To be "Born of the Spirit" is the true fulfilling of this phase of existence. "For everyone who is born of the Spirit will have the power to come and go as the wind and no one will know from whence they came or whither they goeth" in their service of Sonhood and they step forth to "DO THE GREATER WORKS."
In Isaiah 40:28-31, is given this dynamic information: "Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary, there is no searching of his understanding.
"He giveth power to the faint; and to them that hath no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall.
"But they that wait upon the Lord (or who patiently partake of the divine nourishment of the Almighty through that spiritual, umbilical cord or direct channel into heaven, until they grow into maturity) shall renew their strength; they shall MOUNT UP WITH WINGS AS EAGLES; they shall run and not be weary; and shall walk and not faint." And in the fulness of this holy promise of God is given this added scripture from other sources than the Bible: "They shall receive treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures. They shall receive HEALTH IN THEIR NAVEL and marrow in their bones, strength in their loins and in their sinews.
"And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise that the destroying angel shall pass them by as the children of Israel, and not slay them."
This is the fulness of the PROMISE given to those who "LIVE BY EVERY WORD OF GOD." "For they will be called Gods unto whom the WORD OF GOD comes." They will as surely advance into divinity and righteousness as the oak tree grows from the acorn, the cat from the kitten, the chick from the egg.
In the promise that the destroying angel shall pass them by is the promise that they will be immune from death, so that no one can take their lives from them, except they permit it. This is the promise of being able to do all the works which Christ did. And this promise is given to those who OVERCOME as they "Hunger and thirst after righteousness."
The health in the navel is the most remarkable part of this divine revelation. The navel is where the umbilical cord of the infant was or is attached to the body in its prenatal state. To go back to this promise of "health in the navel" years after that physical need is over is most amazing. The promise that those who fulfill the laws of righteousness, will "RECEIVE HEALTH IN THEIR NAVEL" is the promise of the SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT as the divine, heavenly sustenance is supplied to the maturing, spiritual body within. And unless there is health in the developing infant's navel it cannot possibly grow or even exist. So it is in the spiritual growth required. There must be "health in the navel" to mature spiritually.
It is as the infant begins its growth that the umbilical cord is formed. At first it is not much more than a tiny thread. However this cord is enlarged as the tiny body develops and the demands are increased. The supply is expanded according to the increasing needs or the degree of nourishment must be continually increased to supply the growing needs of the infant. So it is with each individual as he travels this spiritual pathway of fulfilling.
"That which is born of the flesh is flesh:" said Christ to the questioning Nicodemus, long ago: "But that which is born of the Spirit IS Spirit!" With the powers to "come and go" in the calling of a divine service that fulfills the promise of being able to qualify to not only do all the works which Christ did but "TO DO EVEN THE GREATER WORKS."
Again, only if there is health in the navel can that contact with the divine supplier of spiritual food, the meat from the Father, be drawn into the being of man as he is nourished and prepared to "BE BORN OF THE SPIRIT." As one learns to "hunger and thirst after righteousness" the supply of increasing nourishment is also increased as the soul's full maturity takes place. And it is during this holy process of "WAITING UPON THE LORD," as Isaiah said, that one receives the renewal of his physical body and the power also to mount up with wings, as eagles, or to "BE BORN OF THE SPIRIT!"
And as the umbilical cord, supplying the pre-natal needs of the forming infant, waiting upon the development of its own tiny body, was or is attached to the very center of its being, so also is that area of the navel still the location of this heavenly supply. "The Secret Place of the Most High" is the spiritual navel right within man. "And he who abides in the "Secret Place of the Most High, dwelleth under the shadow of the Almighty," as he "waits upon the Lord," for his own maturing. This "Secret Place of the Most High" is the divine "HOLY OF HOLIES," the innermost chamber of the temple of man as the individual appointed to the assignment learns to become holy enough to enter and to finally abide in that most Holy Spot of divine contact with God as his spirit is nourished, developed and prepared to "Be Born of God." And as this is being accomplished one is truly "WAITING UPON THE LORD!" He is also "Dwelling under the shadow of the Almighty," or within or under God's loving, protecting embrace and continuing supply of assistance.
This is also the spot into which one can take any new doctrine and, holding it forth in prayer, will KNOW whether it is truth or not. No evil influence or falsehood can be accepted into the holy of holies, the point of contact with God.
