Many individuals limit their goals by limiting their knowledge and their desires. They pursue the same humdrum path of ordinary mortality every day of their lives without ever realizing that their lives could be glorious and triumphantly wonderful if they would only make the effort to climb out of the deep rut in which they exist, and will continue to exist, unless they lift themselves up to get a higher vision and a comprehension of the full purpose and meaning of life.
Man was created to have dominion over the earth and over everything upon it. And you may be assured that that first dominion was to be over himself. He was created to be a ruler of majesty as he learned to contact and control the powers latent within himself.
The method of achievement is quite simple when one begins to visualize the goal he wishes to attain. It is always up to each individual to set his own goals. But many of the wicked, degenerate ones of this day and age think that the only dominion of any value to to dominate and control others as they bring them into abject servitude, such as Hitler accomplished. And like Hitler, all such will find their own goals crushing them completely as they are destroyed by their own selfishness and greeds.
The purpose of this work is to reveal the everlasting glory of true victory as one evolves into the full potentialities of his true, righteous, powerful dominion.
It is a well-known scientific fact that, if one thinks of something long enough and hard enough, it will tend to realize itself. This is one of the eternal laws of dominion and of PROMISE.
Every successful individual has visualized himself or herself as successful long before it became a reality. The actor dreams of being a star, the intern sees himself as a noted physician, and each player in the field of sports was obsessed with his ambitions for fame and success before he ever achieved his goal. The ambition tends, indeed, to realize itself AFTER the individual has paid the price -- or fulfilled the laws required for such victory.
The price required is a dedicated desire that holds one's attention constantly upon the goal he yearns to reach. This concentration or dedication is the pattern of fulfillment. It is the very seed that must grow and fulfill the thought pattern or desire held forth. Every desire is a living seed with the full potentials of complete realization when held as a vision in the mind of an individual.
"Without vision the people perish!" (Prov.29:18)
Those without vision will truly perish. They are traveling "that broad, open path that leads to destruction" -- or death.
Vision embraces a goal, a desiring, a hope, an ideal, a pattern which one sets for himself to fulfill. Without such a pattern there is no fulfillment. One merely exists.
And now, to return to the full function of the Holy Helper, the Divine Comforter, that is given to abide in man. The abode of this glorious Helper is within the subconscious domain of man's mind. It is the Holy Helper that makes all achievements possible. It gives one the help to master any project, become proficient in any undertaking, or to achieve success in any field of endeavor. Proficiency is Its gift or divine legacy to man. In operating a typewriter, an adding machine, driving a car or flying an airplane or in manipulating any piece of machinery or in becoming a great artist or an inspired musician, or just learning the perfection of self-control is Its function to perfect as it brings one to mastery. But man's cooperation is quite necessary for such perfecting.
As the subconscious is renovated and cleansed through the sustained exercise of learning to love God with ALL the mind, the wondrous Helper is released from all negative, crowded, cramped, discordant functioning as Its powers are opened up for the use and perfecting of the individual.
The powers of the Holy Helper are so limitless only miracles are released into the life of him who learns to draw upon Its fabulous functioning. It never sleeps! It never tires! It never grows impatient! With Its solicitous alertness It seeks to fulfill every desire of man as it LEADS INTO ALL TRUTH -- solves every problem and enlightens the mind to "comprehend all things!" And It is also the source of everlasting joy and glorious achievement. It is the great perfectionist as it assists one to become perfect in every undertaking as he lives the law of the angels.
The Holy Helper releases power and joy unspeakable as one learns to associate with this wonderful Spirit of Truth, this Holy Spirit of Promise, the Divine Comforter, this dedicated, dynamic Helper, which God has given to abide in us. It is joy and glory beyond imagining.
"For it is given to abide in you, the record of heaven, THE COMFORTER, the Truth of all things, that which quickeneth all things; and maketh alive all things; that which KNOWETH ALL THINGS and hath ALL POWER!"
