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Table of Contents for: Beyond Mortal Boundaries by Annalee Skarin →

Chapter XVII

Beyond Mortal Boundaries

Yes, it is quite possible to transform and translate the physical cells of the body into their divine, spiritual essence, cell by cell, as the body takes on the radiance of the spirit in a gradual process of OVERCOMING.

But there is an even speedier way to bring about this divine transition right within oneself.

The keys of glory are each man's to use. It is the privilege and within the power of every human soul to "Clothe himself in Light and to acquire a body free from sorrow or affliction or pain." In other words, each individual on this earth has the power and the equipment to transmute his physical body into a glorified spiritual one, "Born of the Spirit, or into a completely spiritualized, transformed, exalted being, beyond the powers of all negation, suffering -- and DEATH!

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." As a man transplants his thoughts into the depths of his being they become EMOTIONS. E-MOTIONS are but energy in motion. Direct the motion of your own released energy of thought and feeling and you will realize the dynamic powers which are yours to harness and to control.

With the comprehension of this creative force, right within himself, man can easily become the Master instead of the slave of his emotions.

Thoughts, directed into the emotions, establish VIBRATIONS. And vibrations are the living energy of which all things are composed. Vibrations are the reality of all creative power.

"Think the most beautiful things possible," at all times and you will become beautiful! Think the most glorious, powerful things possible and you will become powerful, in personality and in thought, word and deed. And you will be exalted into the fulfilling of your own thought desires.

"He who is thankful in all things will be made glorious!" The singing gratitude, released from the depths of a man's heart will exalt and glorify him. As "Gratitude, the Greatest Attitude," is released, triumphant, life-giving, spiritual energy is generated. It is first released right through the entire being of man himself as he uses it.

"Whoso offereth praises, glorifieth ME!" And in glorifying God one is himself glorified. The very vibrations he releases, in such inner praise, become the living essence of his own existence.

This "gratitude" that glorifies; this "praise" that exalts, along with the dynamic love for God as it is sent out from one's whole being, heart, soul, mind and strength, is the power and the very process of OVERCOMING, simplified. As one develops and releases only the exquisite vibrations of the Highest pulsating energy possible to generate, his entire being will be transformed thereby. He will become a spiritual being clothed in Light or the radiant wonder of Celestial beauty. He automatically becomes a glorified being and is "born of the Spirit." He becomes a person who has evolved from the man kingdom into the God Kingdom. He is no longer a mere earthly mortal. He becomes a translated being, FREE -- Eternally, beautifully FREE -- Free to come and go as the wind -- in a service beyond all mortal thought.

Now, for a moment it is necessary to digress from this highest place of accomplishment, into the mortal reality of everything that clings to earthlings -- until they put forth the effort and exert the desire to OVERCOME. Any negative, hateful thought, every resentful desolating feeling become a part of man also as he permits them to take over his being. He can and will become all the ugly negation of diseases and evil possible to crawl into by his own thinking and feeling and encouraged habits of self-pity, resentments jealousies, fears or greeds and lusts, which he may nourish within himself. Man is what he thinks and FEELS. And man is the creator of his own personality and whatever attributes he may acquire in his journey of life.

This fact is given so very plainly in Ezekiel, chapter twenty-eight and verses thirteen and fourteen. Ezekiel, a choice prophet of the Lord is commanded by God to give a divine rebuke upon the head of the King of Tyre. And with that rebuke comes an explanation of the reason for his rejection.

It is as follows" (Thou, King of Tyre), "hast been in Eden the Garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold . . . Thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

"Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee."

Like Lucifer, the King of Tyre was a divine and beautiful being, clothed in the exquisite radiance of these inner jewels of perfection -- as all were in the beginning. Then, like Lucifer, his own thinking began to bring forth the evil and the wickedness, which greed and jealousies and pride develop. And in such released vibrations he changed himself into an evil person, rejected by God -- and eventually by man.

Such is man's power to mold himself. He can also remold himself into a radiant son of light, a glorified being as he clothes himself in Light, or gathers the exquisite radiance of those jewels, or living attributes of the heavenly treasures unto himself.

