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Table of Contents for: Beyond Mortal Boundaries by Annalee Skarin →

Chapter III

The Limitless Glory of Love’s Renewing Power

As one learns to love God with ALL his soul, he soon trains every cell and fibre and atom of his entire being to accept love until his whole being becomes the very essence of pure, divine love. One can so command his soul to receive this love, flowing through his own heart, that his physical body will be changed and he will become literally the very fulness of that divine love of God.

As one spiritualizes this physical body in this manner he cannot grow old or ugly or die. He cannot be ill or experience pain for these things will be transmuted or "done away in him." These negative conditions, these physical harassments are overcome in him and he fulfills the words and the promise which states: "He who overcomes the evils of his life and loses every desire for sin * * * will be wrapped in the power and glory of his Maker and will be caught up to dwell with Him." This is the power of overcoming made manifest. It is the glory of translation. And those who deny these things know nothing of God or His divine powers or of His eternal PROMISES. "For nothing is impossible to him who believes!" This comprehension of the power of love and of learning to send it through the entire body is part of the divine method of OVERCOMING mortality with its sordid conditions and grim penalties.

At this point one has not only been able to buy the gold tried in the fire he is invited to "Buy the white raiment that he might be clothed, that the shame of his nakedness will never appear" -- or the shame of his physical, mortal weaknesses.

It is quite possible, through this exerted effort of sending out love, through every living cell of the mortal body, to transform those cells of flesh into Spirit. Then one can take on the glory of the Spirit as he becomes clothed in Light, or in that precious "White raiment," promised by God. And every haggard blotch of age and mortality, every wrinkle of ugliness, every mark that has been engraved upon the body through dislikes, hateful thoughts, jealous, greedy or selfish thoughts can be erased and the shame of their physical imprint will never appear or become apparent.

This is the process of Translation. It is done thought by thought, cell by cell, as one completely spiritualizes his entire being and becomes clothed in Light. Thus one can be transformed into a vibrant being, clothed or arrayed in the "White raiment" or in the beautiful power and Light of immortality. For "Man can evolve from the man kingdom into the God Kingdom."

Anyone can do it! Just love with ALL your soul and prove it!

"Live the laws and you will KNOW!" Use your strength to practice and fulfill and so prove the unspeakable power of His perfection and of His promises! "For if you do as He says, then is He bound! And if you do not as He says then you have no PROMISE!"

Now, we must take another step along this road of overcoming, which, in itself, is a road of utter glory!

This step can be taken in perfect stride along with the two foregoing ones. They are really one and the same for one cannot possibly take one of them without taking the others unless he desires to fall flat on his face and refuses to pick himself up and go on to full mastery.

"Love God with ALL your mind!" This phrase is backed up by many quotations from the ends of the earth. For instance, “Think no evil" "Let your mind and lips lose the power to hurt and wound and your voice will be heard among the Gods!" Or, "Think only the most beautiful things possible!" Or, "Think as God thinks!" Or, as Paul declared, "Let the same mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God."

Then there is the great and glorious promise contained in the following: "And if your minds become single to the glory of God your whole bodies shall be filled with Light, and there shall be no darkness in you. And that body which is filled with Light comprehends all things!" And the promise is that God will unveil His face to such a one.

This contains the unspoken promise given in the purifying of the gold as the dross in the crucible of man is relinquished and purified or drained away so that Christ can behold His face in that reflected pool of molten purity. And the individual, thus purified, is able to behold the face of Christ. It is the same promise and the method of receiving it is the same -- the perfecting of love.

As one loves God with ALL his mind he will give up or relinquish his own little narrowed, bigoted ideas for he will outgrow them completely as he outgrew the toys of childhood. And he will feel a renovating process begin to take place in the dark caverns of his subconscious. This realm of the subconscious mind is where every discord, every hurt, real or imagined, has been stashed away to corrode and stagnate in the sewer level of the brain. All the shameful, hidden, sneaky, unworthy actions, every selfish, undesirable motive, despicable shadow of jealousy, every inferior trait is stored into the depths of those dark recesses of the mind. Every undesirable memory, every weak, hateful trait of character is smoldering there to be hidden from the eyes of the world. But they have NOT BEEN OVERCOME. They have been accepted and nourished and fed on the vitality and strength of the individual who harbors them or who has ignorantly permitted their existence to continue beneath the covering of his own blindness.