Through this divine Helper is established the contact with Almighty God. This contact is established and made manifest through the Holy Ghost or divine Comforter, or that all-knowing, inner guide. It acts, at first, as the "voice of conscience" either in giving counsel or rebuke for errors, or for that thrilling, satisfying, glorifying touch of divine approval as one is patted on the back and embraced by the very love of heaven over some noble act well done.
And there are those unfortunate ones who "sear that voice of conscience with a red hot iron" as they reject It emphatically. And by this method It can be forever silenced by any human being as It finally pleads with God for permission to withdraw from that individual. And then is that man left unto himself and his way becomes ever more dark and unholy. These become the most desolate of all men for they have cut themselves off from the Promises of God completely. They become what is known as "LOST SOULS!" And there are many of them walking the earth today. They dwell in darkness as the powers of evil take over their lives, leading them into ever greater evils and wickedness.
As the voice of conscience is appreciated and encouraged one begins to follow that divine invitation of the Almighty Father to "Walk with me!" or "Abide in me and I will abide in you!" This contact with the Holy Helper is man's guide into glory. And it is released and contacted through fulfilling that First and Great commandment of living LOVE, released to God.
As one loves God with ALL his mind, that glorious, All-powerful, All-knowing, Divine Helper or Comforter is released from within Its realm to be a constant, living Companion of unspeakable worth. It is an "ever ready Help in time of need!" And at all times It is there to give assistance, courage and understanding upon any problem. It comforts and heals the heart in times of sorrow or distress. It brings all things past to one's remembrance as that one's mind becomes ever more alert and youthful. Such a one cannot possibly become forgetful, senile or inadequate. It is the quickening power that is given to abide in man. It not only has the power "To quicken, but to make alive all things!"
With such fellowship one need never grow old or ugly. And if he is already old It can gradually help to quicken and to renew the cells of the body as old age and ugliness and death are OVERCOME and banished. This Holy Helper is the Divine Assistant of God sent to man by the Lord Jesus Christ. It never fails except when man rejects it. But there are thousands who, in their blind ignorance, love and nourish and keep alive their sorrows in a defiling cesspool of self-pity. Such individuals would not relinquish one moment of their defiling negative attitudes for all the joy in heaven. Their very misery is their joy. And thus they reject the Comforter. Yet It is always there, until utterly rejected, seeking to give Comfort for every real or imagined moment of loneliness or desolation. In Its very tenderness and merciful understanding it can help to compensate for any loss, for any sorrow. And in accepting such proffered help the individual will be lifted completely above the evils of his life into a person of majesty and power.
This Holy Helper also has the power to enlighten the mind upon all problems, regardless of how impossible they seem. "IT LEADS INTO ALL TRUTH" so that one eventually "becomes filled with Light and comprehends all things!" This glorious, unfailing condition has been PROMISED BY GOD HIMSELF to those "Whose eyes become single to His glory!" These advancing ones also "become filled with Light and understanding so that there can be no darkness in them." And to such the Promise is: "God will unveil His face to them" -- and they will actually KNOW GOD, not just know about Him! "And this is life eternal, to KNOW Thee, the only true and Living God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent." And it is the Holy Helper, the divine Comforter, the Holy Spirit that is assigned to lead one into ALL TRUTH, ALL POWER and ALL JOY AND ACHIEVEMENT as It is accepted and released to perform Its full functioning.
As the Holy Helper or the Holy Spirit of Promise is contacted and accepted It does lead one into All-Truth. And in this contact one cannot possibly be deceived by darkness or error or by the rattling brass or clanging cymbals of those seeking to glorify themselves with their self-acclamations and unrighteous pretensions.
As one learns to open up first his mind, then his whole being, to this glorious companionship with this most gracious, Divine Helper, his joy increases until he grows into the "Fulness of Joy!" And there is no possible way to describe this glorious condition. One can only know and understand its breathtaking wonder who prepares himself to experience it.