And the divine offering, the only acceptable sacrifice that God will acknowledge from any child upon this earth, is, as He proclaimed, not the giving of all one's goods to feed the poor, or even his body to be burned, or the giving of all his time and talents in service, but only the "SACRIFICE OF A BROKEN (or open) HEART AND A CONTRITE SPIRIT." And it is only this ordained, appointed sacrifice that can open up the heart center, the navel and its connection with that glorious umbilical cord, which is the only open channel for inflowing nourishment direct from the throne of God. And as one opens this channel that through his own "hungering and thirsting" he begins to draw upon that supply, can it be given. This is the method of spiritual maturity and sonship.
As this is accomplished, this opening of the heart center, from the navel on upward, as it is offered to God, "with a humble, contrite spirit," that individual's "hungering and thirsting after righteousness" begins and he becomes "BLESSED" indeed. And it is this "hungering and thirsting," this urgent longing of the developing soul that pumps or draws that holy essence of spiritual supply into his being. And this supply is joy and LOVE. It is also known as "THE WORD OF GOD!" It is that inner, personal instruction and assurance that lifts one slowly and surely above the status of mere mortality. "And they were called Gods unto whom the WORD OF GOD CAME!
This HOLY Place of the Most High, this spiritual navel, this contact point with the umbilical cord, is the condition or accomplishment where one receives the benediction and the blessing of that Holy Spirit of Promise, as It promises that the PERFECTION desired and the complete fulfillment, for which the soul so earnestly yearns, will be reached. It is also the place where one is enfolded in "The Peace that passeth understanding" or which goes beyond the physical, mortal mind to comprehend, as that individual develops into a Prince of Peace.
"And those who are born of love are born of God," so testified John the Beloved. These are the true sons of God and they will need none to teach them for God Himself will be their teacher." And when they have fulfilled their assigned period of "WAITING UPON THE LORD" their full development will have been accomplished. They, having fulfilled all the laws of righteousness, even the "hungering and thirsting" necessary to keep the spiritual food flowing from the Almighty, will "BE BORN OF THE SPIRIT!"
Contained within this holy accomplishment, all the laws of earth and mortality and of heaven and eternity are fulfilled. "He who keeps that First and Great Commandment has fulfilled all the laws and the prophets." Every breathtaking promise of the scriptures and of the prophets and of the angels and of Jesus Christ and of Almighty God Himself will be fulfilled. And henceforth "All things will be subject unto him, both in heaven and on earth, the Light and the Life; the Spirit and the Power, sent forth by the will of the Father, through Jesus Christ His Son." And they become co-heirs and joint heirs with the Lord Jesus Christ for they will have OVERCOME all things, even as He OVERCAME!
As one opens up his living heart center (not just the physical heart organ), his whole inner being will be prepared to receive the nourishment through the healthy navel or spiritual point of equipment. That supply of celestial food, the nourishment of pure perfection is drawn into man's being through his "hungering and thirsting after righteousness" and he literally begins to partake of THE FRUIT OF THE TREE OF LIFE. This holy "hungering" and the degree and intensity of it gauges the amount of nourishment bestowed and even the speed of one's growth. And according to the individual supply is one's growth measured. This food of the spirit is truly "LIFE EVERLASTING -- even the food of LIFE ETERNAL." As one continues to make use of the supply so is it increased, as one receives his "daily bread" or food from the "Father which art in heaven."
This is what Christ was explaining when He called Himself the vine and described man as the branches. Christ IS the vine. He is, shall we say, the umbilical cord? He is the connecting or directing power of that holy supply of nourishment to each individual, according to their developed capacities to receive. And it is measured to each one according to the degree of his "hungering and his thirsting." The majority of mankind, however, have sealed themselves against receiving any spiritual food whatsoever. In other words, they have no "HEALTH IN THEIR NAVEL" for that living Christ center has never been contacted because they have been so satisfied with "the letter of the law" -- that little written letter of the meager passages of scripture contained in those incomplete verses of our Bible. Anyone who believes that God knows nothing more and can reveal nothing more than what is contained in those books is mocking God and his very thoughts are blasphemy.
"Christ is the vine" while God, the Father is the Husbandman, the Supplier. This opening or contact with the sacred umbilical cord, this "sacred Place of the Most High," this contact with the spiritual navel, brings "the life more abundant," the great spiritual Life, which Christ came to give. "I came that ye might have Life and have it more abundantly." This abundant life goes beyond any physical imaging or desiring. This is that which IS PERFECT!