The following is from James Allen's little book, "AS A MAN THINKETH." "Man is made or unmade by himself, in the armoury of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace. By the right choice and true application of thought, man ascends to Divine Perfection; by the abuse and wrong application of thought, he descends below the level of the beast. Between these two extremes are all the grades of character, and man is their Maker and Master."

"As a being of Power, Intelligence and LOVE, and the lord of his own thought, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which he may make himself into what he wills." (Ibid).

As one develops and perfects that Celestial Song of Praise and Gratitude and Love he naturally becomes clothed in Light. These are the vibrations of Light. There is no darkness in them. There could not possibly be. And as one sends out these singing vibrations from the center of his soul he clothes himself in Light. He acquires a body free from sorrow or affliction or pain. He will, by continually holding himself in the radiance of those three master color vibrations of pure spirit, become a living part of the Celestial symphony. Those glorious jewels of radiant perfection, those divine treasures held within or laid up in his own divine kingdom of heaven, become his own and all the interest and power possible to generate and increase.

Clothed in the inner radiance of these heavenly attributes the physical body becomes transmuted and exalted and one is automatically "Born of the Spirit. He becomes a translated being of beautiful perfection. This is the OVERCOMING that is required in order to fulfill the dynamic PROMISES OF Almighty God. This is the OVERCOMING REQUIRED TO DO THE WORKS WHICH Christ did and then go on TO THE GREATER WORKS!" This is the glorified Path that exalts one into complete equality and heirship with Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. And the Path is easy and most desirable and the road is sure.

It is a Highway of exalting splendor, a Path of Purification of the heart, without bigotry or stress or striving or condemning. It is a Highway of exquisite, increasing joy and dynamic glory! It is the Path to Godhood.

And it is no longer a secret, hidden path, though few find it, simply because they look for it outside themselves. This Path is the Inner, transparent, gold-paved Highway of inner, jeweled perfection. And it is now opened wide that all who so desire may enter, and "THE WAY IS SO SIMPLE A FOOL NEED NOT ERR THEREIN -- though the wicked can never cross over!" even as Isaiah testified.

But anyone who travels this Path overcomes all his self-developed, or inherent wickedness and becomes a radiant being clothed in Light and exalted in the radiance of his own heavenly treasures of perfection -- a divine son of God!

Thus, this transition from mortality into immortality can be speedy or slow, according to one's power to believe and according to the intensity of his desiring. It is possible to transmute the physical body slowly, cell by cell. Or it is possible to so hold oneself in the vibrations of singing effulgence, refusing to let the darkness of evil take over, that one can transform himself into a divine being very rapidly. Take on the vibrations of praise and love and gratitude and it is possible to pass very speedily into the realms beyond mortality.

Mortal boundaries begin right where each individual stands. Each human being is bounded on every side by his own mortal thinking and feeling habits. He is not only bound by them, he is often enslaved by these boundaries for they can be narrowed down until there is no space nor outlook, nothing but a dim, murky glimpse of gray skies visible through the iron bars of his self-constructed prison cell. Mortal boundaries can be as confining and as heartbreakingly dismal as any ancient, underground dungeon. Or one can be as free as mortal thinking can make him in an expanded joy of abundant living.

But it is entirely possible for man to go beyond all mortal boundaries. These boundaries are man-made and man himself can crumble them into dust and nothingness. They are of man's own making and by man are they upheld and maintained.

The narrowest cell can be expanded and enlarged by one first expanding his mental vision as he trains his mind to think beyond his normal daily habits.

As one trains himself to think beyond mere mortal thinking his spiritual vision is opened and enlarged. His powers of visualization are invigorated and developed and become usable. "For without vision the people perish!" Or, "Without hope one must needs be in despair; and despair cometh because of iniquity!"

Now, at last it is possible to give the final keys to those doors that open up the fulfillment of glory and go beyond all mortal boundaries.