With the subconscious mind renovated and cleansed and purified through loving God with All the mind, The Holy Comforter is released from Its tomb or sepulcher right within man. And with Its release It becomes man's perfecting, success, glorifying, joyous fulfilling mechanism of everlasting power. And Its Power is limitless! It is boundless! It is eternal!
Through the companionship of the Holy Helper or Spirit one can accomplish every noble task, achieve success in any and every undertaking as he himself becomes glorious in a singing vibration of breathtaking gratitude and joyous ecstasy.
"Without vision the people perish!" Yes! They do perish. They all go down into death and the grave.
It is only through the gift of vision that one can possibly take hold of the divine Promises of Almighty God!
One must begin to contact the Holy Comforter or Helper through his own gift of vision and his power to believe. This does not mean that he will necessarily behold the Holy Comforter with his physical eyes. This is not the pattern or plan of contact because this contact must be made through FAITH rather than through sight. The real contact, at first, is just that glorious allover feeling of all-knowing joyous ecstasy.
And this contact is made by visualizing the goal one wishes to achieve or attain. As one holds his desire forth, by the mental design of the conscious mind, it is accepted by the Holy Helper or Holy Spirit of Promise and is deposited into the realm of the subconscious mind. There it is the Power of the Holy Helper, within, this personal contact with Almighty God that does the works. It is infallible! It is All-Powerful! It is glorious and unfailing! It is wonderful beyond thought! And it is man's to use and to associate with at all times! It is the great and "wonderful Counselor" promised to man from the beginning. And it is man's to use, for "ALL that the Father has is yours!" To use! To enjoy! And to glorify!
One may advance until he has a mild mental vision of these divine higher goals but, until he begins to visualize himself as fulfilling them, he is seeing the Promises "afar off" and not preparing himself for full accomplishment.
In the eleventh chapter of Hebrews we are told how faith worked in the lives of the ancients, how Enoch was translated so that death could not touch him; how Noah built the ark through his faith in the Promises given to him; how Abraham also lived by the Promises that were opened to him, as also to Sarah.
In the thirteenth to the fifteenth verses of that eleventh chapter it states how all these Patriarchs, that is, except Enoch, died in faith, not having received the Promises, but having seen them "AFAR OFF: and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth, for they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.
"And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, THEY WOULD HAVE HAD OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE RETURNED." If they had beheld the PROMISES as being literal and real and placed them in the present they would not have looked at them in the "afar off" and could have fulfilled them in their day, and in their fulness.
This scripture of the "afar off" is tremendous. None of the Patriarchs of old or any living soul since, who has beheld the Holy Promises of God, needed to have died. Those, like the ancient Patriarchs who have been privileged to glimpse the higher Promises, have failed because they have placed them "AFAR OFF;" because of their lack of vision as they have been satisfied with the hearing instead of with the DOING! The Patriarchs could have each and everyone OVERCOME and reached the greater land, beyond death, had they but brought it into their present vision instead of beholding it always as being "AFAR OFF!"
The vision of the Promises is exactly where each man places it. It can remain in the "AFAR OFF" or it can be fulfilled in the great eternal NOW!
This is why each one must visualize himself as fulfilling the PROMISES in the NOW! LIVE ALWAYS AS THOUGH YOU HAD ALREADY FULFILLED THE DYNAMIC PROMISES OF ALMIGHTY GOD! Live them and you will KNOW and BE these Promises. This IS THE LAW OF FULFILLMENT!
This is the "exercising of great and mighty faith!" In this practice the doubts and fears are automatically eliminated as one begins to find the power and the strength of the Holy Helper and grows into Its constant fellowship. This sacred companionship becomes so real and so exalting and so glorious that life has no meaning without it. It is joy and ecstasy and enlightenment and the unfolding of the powers of Almighty God in the life of that individual. This very companionship is the divine contact with God the Father. And this contact and this constant awareness is the rightful heritage of everyone who will only learn to BELIEVE and accept it.