These are the realms the psychiatrists are trying to heal by their often harmful delving as they open these Pandora boxes of evils.

It must be acknowledged that there are these levels of hidden, negative memories and guilts that can destroy one's mind -- and life. And there are those individuals who dwell constantly in the sewer levels of their minds. These have become overpowered and overwhelmed by the darkness of their own creating. They are unwholesome and repellent. They permit themselves to become sewer rats as they dwell mentally upon all the evils of life, seething in their self-pity, their hatreds, their imagined wrongs and the burden of their own dismays. They are to be doubly pitied as they seek for love, not by earning it, but by trying to force it from others. These dwell only in the dark hallways of the past.

Love returns to him who gives it out. One does not possess love by pretending he has it as he makes excuses for all his lacks. And often these unloved and unlovable ones believe they are disliked because of their greater righteousness. And they do not realize that actually they have no claim whatsoever upon righteousness as they justify their undesirable state. They dwell in the realm where all their individual faults and weaknesses and contaminated dislikes are hoarded.

No person who gives out real love -- "the love unfeigned" -- is ever friendless or unwanted or alone. Anyone who loves with a great, unselfish devotion will as automatically draw people to him as the sun draws the faces of the flowers upward to his rays.

And as one begins to concentrate on loving God with ALL his mind these negative, discordant, selfish fears and self-pity of destruction are OVERCOME. This is the OVERCOMING of the darkness mentioned in the great promise of glory, which is as follows: And "If your minds become single to the glory of God you will be filled with Light and there shall be NO DARKNESS IN YOU: and that individual who is filled with Light shall comprehend all things” -- And God will unveil His face unto him."

This overcoming of the nether regions of the mind is the first victory to the one who begins to practice loving God with all his mind. This is also how one "OVERCOMES THE EVILS OF HIS LIFE, and loses every desire for sin; and arrives at the point of faith where he is caught up in the power and glory of his Maker."

This is the OVERCOMING! This is redemption! This is glorification! And this can be so complete that none of the gross iniquities of the past "will ever come in remembrance before the Lord." What a supreme promise of everlasting, merciful beauty! As the dark evils and sordid memories are overcome, by love and light, so that they will never come in remembrance before the Lord, one can be assured that they will also be blotted out of his own memory by his own great OVERCOMING. To such there is no judgment. To such the glorified law of mercy becomes the full essence of his divine existence.

As these traits of darkness are overcome so that the memory of them will be forever blotted out in a glorifying radiance of Light and Love he will be lifted beyond the physical law of death. The Tree of Life is only guarded from mortal man "so that he cannot partake of the fruit thereof and LIVE FOREVER IN HIS SINS." When sin is overcome then can one have free access to that divine Tree and partake forever of its Fruits insomuch that he cannot die.

This is the full purpose and the sacred PROMISE given to those who OVERCOME. And to him who overcomes there is no bar of judgment, in which his sins and secret thoughts will be revealed or displayed before the eyes of the entire creation. This is indeed MERCY. And this divine, glorious gift can only be claimed by one who OVERCOMES the evils of his life -- the darkness of the sewer system in his subconscious mind -- and it becomes purified thereby.

Those who die because of their failure to overcome, while in this life, carry the vibrations of all the evils and darkness, the dislikes and the self-pitying corrosion of the past with them into the world beyond. And by the darkness of these evils and the dreary vibrations of their unconquered negations they will be retarded in their progress in the realms beyond. And these vibrations of one's own failures remain with him for those in the entire universe to look upon.

To him who OVERCOMES, death has no claim. He cannot die, for having overcome all the evils of his life, death has to back down for it is the last enemy to be overcome in any individual's life if he fulfills the laws of its overcoming.

