is possible to begin immediately to use one's own released vibrations of love and peace to quiet discords between friends, members of one's own family, acquaintances or strangers. This is not accomplished through words. It is done by "POWER." "For my kingdom is not in word but in power." This ability to establish peace, even in wrangling assemblies, is accomplished as one silently exerts his thought to send out vibrant, powerful waves of love and peace and quiet. This power can be used at all times. It increases with use.
To comprehend the power of vibrations, which are created and generated by the force of one's own thought actions, one can truly develop the dynamic power of bringing all things and all conditions into subjection. These are the very powers of heaven, which man can take hold of and use as "all things become subject unto him, both in heaven and on earth."
Again, you may gasp and say, "Blasphemy!" And again the challenge stands forth, "Prove all things!"
No greater truths than these have ever before been written. These are "The great and marvelous things which God has kept hidden up from the foundation of the world because of the gross wickedness of unbelief."
And at last, I have been instructed to write these "Great, heretofore, unspeakable truths," for such was the promise of Almighty God unto the children of men. And the time is at hand.
These are the gifts and powers Christ held out for me to view when He came that night to heal lovely Linda, which account has been described in the book, "Ye Are Gods." Christ's arms were laden with the breathtaking gifts of life and of eternity. And with infinite love He explained, "I am so anxious and eager to bestow my choice gifts upon men as soon as they are prepared to receive them!" And I beheld those gifts and marveled. They contained the glory of health and happiness, of wisdom and understanding and the limitless power of plenty and abundance. There was the power not only to rule over every condition upon the earth, but the power to reach out into eternity and leave one's imprint upon the very stars.
This is the record of His divine laws being placed in your hands for fulfilment. Guard these truths well and rejoice in their glory of unspeakable worth as they become your own to use and to enjoy and to fulfill in eternal, triumphant glory.
Control your worthy vibrations and the evil ones will automatically be overcome. Exhilarate that vibrant life force of love and praise and gratitude and receive "the life more abundant!" Rejoice and give thanks for such dynamic, almost unspeakable powers which God has vested in you! Be increasingly aware of them and use them with all your God-given intelligence -- and become powerful.
The way is yours -- and the powers also. Use them for you are the instrument through which these celestial vibrations of power and glory must be released. And you are the musician, or the creator of these vibrations. And the melody or the discord is your own.
There are those who are almost vibrationless. These are the ones who never feel intensely or think dynamically. For these it is a more simple thing to begin to control vibrations. Vibrations, for them, will automatically come under control as they develop more intensified thinking and feeling habits.
Those who are already dynamic, who have lived and thought with deep intensity, the need to keep a continual guard around themselves for a period of time, as they set out upon this pathway of power, will be quite necessary. For them the problem is to bring into control every powerful, intense, dynamic vibration so that these concentrated, vigorous energies might be brought into complete subjection. In the controlling of vibrations the individual soon becomes the master and is no longer tossed to and fro by the storms and tempests of life.
To have these stupendous powers of creation brought into control the individual must comprehend the laws of their "right use" or righteousness. He must guard himself against every feeling of lack and inadequacy, against every disturbing thought or word or act. He, with this power and understanding, can, like Christ, exalt any condition of adversity into triumphant achievement.
In the commencement of one's journey into these higher powers of achievement he must be doubly cautious at first, for he will become supersensitive. Evil, loud, discordant vibrations can become shattering as they rise up to resist his control and his authority. Unless one is understanding and determined the trait of "flying off the handle" will be intensified.
But for the strong, dynamic, determined ones the path of overcoming becomes so breathtakingly intriguing and so filled with power he soon becomes the master. He quickly proves that this is the pathway of unlimited power as he learns to bring all things under control. "And all things become subjected unto him, both in heaven and on earth, the life and the light; the Spirit and the power, sent forth by the will of the Father, through Jesus Christ, His Son."
Such is the promise! And such is the power of learning to control or bring into subjection those vibrations one automatically releases under pressure and stress -- or under the moments of deep contemplation and exalted thinking.
It is quite necessary that one travel this path in humility and prayer as he sings forever the "New Song" out of the joy of his own heart.
To control vibrations until they are brought into complete subjection one must not only learn to control his thoughts, but his feelings! It is in one's thinking that vibrations are sired and in one's emotions that they are released or delivered.
"It isn't what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out of him." It is his released vibrations that either glorify and exalt him or defile and destroy him.