The way of contact is the great love as one renovates his mind by the singing glory of inner praise and loving devotion to God for the continual assistance of this divine Comforter or Holy Helper. And with one's mind thus cleansed by the great love he truly loves his neighbor for no one could love God with all his mind and hold evil, resentful, hateful thoughts in his mind against anyone. He truly thinks only the most beautiful things possible as his mind and lips lose the power to hurt and wound. And he, himself becomes as dynamically beautiful as his thoughts for, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he!" In this renovating of the subconscious mind through LOVE the Comforter or Helper is released to assist and to bring Its unspeakable powers of all fulfillment into the life of that individual.
This must be thoroughly understood, that no idea or desire could possibly form in a human mind in the first place if it were not possible. "Anything a man can think is possible else he could not think it!" To the one who doubts, nothing IS possible, for the doubter himself has decreed it so. And so it is -- for him. He has damned his own progress and enlightenment by his own unbelief.
This sacred, divine Holy Helper brings to fruition and completion all righteous desires as they are held forth in the great eternal NOW! As one makes the best possible use of his gift of imagination the desires of his soul are rayed or reflected out for fulfilling and "God shall reward him openly" or bring into open manifestation the fulfilling of those righteous desires. In the using of this powerful law of manifestation those divine elements, of which the entire universe is filled, are gathered into form, this divine and holy "substance of things hoped for!" This very substance is but waiting to "BECOME". By learning to use the gift of visualization, which is HOPE itself in action, one begins to enter the ranks of the great ones where doubts and negation are forever banished.
In Ephesians, chapter three, verses nineteen and twenty is given this powerful information: "And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge (which means it goes beyond conscious thought into the vibrational realm of true reality), that ye might be filled with the fulness of God.
In learning to associate with this divine, Holy Helper or Comforter one can "learn to talk with It as one man talks with another." Then, after one gives thanks and praise and rejoices in that sacred fellowship, he can make his desires and hopes known and he will be given the assurance of their fulfillment as he learns to LISTEN. It is in the learning to LISTEN that one will be directed into all happiness and master every undertaking and fulfill every PROMISE. It, the divine Assistant, will unfold the way to master every requirement for complete and magnificent accomplishment. The very association with this powerful source of glory is a joy forever.
"The Light of Christ is given to abide in every man who cometh into the world. And he who rejects that Light is under condemnation." This Light of Christ is the voice of conscience. And It is given to abide in every man who cometh into the world, until it is totally rejected and one's "conscience becomes seared with a red hot iron." After such drastic rejection that Holy Spirit or Comforter, or guiding voice or Holy Helper, upon request is permitted to leave that individual unto himself -- and from there on his wickedness and his evils and wanton disregard for either God or his fellowman truly brings him into a state of total rejection. This divine Light of Christ, this glorious, wonderful voice of Conscience, this Wondrous Comforter is the greatest most glorious gift God could give to man. And It does lead one into ALL TRUTH and All Joy and All Perfection, when accepted. And man himself can help direct It.
Imagination, love and suggestions are natural forces used in gaining the complete assistance of this glorious Assistant which helps accomplish All fulfillment. The only prerequisite in using suggestion is the genuine desire to attain the goal one sets for himself along that joyous road of anticipation and magnificent achievement. The released vibration of joyous ecstasy is the sunshine necessary for fulfilling the accomplishment as the Holy Helper brings forth into the open the request held out from within "the Secret closet" of true prayer or divine contact.
This "Secret Place of the Most High," this sacred "Holy of Holies," is the place of divine everlasting peace and fulfillment "For he who dwells in the Secret Place of the Most High abides under the shadow of the Almighty" where no evil or danger of disappointments or distresses or disasters can possibly touch him.
The Holy Helper is also the Revealer or source of hunches. His hunches are sometimes so compellingly powerful they would almost transform the very stones or the individual who has seemingly become petrified in his own orthodoxed unbelief.