And if such a valiant one is called to serve in even the highest realm of Light he can step across, unhampered and without restraint and with perfect ease. The rays of retarding darkness have been so transformed into Light they bring the added power of their transformation into a brilliance of everlasting radiance.

These are the powers and the wonders opened to anyone who will take hold of the fulness of that First and Great Commandment and apply its dynamic powers in their lives. There is no individual on the earth who can claim a monopoly upon these gifts and stupendous powers.

And each individual has the freedom of his own desiring to select or reject this unspeakable glory of overcoming. There are no weaknesses, no inferior traits, no evil in this world or in any individual's life that cannot be overcome. The method is so simple even a child can fulfill the PROMISES. For God will grant wisdom to anyone who asks. He will grant wisdom and help to every living soul who desires them that he might comprehend the gracious glory of such possibilities, and so receive the power to prove the laws or PROMISES BY LIVING THEM.

It is when LOVE can be poured down into that "low-down" "maybe" area of doubt and fear and anguish and self-pity and hatred that the precious subconscious mind will be renovated, purified and transformed. Then the powers of its unused potentialities will come into perfect functioning. It is in the subconscious that the power to learn, to memorize and to store eternal truth abides. This part of the mind is also where one has the ability to master any task, skill or art. This part of the mind is where the sacred Holy Ghost or (Divine Helper) functions from. This divine power of unfolding is also the Revealer of Truth and is the ETERNAL WITNESS OF TRUTH.

This divine gift has never really been permitted to function in its fulness because it has been crowded out by the evil, negative thinking of men. When the subconscious is cleansed by love and filled with Light and of joy and gratitude then the amazing powers of Almighty God are henceforth released into the life of the individual.

We have here revealed the first step in the practice of learning to love God with ALL the mind, for LOVE casts out all fear -- and all darkness and negation and evil.

Now, comes the second step.

There is also the conscious mind that flutters and fluctuates between indecision and its outside strivings. This part of the brain must also be held in calmness and control as it is held in the awareness of released love. This is the realm of complete awareness. It is a condition of superb alertness, of undeadened perfect control.

As one learns to "Think only the most beautiful things possible,” the most gracious and powerful thoughts possible, then love will become the indwelling glory and holiness of its functioning. Then can the individual's thoughts and pure desires be immediately dropped or reflected into that perfected pool of purified gold, within the heart center, to create the reality of the most glorious hopes and dreams possible to maintain. This is the perfection of receiving the great wealth -- the power to have "all else added".

In this enlightened stage of progress one truly "walks in glory and becomes clothed in Light!" His whole existence takes on meaning and purpose and such happiness as few on this earth have ever dreamed of.

This precious mind is the one that comes into perfect control and dwells in full power in the great eternal NOW! The subconscious is of the past until renovated and cleansed of all the evil and negative harborings. The conscious mind controls the ever-living PRESENT -- THE ETERNAL NOW in a joy of ever unfolding perfection.

And when the subconscious and the conscious mind are thus renovated and purified they join forces with the great superconscious or divine mind and become united with eternal Light. HIS MIND BECOMES SINGLE or At-One! Such a one will become powerful! "He will comprehend all things! He will be filled with Light and there will be no darkness in him!"

THIS IS THE OVERCOMING -- this complete relinquishment of the darkness and the fears and the evils of one's mortal life.

This perfect condition is best described in the breathtaking PROMISE revealed in the following: "And if your minds (not mind) become SINGLE to God (or become united and work together as one powerful, synchronized unit) you shall be filled with Light and comprehend all things; and there shall be no darkness in you! And God will unveil His face unto you." And when that happens you will no longer be a mere mortal for the gift of Eternal Life will be yours.

This Superconscious mind is the great spiritual mind which is used by God. It is the God-mind within the individual. It is the glorified place of complete union or AT-ONE-MENT or the place of ATONEMENT, in which a man can become ONE with God, as Christ so earnestly prayed for.

As one practices "thinking only the most beautiful things possible,” he is preparing himself to abide continually in that realm of Spiritual power. This is the realm which belongs to the OVERCOMER. It is the realm that contains all the powers of heaven. And these powers were meant to be brought forth by man and used.