It is from this "Secret Place of the Most High" that one learns to open and to contact or develop the umbilical cord, or that sacred channel into heaven. And Christ IS the source of Its establishment, the tender Director of its forming and its perfecting. The knowledge and humble use of this glorious privilege of being able to receive continual nourishment or enlightenment from God, the Father, is a glory beyond words It is "THE BREAD OF LIFE!" It is the contact with the realm of jeweled glory, the Place of divine ecstasy! It is the realm of those things "Which man's mortal eyes have never beheld, nor his ears ever heard, nor yet has entered into his heart." "These are the things which God has prepared for those who LOVE Him!"
And mankind has foolishly believed that all of this is something to be revealed and bestowed upon the righteous AFTER DEATH. And they have held to this blind belief because of the precepts of men. These dynamic blessings were ordained and intended for this life. They were intended for every individual who would prepare himself to receive them, while in the flesh. Just as Christ challenged Nicodemus with this question, after explaining the purpose and power of "Being Born of the Spirit!" "If I have told you earthly things and you believed not, how can you believe if I told you heavenly things?" And to this day no one has accepted or believed that glorious promise Christ gave of "BEING BORN OF THE SPIRIT, WITH THE POWER TO COME AND TO GO AS THE WIND . . ." etc.
These great and almost unspeakable blessings are earthly things because they must be comprehended and fulfilled while on this earth. Then only can one be prepared to advance into those heavenly truths and glories beyond this mortal realm. And those things which are beyond are only hinted at, not fully mentioned. For instance, "They were called Gods, or would become gods unto whom the Word of God came, or to whom that sacred supply of the continued, LIVING WORD of God comes." And again, in accepting of this higher, divine way of instruction, "LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU!" Give ear to God alone for "He will be your teacher and you will need none to teach you!"
These dynamic blessings of KNOWING THE TRUTH, of BEING BORN OF THE SPIRIT, of COMPREHENDING THE THINGS WHICH MORTAL EYES HAVE NEVER BEFORE SEEN, NOR EARS HEARD, NOR HEART CONTEMPLATED" are all blessings which can be received and enjoyed as one accepts them, fulfills them and moves on into their realms of everlasting power. These blessings are for the great eternal NOW, as man opens his heart to believe and his mind to accept through developing that "hungering and thirsting after righteousness," which alone can make one "BLESSED!" Yes! "KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE!" "KNOW GOD AND YOU WILL HAVE LIFE ETERNAL, FOR THIS IS LIFE ETERNAL TO KNOW THEE, THE ONLY TRUE AND LIVING GOD AND JESUS CHRIST WHOM YOU HAVE SENT!" "Those who KNOW God tell it not!"
As one practices diligently and sincerely that First and Great Commandment, working upon his heart and soul, as he exercises his mind, with all his strength, will most assuredly have revealed to him those wondrous glories which God has reserved "FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM." "And God will unveil His Face to those who Love Him!" Remember this, "And if you love me you will keep my commandments." Anyone who truly loves God will assuredly seek to fulfill and to perfect that First and Great Commandment of complete devotion. This is the love that has nothing to do with the teaching of men, or with the fears that man's inadequate teachings have fostered. This is the love that is complete, the love that has put aside "self" and its proud, hypocritical, outside services of display, lip service and emotionalism. This is the love that desires only to give, instead of seeking only to receive credits and honors. This is the type of love that can glorify God in all conditions, tribulations and hazards. It is the love that is not seeking for a "sugar daddy" to listen to its whimpering complaints, selfish demands or unreasonable requests, which individuals have not prepared themselves to receive. Those filled with perfected love are the ones who can rejoice in all things; in pain, in seeming misfortunes, in anguish or sorrow, and relinquishing these harassments unto the Lord, glorify His Name and rejoice forevermore as they themselves become glorified. These are the ones who can truly transmute any condition in existence by their attitude of praising gratitude. And in fulfilling this powerful privilege they themselves will become translated beings, "BORN OF THE SPIRIT!"