Every individual on the earth has had hunches at some time or another just as everyone has had that voice of conscience bear witness of the good or the bad things he has done. Those who have learned to obey their hunches, however, usually take credit to themselves for those great moments of minute instruction. So very few acknowledge such hunches with a thought or a world of "Thanks" to that Higher Source whence they came.
This divine power of cooperation with the Holy Helper quickly becomes apparent when It is coupled with joyous enthusiasm and gratitude. With man's released thanks It then becomes a tremendous, undeniable force of triumphant, glorious Help.
As one contacts that Holy Helper or that Divine Light of Christ and works with It, knowingly, It begins to reveal Truths and facts beyond mere hunches. And with that comprehensive contact it becomes a simple matter to instill into the subconscious mind a positive success pattern as one applies his intelligence and energies to work with the divine Powers of God. The pattern one selects to be fulfilled will not be brought into the realm of reality by any half-hearted measures. And so trying the divine technique for only a few days cannot accomplish the fulfilling of the great Promise of Its eternal companionship in an ever present awareness. This divine contact and fellowship must be a constant, growing, fulfilling accomplishment of ever-increasing satisfaction. Results are as sure to come as the sun is to rise on the morrow if one but practices the technique of using the imagination to hold forth that desired request in minute detail and with loving confidence. As one holds forth his holy desires in this manner, without reservation or doubts and in all righteousness, they must be fulfilled. THIS IS THE PROMISE -- And it cannot fail!
Anyone who works for this glorious accomplishment of constant contact with the Divine for any selfish or ulterior motives will find himself a leader of the ungodly, bereft of light and truth and LIFE -- and rejected. He becomes but a clanger of cymbals and a rattler of noisy, brass implements of confusion. And it will all be vain and empty and will avail him nothing.
Only in and through learning to love God with all the heart, soul, and mind can anyone possibly contact the Divine and KNOW of the glory and the Power of the PROMISES and receive of their fulfilling as "The Love of God is shed forth through his heart as the fountains of living water!"
This procedure is infallible. It must work! "There is a law irrevocably decreed in heaven, before the foundations of the world, upon which all blessings are predicated; and if we obtain any blessing from God it is by obedience to the law upon which it is predicated."
And the foundation of the law is based on a sincere desiring along with a belief in the Promises of God. Then the perfect pattern or goal must be held forth WITHOUT DOUBTING! This is the method of all fulfillment.
"And he who asks anything of the Lord and DOES NOT DOUBT IN HIS HEART, HE SHALL HAVE WHATSOEVER HE ASKS!" And "Everyone who asks receives!"
There are two methods by which one can use this divine and holy law of fulfillment and no one can apply either without being benefited and eventually "quickened." One way is to "go into your secret closet, (or closing the door or conscious mind to all outside activities and distractions) talk to the Father Who seeth in secret, and He will reward you openly" -- or bring into tangible, undeniable reality the answer to your request. This is one way.
The other way is to be used as one goes to sleep at night. As the mind changes shifts from the conscious to the unconscious, between waking and sleeping, the conscious messages can best be relayed to the Divine Helper. This is the best method that can be used by a beginner or until that divine companionship is fully established. In this brief period of transition from waking to sleeping it is most easy to transplant the desires through mental visioning into the subconscious, or into the fulfilling power of the Divine, Holy Helper, for He doeth the works and will work out the glory of Its full manifestation. These two methods are in reality one and the same thing. The only requisite is that the desiring or request must be sincere and all haggling and all doubting must be absent.
This brings about the true contact with God. Not just for an exalting, fleeting moment! Not for a day only! Not just for the fulfilling of one small request or for a moment of self-satisfying demonstration, but for one's entire life as he moves into the realm of All-Power!
First, make a mental blueprint of your goal and be sure it is a worthwhile, worthy aim, otherwise you are cheating yourself and belittling the powers of Almighty God!