These great powers are revealed as follows: "Therefore it is given to abide in you: the record of heaven; the Comforter; the peaceable things of immortal glory; the truth of all things; that which QUICKENETH ALL THINGS, which MAKETH ALIVE ALL THINGS; that which KNOWETH ALL THINGS, and HATH ALL POWER, according to wisdom, mercy, truth, justice and judgment."

According to the divine wisdom of God is this power available to man. And according to HIS mercy He has placed such an infallible fountain of power within the reach of man. And according to His great TRUTH He has placed the record, or memory of heaven within the scope of our minds as well as the comprehension of ALL THINGS, or ALL TRUTH. We have not been placed on a lost, "lone and dreary world" without any access to truth and Light and the power of God. For according to the JUSTICE of God we have been granted an access to that which can QUICKEN us and MAKE ALIVE our bodies. And accordingly we will be JUDGED by the use we make of such dynamic powers of eternity.

These almost incomprehensible powers are given to abide in man. They are in the realm of the great superconscious mind, which man has more or less rejected and left unused as he has often dwelt, in his ignorance, in the lowest realms of his thinking area.

This higher or spiritual or superconscious mind is available for man's use at all times. But it is only when we have united our other two minds, the conscious and the subconscious minds, with that divine one, after they have been cleansed and purified, that we can reach the AT-ONE-MENT, Or receive the full degree of Christ's Atonement.

In practicing constantly the privilege of learning "to think only the most beautiful things possible" one soon learns to abide in that higher spiritual realm of his own divine self. He learns to rejoice and to use those fabulous powers which God, in His great mercy, has given to abide in man "that he might subdue all things."

As the three minds are thus united and become SINGLE or become cleansed and united as one single unit of functioning one truly becomes filled with Light and comprehends all things for he then opens the record of heaven, which is given to abide in him, for the subconscious realm will have been cleansed and so it will function in the purest power of its possibilities, which are breathtaking. And the conscious mind, filled with that Celestial Song of everlasting glory will exalt the body into a state of spiritualized perfection, knowingly and consciously. And thus all power will be bestowed upon the individual who will begin to develop the hidden glories of his own dynamic being, as a son of God.

These truths can be PROVED by anyone who is willing to give up his old ways of thinking and feeling and begin to live by the "higher laws of perfection, even as the Father in Heaven is perfect."

This superconscious mind is the great spiritual mind which is used by God. It is the God-mind within the individual. It is the glorified place of complete union or At-one-ment or the place or condition of ATONEMENT, in which man can become one with God as Christ so earnestly prayed for -- and gave His life to reveal.

"If your minds become SINGLE and are purified so that they can function as one, then all things are possible."

The minds can only be perfected, purified and united through the great love as one uses his conscious mind to direct this perfecting. And the conscious mind is most quickly brought to its fulfilling by the perfecting of the great Celestial Song of Praise and Love and Gratitude in a continuous melody of joyous release.

As one loves with ALL his mind he has OVERCOME the very possibility of remaining a repulsive, discordant person, clothed in bigotry, or of becoming such an individual. Such a one could not possibly lose his memory, or alertness or become senile. With his mind linked with the mind of God "he will comprehend ALL THINGS AND ALL THINGS WILL BECOME SUBJECT UNTO HIM!"

As one practices this great love in order to fulfill ALL laws and ALL commandments and release the unspeakable powers of divine love into his life he will be able to love with all his strength. This can be practiced in two ways. One can love God with all the strength of his heart, all the strength of his soul and all the strength of his mind. This will be accomplished automatically through practice. But if one practices loving with his heart, then with his soul, then with his mind and draws the love forth in a deep concentration of his entire strength he will feel for a moment of dynamic wonder the blending of the powers of his entire being leaping into a great thrill of fulfilling. He will feel, in that moment, such an amazing power surge through his entire being he will know that God is God. He will feel in that instant his entire soul being co-ordinated in one great, dynamic glow of Lighted power.

This will be only an instantaneous experience at first, but as it is practiced it increases in length of time until it becomes an established vibration in the life of that individual.