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man will open the door, I will come in and sup with him and he with me." This is when that holy, divine food is shared with the individual who truly "hungers and thirsts" for something beyond grubby, mortal existence. And this door, at which Christ is waiting, is the opening to that inner channel through which one can receive continual instruction from God. This door has always been within man, waiting for him to awaken and answer that call within his own longing, hungering soul. This very entrance is the door into "THAT KINGDOM OF RIGHTEOUSNESS WITHIN, in which all else is added." This is the realm in which each individual can receive personal instruction from Almighty God.
Those who believe that everything God knows, or has thought, or has spoken, or will speak, is contained in that one volume, The Bible, are degrading and belittling the intelligence of God, and denying His power. They are seeking to bring God down to their own cramped level of thinking and being. They are, with their own ignorance and bigotry and impiety, commanding God to be silent forever more. They are placing a gag upon the mouth of God by their own warped, narrow minds. They are proclaiming that God has had His say and can never speak again. The very absurdity of such an idea is sheer blasphemy.
God Himself declared, "I will do nothing except I reveal my mind and will unto my servants, the prophets."
In the last verse recorded in the testimony of beloved Saint John is given this wonderful bit of information:
"And there are also many other things which Jesus did, and which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen." So testified Christ's most beloved apostle, the one dearest to His heart.
In the fifteenth chapter of Saint John is stressed several times the glorious truth that Christ Himself is the vine and that without that contact with the vine man can produce no fruit, or accomplish no good, but is destined to become withered and useless and worthy only to be cut off and cast into the fire.
Also, on that last night Christ spent with his apostles, he informed them that there were many more things which he desired to share with them but that they were not prepared to receive them."
Then is given this glorious information, in John 16:12, as follows: "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide you into all truth, for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak; and he will show you things to come." Here again is the promise of that divine, eternal contact and the information of continued instruction from Almighty God.
"And no man receiveth a fulness unless he keepeth His commandments." "And if he keeps that First and Great Commandment he has fulfilled ALL THE LAWS AND THE COMMANDMENTS AND THE PROPHETS." And to continue with that first sentence of this paragraph: "he that keepeth His commandments RECEIVETH TRUTH AND LIGHT, UNTIL HE IS GLORIFIED IN TRUTH AND KNOWETH ALL THINGS." Such is the promise of Almighty God.
"And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us:
"And if we know that He hear us; whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him!" (I John 5:14-15). No one can enter that "Kingdom of Heaven within" and ask for anything amiss, for in that holy Place of the Most High his requests and his desires are purified and cleansed of selfishness and self-seeking and become wholly single to the glory of God.
"For the word (or that inner instruction) of the Lord is TRUTH, and whatsoever is truth is Light, and whatsoever is Light is Spirit, even the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and the Spirit giveth Light to EVERY MAN that cometh into the world; and the Spirit enlighteneth EVERY MAN through the world, that harkeneth to the voice of the Spirit. And EVERYONE that harkeneth to the voice of the Spirit cometh unto God, even the Father." Nothing could be plainer than this and there is nothing more beautiful or more gratifying to the soul.
"For man is spirit. The elements are eternal, and Spirit and element, inseparably connected (or when man is born of the Spirit), receiveth a fulness of joy. And when separated (by death) cannot receive a fulness of joy."
"And great shall be their reward, and eternal shall be their glory.
"And to them I will reveal all the mysteries, yea, all the hidden mysteries of my Kingdom from days of old, and for ages to come, will I make known unto them the good pleasure of my will concerning all things.
"Yea, even the wonders of eternity shall they know, and things to come will I show them, even the things of many generations.
"And their wisdom shall be great, AND THEIR UNDERSTANDING REACH INTO HEAVEN, and before them the wisdom of the wise shall perish and the understanding of the prudent shall come to naught.
"For by my Spirit will I enlighten them and by my power will I make known unto them the secrets of my will -- yea -- even those things which eye hath not seen, nor ear heard; nor yet has entered into the heart of man!" These are the promises and the blessings which God has prepared for those who LOVE HIM, or who fulfill that First and Great Commandment, for only they will prove their LOVE. It is most assuredly true that only those who do fulfill that First and Great Commandment of perfecting their LOVE FOR GOD, will be prepared to receive that great, unspeakable Promise in its fulness. They alone will be prepared to behold and to hear and to fully comprehend those great, dynamic blessings which God has hid up from the Foundations of the world for those who LOVE HIM! These are the great and mighty things which He has hid up because of the hardness of men's hearts, and the blindness of their minds and because of the great wickedness of unbelief."