When your troubles have increased until your desperation has reached the very climax of your endurance and your world crumbles into dust and disintegrates into murky fog, then lift up your heads and rejoice. For out of the slivers and the dust of your old, crumbled world a new and better one can be formed. Out of your despairs can strength be born. "Yes! I gave men weaknesses (and troubles) that they might become strong!" This is how one becomes strong -- in the OVERCOMING of the weaknesses and the utter desolation that can be increased and multiplied until the little, fighting-self is completely exhausted and is licked. And in this greatest of all calamities one will be given the vision and the power to "STAND FORTH, NEW BORN!" if so be he accepts the divine opportunity opened to him through such drastic testings.

This is so simple and so beautiful and so powerful it has been unbelievable up until the present time. And even now, only those who use this power will be able to prove its unutterable expanse of miraculous releasing as they become KNOWERS OF THE TRUTH!

When the heaped-up vicissitudes and calamities come, and they usually come in twos and threes and fours, don't panic and start frantically grabbing at the pieces in a desperation of hopeless frenzy. "Be STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD!" Yes! Stop! BE STILL! For one brief moment stand perfectly quiet. Don't start working on the fallen roof, the caved-in wall, the collapsed garage, the mangled car and the leveled fences.


And you will become the greatest miracle of all! You hold the keys of miracles in your hands. You are a living dynamo of unbelievable power! But you can only contact this power and use it as you control yourself and your own vibrations.

In the great, heartbreaking emergencies learn to be STILL, for only a moment, as you quietly whisper to the great and All-Powerful God, the Almighty Creator of heaven and of earth, your own Loving Father, "Dear God, I love you! I love you! I love you!"

Perhaps, at that moment, you can think of nothing for which you can possibly love Him! Do not let that disturb you. Just continue to repeat those words of love and in doing so you are releasing your disasters into His loving, capable, all-knowing, willing Hands. You are, in that instant of relinquishment, lifting yourself into a higher vibration in which a full contact can be made with His Powers.

And though your expression of love may seem to be but an empty declaration of hopeless despair and even mockery, you are lifting yourself above the storm and the tempest and the wreckage and disasters surrounding you and you become the Master of that impossible situation.

You release, in that declaration of love, a higher vibration of power. It is a vibration that reaches out beyond all mortal boundaries. And within a few minutes peace will come. And in and through the inner vibrations of this divine contact God can begin to take charge of the situation and "Do the works!"

You will, almost in the instant of your released panic, begin to receive comfort and assistance and wisdom and knowledge. And divine help will be sent to assist you in straightening out the disasters. And "all things will begin to work together for your good!" And you will reach a place where nothing in all existence can disturb you or distress you for you will walk in the released power of Almighty God. As you declare your love for God, in your great emergencies, you are beginning to transmute the evils and vicissitudes of your mortal life into blessings. Thus you "OVERCOME THE EVILS OF YOUR LIFE!"

Use this power upon every occasion and you will KNOW the power of God and your own divine contact with Him. Use it always and as you walk the earth you will become a worker of miracles, for they will fall into step with you -- "For these miracles are to follow all those who believe!"

And soon you will realize that you are the greatest miracle of all! You will live with miracles following at your heels. You may not always comprehend the full extent of such power as you pass along your way giving out praise and love and blessing in a silence of unspoken words. But miracles will be there, unannounced and unacclaimed and so naturally brought about there will be no need of rattling brass or of clanging cymbals to bear witness of God's great powers. These are the GREATER WORKS, unheralded and unacclaimed.

As that faint little, doubtful whisper of "Dear God, I love You! I love You! I love You!" expands and increases, you will KNOW that you yourself are a divine, glorified miracle of all fulfillment. As that silent little whisper of love is increased the increasing glory of divine gratitude includes each new wonder as the miracle of yourself and your own OVERCOMING becomes daily more apparent. Thus you OVERCOME the darkness of your life and become clothed in Light and acquire a body free from sorrow or affliction or pain -- and reach the point of Faith that turns into absolute KNOWING, as you become wrapped in the power and glory of your Maker and are caught up to dwell with HIM!"

This is not fantasy! This is fact! And it is yours to prove! And it is yours to live by as you leave the desolating boundaries of mortality behind.