The most glorious and powerful of all desires is to request that the gift of PERFECT LOVE become completely established in you --EVEN THAT YOU MIGHT BECOME THAT DIVINE, HOLY LOVE OF MERCY AND COMPASSION AND HEALING, PERFECTING GLORY! With this gift established "ALL ELSE WILL BE ADDED!" This is the fulness of that Kingdom of Heaven within! And when one actually becomes that love he will automatically be "BORN OF THE SPIRIT", which alone holds the keys and powers of full service and eternal joy, along with the power to be able to do THE GREATER WORKS. Within this gift of perfect love is the power to overcome all things -- EVEN DEATH! It also contains the glorious accomplishment to be ordained of God so that all things will become subject unto that individual. "And all things will become subject unto him, both in heaven and on earth; the Life and the Light; the Spirit and the Power!" etc.
Eph. 3:19-20: "And to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with the fulness of God.
The power that worketh in us is the power of glory and of fulfillment, even the powers of God as we ourselves permit them to work in us. Our own desiring and our own degree of believing, even our own awareness and opened understanding, is the gauge by which these Powers are permitted to work in us. A sealed mind or an unbelieving heart cannot possibly receive of these higher blessings in their fulness.
And for centuries upon centuries this divine promise has lain dormant and unfulfilled in the lives of mortals on this earth.
How does one go about learning to KNOW THE TRUTH? Each church and denomination has declared in words of pounded thunder that it alone has the TRUTH even while its members have had no freedom from the ills of life. They have grown old and miserable and have perished. None have ever been released from their earthly problems and vicissitudes and evils and ignorance and fears and negation -- and DEATH! Worries and darkness have cluttered their lives as they have remained in complete bondage to the full evils and frustrations of mortal life.
Then ask the question, which Christ was asked so long ago and could not explain because none at that time were prepared to understand, "What is TRUTH?"
If the divine Comforter has been given to abide in man -- and if It is also the "Spirit of Truth" or the Light of Christ and "leads into ALL TRUTH," then the answer and the fulfilling of that sacred Promise lies in receiving the divine contact with the most Wonderful Comforter, that Holy Spirit of Promise, the Divine Helper. IT KNOWS TRUTH! Its mission is to lead man into ALL-TRUTH! And this could not possibly be fulfilled or brought to pass without man also KNOWING THE TRUTH! The full TRUTH! Not just a small portion of it! And with that KNOWING one becomes FREE, even that "he will be born of the Spirit and will be able to come and go as the wind and no one will know from whence he came or whither he goeth!"
And this degree of Truth and Perfection can only be accomplished by living the First and Great Commandment. It holds the keys to all perfection and all fulfillment. Only in the LIVING of this law can one advance above the laws of mortality and become forever dynamically, gloriously free. Only by the fulfilling of this great love does one have the power to be so freed and exalted that no mortal laws can ever again possibly restrict or hold him in their bondage. And he ascends above the promises and the prophecies and the teachings of the Prophets, for he is "no longer under the laws (or mortality) or the Prophets." He is henceforth taught of God! "And they shall all be taught of God!" "They shall no longer teach each man his neighbor for God Himself shall be their Teacher."
And now, another thought or two I am required to give before this record is closed.
Each individual is to be "tested and tried in all things!" But be not dismayed or afraid! Each testing is a glory and brings its own rewards. The testings are only the gauge to verify your own glorious advancement. And because one person was given a certain type of testing does not mean yours will be the same. When you can hold every vibration in exulting praise and rejoicing, no matter what comes or goes in your life, you have achieved the perfect control so that no negative, doubtful vibrations can possibly be dropped into your subconscious realm then you have become a MASTER.