If anyone desires to know if God LIVES and if He will or can fulfill His PROMISES, has only to "PROVE ME NOW HEREWITH!" by LIVING THE LAWS THAT HAVE BEEN GIVEN.
God also PROMISES that to those "Who purify themselves before Him, will He grant the PRIVILEGE OF SEEING AND KNOWING FOR THEMSELVES. That through the power and manifestation of the Spirit WHILE IN THE FLESH they will comprehend all things!" They will truly "Be born of the Spirit and be prepared to enter the world of glory!" Such are the PROMISES OF GOD as He waits for man to fulfill the laws pertaining to them.
The great key and the lock and the DOOR have always been right within the reach of every man's hand. It has been as close to him as his navel and as unnoticed. This holy contact with the divine supply of continual spiritual nourishment is given freely, until that which is PERFECT IS COME, or is developed and brought forth. This glory and fulfillment are awaiting those who realize they do not already KNOW everything, or possess all knowledge, or have all power, and through this acknowledgment grow humble so that they can begin to "Ask, to seek and to knock" so that they can be taught of God, in a new childlike humility.
In this very turning to God their maturing commences as they leave their childish vestures and swaddling blankets behind. This higher way is only for those who begin to "hunger and thirst after righteousness." And it is only those who are willing to leave their dependence on the "arm of flesh" and their noisy, jangling of their brass toys and their clanging cymbals and their babyish rattles behind. It is for those who have outgrown the infant crib, of which Isaiah so clearly spoke. It is for those who have developed the "hungering and the thirsting after righteousness" instead of showy "self-righteousness" with which they have permitted themselves to be held in unprogressiveness or who have themselves sought to awe the minds of men by their own childish, show-off antics and display.
It is as one seeks that holy "Kingdom of God" or divine contact with God, within, that his faith turns into KNOWING and his KNOWING turns into POWER. It is in this contact or center, this "Kingdom of heaven within" that one learns to fulfill all the laws of righteousness. He learns to be STILL and to actually KNOW GOD.
In this contact only can one receive the "fulness of joy, which belongs to the saints alone." This "Holy Place of the Most High" is the "Holy of Holies" or that seat of contact with God, or the point of instruction or revelation as one begins to associate with God. It is the place of contact with the great, outflowing glory of divine ecstasy and inner instruction. This ecstasy is at first given in just small measured portions. This is how and why one only receives those ecstatic, spiritual thrills occasionally at first, that is, until he learns to control them and to hold himself in holy majesty.
It must be noted here the boundless effort that is required to learn to control and to manipulate a small, infant body. It takes two full years, plus childhood, and often all the years of adolescence to learn to master the physical body. The spiritual body, as it develops, requires time also to be brought into perfect control as one learns to glorify the emotional system. It takes time and desiring to bring the spiritual, emotional being into the maturity of divine majestic, regal nobility of glorious mastery.
It is as one matures or grows, through his continued "hungering and thirsting" for an ever increasing supply of this divine, spiritual nourishment that the glory of divine ecstasy and joy and LOVE increases until it becomes a steady, permanent current of living, vibrating, effulgent fulfillment. Only by this method can one possibly "evolve from the man kingdom into the God Kingdom," or into the fulness of sonship as he is prepared to "Be Born of the Spirit!"
That inner center within man's own soul is the "secret closet" in which one can close the door to all outside negation and discords and disturbances and actually converse with God -- AND RECEIVE ANSWERS! This has been known "as walking with God!" It is the developed ability to associate with the Divine. And those who learn to make this contact have truly found "THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN WITHIN, in which all else is added." As one makes this contact all negation and evils and anguish and mortal worries and turmoils are left behind. They are dissolved by the Light and the glory of God!
"And whatsoever you ask when you pray, believe that you receive it, and you shall have it." This is the point where the Holy Spirit of Promise bears witness that your prayers have been heard -- AND WILL BE FULFILLED! This is when you know that God has heard them. This is also the point Enoch reached when he received "this assurance from God, before he was translated, that he pleased God." "And if we KNOW that He heareth us; then we KNOW that WE SHALL RECEIVE WHATSOEVER WE ASK."