Begin that whispered releasing of miracles, "Dear God, I love You! I love You! I love You!" And shortly, instead of you putting forth the effort required to sing so simple a phrase, it will be singing forth in infinite power from the depths of your own being in the dynamic glory of that New Song. It will not be in words. It will be in the silence of everlasting, increasing, expanding, eternal glory. And in the releasing and perfecting of that Celestial Song of the Universe you will realize fully that you are a mighty, living miracle. And that song will be perfected by the united vibrations of praise and gratitude being added in their full perfecting of limitless power! This is the all-powerful Christ vibration being perfected and released through you. "And he who is thankful in all things shall be made glorious!" "And whoso offereth praise glorifieth me!" And with your own whispered acclamation of "Dear God, I love You!" you will have opened the doors into the realms beyond all mortal boundaries.

You will become fully aware that you are a glorified child of God, just as you were intended to be from the very beginning, for you will become glorious! And in that glory you will have the power and the Light and understanding to step beyond all mortal boundaries -- FREE! Forever Free! And you will know that you are the very glory of God!

This too must be made clear, this key to take hold of and maintain that higher vibration, in which there is no darkness, is so simple anyone on the face of this earth can use it who has a mind to do so. And as one lifts his own vibrations with the glorious acknowledgement that there is a God and signifies his respect and love for Him that acknowledgment is accepted.

And no one in existence, no matter what their mental, emotional or vibrational level can remain on their present level who begins to whisper, within himself, "Dear God, I love You! I love You! I love You!" And in the development and release of that supreme key of devotion one's eyes become "Single to the glory of God!" He does become filled with Light, for this releases that vibration of Light and one becomes enfolded in it. He begins to comprehend all things! And his comprehension expands until God, in response to that glorious vibration, now perfected in the heart of man, unveils His Face. "AND THIS IS LIFE ETERNAL!"

"One evolves from the man kingdom into the God Kingdom" as he learns to control his own vibrations. Mortal, earthly emotions or vibrations can be mastered completely by anyone who so desires to evolve beyond grubby, physical mortality.

As one generates only the highest vibrations, he evolves into a condition or place of higher, joyous frequency of everlasting power, in which the darkness is overcome. Man is the selector of the realm of his existence, whether it be dismal, ugly, Hellish or perfect and sublime, according to his own understanding and desires -- and according to the effort he is willing to put into the divine privilege of living his life instead of letting it live him.

The road between the two extreme realms, the lowest and the highest, is the great Highway of which Isiah spoke, "over which the wicked can never cross." And yet he explains that it is so perfect and so simple a fool need not err therein. This road between these realms is the Pathway of OVERCOMING. It is the STRAIGHT AND NARROW WAY, of which Christ spoke, and which so few find. It is the Path that leads to Eternal Life, in which one need never die. It is the Path of exalted faith in which all doubts are overcome. It is a Path of high vibrations as one casts out the darkness of fears and ugliness and "OVERCOMES the evils of his life!"

This sacred, holy Path is a condition rather than a location. It is an attitude of Faith and exuberant, glorious gratitude and praising love. It is a Highway of continual, increasing rejoicing. It is the Pathway of love made perfect. And this Pathway is man himself. It is each individual, for only with man can this Pathway be selected and followed. Man is the one who must choose it. He is also the guardian of it and the traveler who fulfills its glory and receives of its effulgent rewards.

Christ truly said, "I am the Way." So is each man the Way -- his own way -- as he OVERCOMES the darkness and the bondage of mortality and evolves into the higher realm as his own vibrations are perfected and held in a divine symphony of singing, triumphant OVERCOMING. Then truly can mortality and all its darkness and negations be left behind.

This is the Path that leads to Life Eternal! It is more! It IS Life Eternal! And no human soul can possibly travel this Path of learning to control his own thoughts and emotions, which are vibrations, without "arriving at the point of Faith where he will be wrapped in the power and glory of his Maker and be caught up to dwell with Him." Or he will have the privilege of choosing to return to the earth plane, having been "Born of the Spirit" in which he will have the power to do the GREATER WORKS!"

The Path is wide open! And it is yours! Come!