And since it is within that subconscious mind that is the abode or cradle of that beloved Comforter, the divine Helper, "THAT LITTLE CHILD" that must be loved with such tender, careful consideration and care in order for it to grow and mature until one's being is filled with Its Power and Glory, it must be guarded. It is to be forever protected from the refuse and swill of one's evil, discordant, negative vibrations of wrath and jealousies and doubts and fears and evil reactions. It must be held in love and surrounded always in joy and gladness and faith and confidence and such infinite tenderness. Yes! "It must be loved as a little child!" It must be guarded from all evils even as a little child is guarded. It must be protected from every mortal vibration and every negative thought. And as that "small voice of conscience" is listened to and welcomed and obeyed that voice will grow in volume and grandeur and power. And Its divine love and approval will give power and strength and enlightenment to that noble, courageous one who learns to tune his ears to LISTENING and learns to follow. And then only can "IT LEAD INTO ALL TRUTH and REVEAL ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS AND BESTOW ALL POWER!"
As the subconscious mind is cleansed and renovated through learning to "Love God with all the mind" that Holy Helper, that divine Holy Spirit of Promise, that glorious Comforter, that Pure Light of Christ, can be released to reveal ALL TRUTH. And only then can one possibly be prepared to comprehend all truth!
And then it is that the conscious mind is freed from the negation of selfish, negative thinking and will truly have lost the power to "HURT OR WOUND." And then will that individual's voice be heard among the Gods. And then is when one will have completely fulfilled the law of the angels and will advance above that law into the higher laws of divinity.
And when the conscious mind has been opened to become the dynamic instrument for sending out only love, the subconscious will be purified and cleansed and perfected and the "LITTLE CHILD" will have matured until It fills the entire being of man.
Then, as the conscious mind sends out only love, without doubts or negation or any antagonistic, discordant thoughts of jealousy or wrath or resentment, one is automatically able to open the doors to that divine, Superconscious mind.
This superconscious mind is the “SACRED CORNERSTONE which was rejected by the builders.” It contains the complete contact with God. This most holy truth is indeed sacred and has been carefully guarded down the ages.
The Great Pyramid of Egypt contains the hidden knowledge. The Great Pyramid of Gizeh was constructed under the minute instruction of the Almighty. And under the Spirit of inspiration that Pyramid was selected to glorify the seal of the United States of America. This seal, in its fulness, displays the great cornerstone that was rejected by the builders as it is exalted above the Pyramid itself. And upon this capstone or chief cornerstone is displayed the great ALL-SEEING EYE of all wisdom and knowledge. This sacred emblem is also placed upon every slip of paper money issued by the government of the United States.
The divine Truth so beautifully portrayed in this sacred symbol has existed for centuries and everlasting ages as it reveals the hidden secret of the rejected powers contained right within man. Each man has been the builder of himself. And each man has rejected the truth of his own inherent divinity and divine powers. And in that rejection man has truly rejected the things of Light and power and glory for within that sacred capstone, the superconscious mind, is contained the Great All-Seeing Eye of All-Knowing. And even to this day it is still rejected as man is left to remain in a dormant inactive, mediocre state of mere mortality. This is of his own doing and choice, "as he has rejected that divine Light of Christ which was given to abide in every man who cometh into the world!"
This great "ALL-SEEING EYE, right within man, is locked within the sacred superconscious realm and when that realm is opened through the perfecting of LOVE that realm will become a living part of man's divine heritage. And as that "ALL-SEEING, ALL-KNOWING EYE IS OPENED AND USED, one will fulfill that glorious PROMISE That he shall comprehend all things!" And God will unveil His face unto Him. This is man's true legacy. Yet it can only be received as one prepares himself for so divine a gift and power by living that First and Great Commandment as one learns to love God with ALL HIS MIND. Then is the supreme mind opened and its unspeakable powers of Light and Truth bestowed in their fulness. Then is one truly filled with Light and there can be no darkness in him. And only LOVE can release It and bring Its divine powers into activity within man as It is no longer rejected by the builders of the physical temple of man -- himself.
Beyond this I cannot take you! Only you can travel this Path from here on into the realm of full KNOWING as you yourselves prepare to experience the glory of the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD -- and of ETERNAL LIFE!"
And God bless you forever and forever -- With all my love! Amen!