"He who asketh in Spirit asketh according to the Will of God, and he shall have whatsoever he asketh." "He who asketh in Spirit" IS asking according to the Will of God because in that Holy, inner contact all one's desires become glorified, according to God's Holy Will, because one becomes so in tune with the Almighty his very desires become spiritualized and exquisitely beautiful! And one could not possibly "ASK AMISS" in such a realm of Holy Peace and Divine assurance. He could not even think of self-centered, mediocre requests. His desires are exalted into glorious visions of beauty and perfection, according to the will of God! "And he shall have whatsoever he asks." In this holy center, or inner contact, as one associates or walks with God, there is always that assurance that "the Father will reward him openly" or bring to pass or accomplish the completion of the desire out in the open, or make it a tangible accomplishment. And he shall assuredly have whatsoever he asketh. And then one can, with complete assurance, "Lay hold of the best gifts," as Paul admonished. The little, skimpy, selfish, commonplace or ordinary requests melt away as the hoar frost before the morning sun.
Remember this always: "They draw near to me with their lips and with their tongues they honor me, but they have removed their hearts far from me. Their fear toward me (and toward new truth) is taught by the precepts of men." This fallacious method of pretending to worship God is as empty and void and meaningless as it is possible to imagine. The LOVE toward God is not taught by the precepts of men. This divine, perfect LOVE is taught by the Spirit of God as individuals lift up their hearts to worship and adore. It is brought forth as one learns to sing THAT NEW SONG, of praise and LOVE and gratitude, which none but the righteous can learn. This song will open the doors to that "Kingdom of Heaven within." It will lead one to the complete fulfilling of that First and great Commandment.
It is in this yielding and adoring and gratitude and praise that one evolves into the point of full KNOWING. He is then prepared to be "wrapped in the power and glory of His Maker and will be caught up to dwell with Him," or become a translated being. In this accomplishment one becomes an actual bearer of these holy, living vibrations of eternal light and glorious ecstasy, filled with the full, comprehensive knowledge of God. He never again descends into the old ways of mortal fears and evils and negative thinking and living and existing, but remains in that higher realm of Spiritual attainment and "needs go no more out, into the lone and dreary world." And though he may choose to serve upon this earth, as a translated being, he will be able henceforth "to come and go as the wind," from one glorious assignment to another as he performs THE GREATER WORKS!
It is through the spiritual umbilical cord that the "substance of THINGS HOPED FOR" are brought into being as the Father fulfills the requests, or rewards that individual "openly" as his innermost hopes and desires are brought forth into complete fulfillment. One has but to hold forth his HOPES, without doubting, and FAITH will fashion the plan or pattern for their PERFECT FULFILLING. This is the "BETTER HOPE" that cannot be made perfect through the law or mortal ideas or beliefs. This is why FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY, which is the perfect Christ LOVE, are the only attributes or gifts of lasting virtue or worth. And the greatest of these three is LOVE!
Always the great and marvelous PROMISES are reserved for THOSE WHO LOVE GOD. "All things work together for good to those WHO LOVE GOD!" And the great and unspeakable things, which have been hid up from the foundation of the world, those things which mortal eyes have never seen, nor mortal ears ever heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, are the things which God has prepared for THOSE WHO LOVE HIM!" (Not in lip service but from their hearts.)
This LOVE is the greatest glory, the greatest joy, the greatest ecstatic wonder ever held out to man. God does not need such love as we can offer. It is man who needs to give that LOVE that his soul may grow into the fulfillment of all the great and breath-taking PROMISES OF ALMIGHTY GOD!
Concentrate on loving God with all your heart, and as you hold to this practice you will naturally begin to love Him with all your soul and with all your mind -- and you will love your neighbor as yourself, for you cannot have eyes single to the glory of God and carry around petty dislikes and agonizing hates for any man. The precious writer of the "ODES OF SOLOMON" wrote: "No way is hard where there is a simple heart. Nor is there any wound where the thoughts are upright. Nor is there any storm in the depth of the illuminated thought."
As the desire for this most wonderful, divine, powerful gift of PERFECT LOVE grows and is intensified within one the great unfolding or fulfillment will be accomplished. And he who loves thus will "BE BORN OF THE SPIRIT" and God will reveal those great, unspeakable things which "eyes have never before beheld, nor mortal ears heard, neither has entered into the heart of man." This is the PROMISE to those who LOVE GOD. And it was meant to be accomplished while in this life. And there is also that unforgettable PROMISE that God will unveil His face unto those who LOVE thus.
In this Living Love one's mind and lips lose the power to hurt and wound, and his voice will be heard among the Gods, for he will be prepared to associate with Divinity.
Glorious one, this is your heritage! This is the PROMISE! And, as the constant awareness of this sacred contact or continual realization of the TRUTH of God's PROMISES are made manifest, your hold upon that divine, sacred, umbilical cord will become assured until you "Fulfill all righteousness" and are fully prepared to "BE BORN OF THE SPIRIT!" A son of the Living God! A true son of divine, everlasting majesty and power! "These are the PROMISES!"
Peter unveiled briefly this method of divine instruction from God in these words: "For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and glory of our Lord, Jesus Christ, but were eye witnesses of his majesty. For he received from God the Father honor and glory, when there came a voice to him from the excellent glory. This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. And this voice which came from heaven WE HEARD when we were with him in the holy mount. But we have also a more sure word of prophecy (than either seeing or hearing); whereunto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your heart." This is the instruction that promises the complete contact with God in which the full KNOWING IS ACCOMPLISHED. (2 Peter 1:16-19).
"The Spirit of Revelation is in connection with these blessings. A person may profit by noticing the first intimation of the Spirit of Revelation; for instance, when you feel pure intelligence flowing into you, it may give you sudden strokes of ideas, so that by noticing it, you find it fulfilled the same day or soon; (i.e.) those things that were presented unto your minds by the Spirit of God, WILL COME TO PASS: and thus by learning the Spirit of God and understanding it, you may grow into the principle of revelation, until you BECOME PERFECT IN CHRIST JESUS."
This very Spirit of Revelation is the ability to receive the Word of God as it is given to you personally from the Almighty. As one grows into this marvel of revealing that does not necessarily entitle him to the right to go out shouting it to the world, such behavior, when encouraged or uncontrolled, often leads one into false prophesying and exhibitionism and evil. And this will close securely that channel of increasing direction from the Heavenly Father. One's growth and perfecting ends with his own yielding to his inclination to display the "self."
When the Spirit of Revelation does come it is but the witness of that contact and association with God. And it is for one's own personal growth, at first. In time that individual may be called to share such holy messages or teachings, but only after he is ordained of God and SENT FORTH to become the humble servant, even the very least in the hands of the Almighty, with the "self" completely crucified or put aside.
"These are the mysteries of Godliness!" They contain the mystery and the method of becoming God-like or the plan or pattern of growing into the principle of revelation until one becomes "PERFECT IN CHRIST JESUS." This is how one receives the word of God and so advances into divinity.
Truly, "The law made nothing PERFECT, but the bringing of a better Hope did!" And that which is PERFECT is the dynamic, pure perfection of LOVE ITSELF. And it can be brought forth only through the "hungering and thirsting" as HOPE IS ESTABLISHED WITHIN. And it is in this very "hungering and thirsting" that one learns to "SING THAT NEW SONG OF PRAISE AND LOVE AND GRATITUDE!"
This is how HOPE in the PROMISES is established and accomplished as FAITH FASHIONS AND FULFILLS THE PATTERN OF THE HOPE OR DESIRE HELD FORTH, through a hungering heart. This is why, of all the gifts mentioned, only FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY are eternal and lasting. Perfect these gifts and you will become PERFECT. This is how the method and the unfolding of that WHICH IS PERFECT WILL COME or be brought forth. And the command is that you "BECOME PERFECT EVEN AS THE FATHER IN HEAVEN IS PERFECT!"
But this must be remembered also: "He who says he is perfect is a liar and the truth is not in him!" If one has reached the stage where he has overcome all things he would be the last person on earth to tell it. Such boasting would instantly cancel his claim and turn it into vain-glorious self-righteousness and the very laws of such perfection would be annulled. Such a one, having broken the very laws of perfection or "righteousness," would be left unto himself, to boast perhaps in his empty memories, a weak vain individual without power or contact or light. He would be NOTHING and would assuredly be a liar! And so it is true that none who is perfect could ever speak about it without degrading himself and closing the halls of glory and fulfillment to his soul.
And now, I ask that you live these laws of "righteousness" which have been unfolded in this record and you will KNOW whether I have spoken of myself or whether they are of God.
So be it -- forever and forever – Amen!